Using dotbot its awesome.
I'm using a fork (of a fork of a fork) of instant-markdown-d
which uses KaTeX
for maths (and has the upstream up to date):
npm install -g git+
There are some other tweaks for macOS, I do not want to miss:
Enabling and setting key-repeat and initial key-repeat rates via
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
The changes take effect after a logout. Warning If you want to present a slideshow with these settings enabled, you'll have a nightmate using most presenters.
Remap ESC and CAPSLOCK keys
sudo defaults read || sudo defaults write LoginHook $PWD/ && sudo ./
To properly activate autocompletion, I need to run
rm ~/.zcompdump
Weirdly, this reported "compinit: insecure directories". After a few tries, it "just worked"... If this is not the case, this github issue might help.
These should be fine, as per man pmset
sudo pmset -b hibernatemode 25 standbydelaylow 600 standbydelayhigh 1200
Thanks to some medium article
security add-generic-password -a "$USER" -s 'name_of_your_key' -w 'passphrase'
security find-generic-password -a "$USER" -s 'name_of_your_key' -w