Releases: biyooon-ex/giocci_engine
Releases · biyooon-ex/giocci_engine
What's Changed
- change keyname without prefix by @fomfom in #14
- Dev/v0.3.0 rc2 add application by @nishiuchikazuma in #15
- Dev/v0.3.0 rc2 dotenvy by @s-hosoai in #16
- Bump version to v0.3.0-rc2 by @takasehideki in #17
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0-rc1...v0.3.0-rc2
This release includes a trial implementation with Zenoh features!! 👀
What's Changed
- Add CI test at least deps.get format and compile by @takasehideki in #5
- Feat: biyooon, adding using zenohex by @fomfom in #7
New Contributors
- @takasehideki made their first contribution in #5
- @fomfom made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3.0-rc1
What's Changed
- Feat add module save nishiuchikazuma by @nishiuchikazuma in #3
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.2
What's Changed
- add: GiocciEngine files by @nishiuchikazuma in #1
- add: deps.get by @nishiuchikazuma in #2
Full Changelog: