marketsAI is a modular framework designed to simulate economies and markets. Each economy or market is an OpenAI Gym compatible environment. change
Because the library is still on heavy development we are not yet on PyPi. You can however install the package using pip:
pip install
The main code is in the marketsai/
folder. The relevant sub-folers are:
: In this folder there are two types of scripts:
Scripts starting in run_ are desgined to run environments. There you change the environment, specify the configuration of the training and create custom metrics.
Scripts starting in analysis_ take trained models and evaluate them on the eval_model of the environemnts. Here we create graphs as well.
economies: here we specify economies as environments that are suitable for RL training. Write know there are two folders, one with single-agent environemnts and one wil multi-agent environments.
- Growth Model
- Stochastic Growth Model
- Krusell Smith
- Heterogenous entrepreneurs
- Townsend
- Cleanup folder structure