The code contains AWS Cloud Formation confioguration for creating an infrastructure of multiple EC2 instances, load balancer in a network of private and public subnets. The project is part of Udacity's CloudDevOps nanodegree.
Defining the resources for the network:
- resources.yaml
- resources-parameters.json
Defining the computational instances:
- servers_final.yaml
- servers-final-parameters.json
`bash resources resources.yaml resources-parameters.json
bash instances servers_final.yaml servers-final-parameters.json
Select an AMI considering:
operating system
architecture: 32-bit (i386), 64-bit (x86_64), or 64-bit ARM (arm64)
root device type: Amazon EBS or instance store
provider (for example, Amazon Web Services)
additional software (for example, SQL server)
Some AMI could still be incompatible; search for an adequate one can be made in the EC2, Image AMI search pane.