This repo contains a general image captioning application using PyTorch and the COCO dataset. The application is dockerized and can be deployed on a cloud service. The application is also wrapped in a web-server API interface using FastAPI.
Install the pycoctools
with pip. In case of errors consider installing the "dev" version of python.
sudo apt install python3.X-dev
pip install pycocotools
Alternatively clone this repo:
git clone
and setup the coco API (also described in the readme here)
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
cd ..
Download data from:
Under Annotations, download:
- 2017 Train/Val annotations [241MB] (extract captions_train2017.json and captions_val2017.json, and place at locations cocoapi/annotations/captions_train2017.json and cocoapi/annotations/captions_val2017.json, respectively)
- 2017 Testing Image info [1MB] (extract image_info_test2017.json and place at location cocoapi/annotations/image_info_test2017.json)
Under Images, download:
- 2017 Train images [83K/13GB] (extract the train2017 folder and place at location cocoapi/images/train2017/)
- 2017 Val images [41K/6GB] (extract the val2017 folder and place at location cocoapi/images/val2017/)
- 2017 Test images [41K/6GB] (extract the test2017 folder and place at location cocoapi/images/test2017/)
The deployment of the application can be on a cloud service providing a bare-bone instance (such as DigitalOcean Droplet)
dockerize the application by running the build (see
save the image as a tar file for transfer to the server
sudo docker save -o PATH_TO_FILE.tar IMAGE_NAME
deliver the tar image to the server
rsync -avz PATH_TO_FILE.tar username@remote_server:directory
load the image on the server
sudo docker load -i PATH_TO_FILE.tar
killing uvicorns (if running) (
sudo kill $(pgrep -P PID)
To run the image in the background use the following command:
docker run -dit -p 8081:8081 IMAGE_NAME
on the remote server
The location section of the nginx config file should look like this:
location /image-captioning {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
The endpoint name should be defined in the fastapi app itself as well (as here)