a php library that makes querying faster & easier.
// Include the file in your project
include 'querify.php';
// Create an object
$querify = new Querify();
// Create a database
$database = $querify->CreateDB("databaseName");
//Connect to database
//assign a variable to store the array returned
$results = $querify->SelectAll($tablename);
//loop and display the data from the array
foreach($results as $results)
echo $result['columnName'];
// create an array with table column names as array keys and user inputs as array values
$data = array
'columnName' => $_POST['data'],
'columnName' => $_POST['data'],
'columnName' => $_POST['data']
// pass the values of the tablename and array in the parameter
//assign a variable to store the array returned
$results= $querify->Search($tablename,$column,$id);
//loop and display the data from the array
foreach($results as $results)
echo $result['columnName'];
// create an array with table column names as array keys and user inputs as array values
$fields = array
'columnName' => $_POST['data'],
'columnName' => $_POST['data'],
// create an array with table column names as array keys and condition value as array values
$condition = array
'columnName' => $_POST['data'];
//pass the variables into the update method
//pass the values of the tablename and row id in the parameter