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Changed the definitions of Deep.Product, Sum, and Only
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blamario committed Oct 5, 2024
1 parent f35f608 commit 68ebbd8
Showing 2 changed files with 77 additions and 73 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion deep-transformations/deep-transformations.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- documentation, see

name: deep-transformations
version: 0.2.3
version: 0.3
synopsis: Deep natural and unnatural tree transformations, including attribute grammars

148 changes: 76 additions & 72 deletions deep-transformations/src/Transformation/Deep.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,18 +8,16 @@

module Transformation.Deep where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative, liftA2)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose, getCompose)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose)
import Data.Functor.Const (Const)
import qualified Control.Applicative as Rank1
import qualified Data.Foldable as Rank1
import qualified Data.Functor as Rank1
import qualified Data.Traversable as Rank1
import qualified Data.Functor
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Rank2
import Transformation (Transformation, At, Domain, Codomain, ($))
import Transformation (Transformation, Domain, Codomain)
import qualified Transformation.Full as Full

import Prelude hiding (Foldable(..), Traversable(..), Functor(..), Applicative(..), (<$>), fst, snd)
@@ -38,54 +36,59 @@ class (Transformation t, Rank2.Traversable (g (Domain t))) => Traversable t g wh
traverse :: Codomain t ~ Compose m f => t -> g (Domain t) (Domain t) -> m (g f f)

-- | A tuple of only one element
newtype Only a (d :: Type -> Type) (s :: Type -> Type) =
Only {fromOnly :: s a} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)
newtype Only g (d :: Type -> Type) (s :: Type -> Type) =
Only {fromOnly :: s (g d d)}

-- | A nested parametric type represented as a rank-2 type
newtype Flip f g (d :: Type -> Type) (s :: Type -> Type) =
Flip {unFlip :: f (s (g d d))}

-- | Like 'Data.Functor.Product.Product' for data types with two type constructor parameters
data Product g h (d :: Type -> Type) (s :: Type -> Type) =
Pair{fst :: s (g d d),
snd :: s (h d d)}
Pair{fst :: g d s,
snd :: h d s}

-- | Like 'Data.Functor.Sum.Sum' for data types with two type constructor parameters
data Sum g h (d :: Type -> Type) (s :: Type -> Type) =
InL (s (g d d))
| InR (s (h d d))
InL (g d s)
| InR (h d s)

-- Instances

instance Rank2.Functor (Only a d) where
instance Rank2.Functor (Only g d) where
f <$> Only x = Only (f x)

instance Rank2.Foldable (Only a d) where
instance Rank2.Foldable (Only g d) where
foldMap f (Only x) = f x

instance Rank2.Traversable (Only a d) where
instance Rank2.Traversable (Only g d) where
traverse f (Only x) = Only Rank1.<$> f x

instance Rank2.Apply (Only a d) where
instance Rank2.Apply (Only g d) where
Only f <*> Only x = Only (Rank2.apply f x)
liftA2 f (Only x) (Only y) = Only (f x y)

instance Rank2.Applicative (Only a d) where
instance Rank2.Applicative (Only g d) where
pure f = Only f

instance Rank2.DistributiveTraversable (Only a d)
instance Rank2.DistributiveTraversable (Only g d)

instance Rank2.Distributive (Only a d) where
instance Rank2.Distributive (Only g d) where
cotraverse w f = Only (w (Rank1.fmap fromOnly f))

instance t `At` a => Functor t (Only a) where
t <$> Only x = Only (t Transformation.$ x)
instance Full.Functor t g => Functor t (Only g) where
t <$> Only x = Only (t Full.<$> x)

instance t `At` a => Foldable t (Only a) where
foldMap t (Only x) = Rank1.getConst (t Transformation.$ x)
instance Full.Foldable t g => Foldable t (Only g) where
foldMap t (Only x) = Full.foldMap t x

instance (t `At` a, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Rank1.Functor m) => Traversable t (Only a) where
traverse t (Only x) = Only Rank1.<$> getCompose (t Transformation.$ x)
instance (Full.Traversable t g, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Rank1.Functor m) => Traversable t (Only g) where
traverse t (Only x) = Only Rank1.<$> Full.traverse t x

deriving instance (Typeable s, Typeable d, Typeable g, Data (s (g d d))) => Data (Only g d s)
deriving instance Eq (s (g d d)) => Eq (Only g d s)
deriving instance Ord (s (g d d)) => Ord (Only g d s)
deriving instance Show (s (g d d)) => Show (Only g d s)

instance Rank1.Functor f => Rank2.Functor (Flip f g d) where
f <$> Flip x = Flip (f Rank1.<$> x)
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ instance Rank1.Traversable f => Rank2.Traversable (Flip f g d) where
instance (Rank1.Functor f, Full.Functor t g) => Functor t (Flip f g) where
t <$> Flip x = Flip ((t Full.<$>) Rank1.<$> x)

instance (Rank1.Traversable f, Full.Traversable t g, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Applicative m) =>
instance (Rank1.Traversable f, Full.Traversable t g, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Rank1.Applicative m) =>
Traversable t (Flip f g) where
traverse t (Flip x) = Flip Rank1.<$> Rank1.traverse (Full.traverse t) x

@@ -115,77 +118,78 @@ deriving instance Eq (f (s (g d d))) => Eq (Flip f g d s)
deriving instance Ord (f (s (g d d))) => Ord (Flip f g d s)
deriving instance Show (f (s (g d d))) => Show (Flip f g d s)

instance Rank2.Functor (Product g h p) where
f <$> ~(Pair left right) = Pair (f left) (f right)
instance (Rank2.Functor (g d), Rank2.Functor (h d)) => Rank2.Functor (Product g h d) where
f <$> (Pair left right) = Pair (f Rank2.<$> left) (f Rank2.<$> right)

instance Rank2.Apply (Product g h p) where
~(Pair g1 h1) <*> ~(Pair g2 h2) = Pair (Rank2.apply g1 g2) (Rank2.apply h1 h2)
liftA2 f ~(Pair g1 h1) ~(Pair g2 h2) = Pair (f g1 g2) (f h1 h2)
instance (Rank2.Apply (g d), Rank2.Apply (h d)) => Rank2.Apply (Product g h d) where
Pair g1 h1 <*> ~(Pair g2 h2) = Pair (g1 Rank2.<*> g2) (h1 Rank2.<*> h2)
liftA2 f (Pair g1 h1) ~(Pair g2 h2) = Pair (Rank2.liftA2 f g1 g2) (Rank2.liftA2 f h1 h2)
liftA3 f (Pair g1 h1) ~(Pair g2 h2) ~(Pair g3 h3) = Pair (Rank2.liftA3 f g1 g2 g3) (Rank2.liftA3 f h1 h2 h3)

instance Rank2.Applicative (Product g h p) where
pure f = Pair f f
instance (Rank2.Applicative (g d), Rank2.Applicative (h d)) => Rank2.Applicative (Product g h d) where
pure f = Pair (Rank2.pure f) (Rank2.pure f)

instance Rank2.Foldable (Product g h p) where
foldMap f ~(Pair g h) = f g `mappend` f h
instance (Rank2.Foldable (g d), Rank2.Foldable (h d)) => Rank2.Foldable (Product g h d) where
foldMap f (Pair g h) = Rank2.foldMap f g `mappend` Rank2.foldMap f h

instance Rank2.Traversable (Product g h p) where
traverse f ~(Pair g h) = liftA2 Pair (f g) (f h)
instance (Rank2.Traversable (g d), Rank2.Traversable (h d)) => Rank2.Traversable (Product g h d) where
traverse f (Pair g h) = Rank1.liftA2 Pair (Rank2.traverse f g) (Rank2.traverse f h)

instance Rank2.DistributiveTraversable (Product g h p)
instance (Rank2.Distributive (g d), Rank2.Distributive (h d)) => Rank2.DistributiveTraversable (Product g h d)

instance Rank2.Distributive (Product g h p) where
cotraverse w f = Pair{fst= w (fst Data.Functor.<$> f),
snd= w (snd Data.Functor.<$> f)}
instance (Rank2.Distributive (g d), Rank2.Distributive (h d)) => Rank2.Distributive (Product g h d) where
cotraverse w f = Pair{fst= Rank2.cotraverse w (fst Rank1.<$> f),
snd= Rank2.cotraverse w (snd Rank1.<$> f)}

instance (Full.Functor t g, Full.Functor t h) => Functor t (Product g h) where
t <$> Pair left right = Pair (t Full.<$> left) (t Full.<$> right)
instance (Functor t g, Functor t h) => Functor t (Product g h) where
t <$> Pair left right = Pair (t <$> left) (t <$> right)

instance (Full.Traversable t g, Full.Traversable t h, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Applicative m) =>
instance (Traversable t g, Traversable t h, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Rank1.Applicative m) =>
Traversable t (Product g h) where
traverse t (Pair left right) = liftA2 Pair (Full.traverse t left) (Full.traverse t right)
traverse t (Pair left right) = Rank1.liftA2 Pair (traverse t left) (traverse t right)

deriving instance (Typeable p, Typeable q, Typeable g1, Typeable g2,
Data (q (g1 p p)), Data (q (g2 p p))) => Data (Product g1 g2 p q)
deriving instance (Show (q (g1 p p)), Show (q (g2 p p))) => Show (Product g1 g2 p q)
deriving instance (Eq (s (g d d)), Eq (s (h d d))) => Eq (Product g h d s)
deriving instance (Ord (s (g d d)), Ord (s (h d d))) => Ord (Product g h d s)
deriving instance (Typeable d, Typeable s, Typeable g1, Typeable g2,
Data (g1 d s), Data (g2 d s)) => Data (Product g1 g2 d s)
deriving instance (Show (g1 d s), Show (g2 d s)) => Show (Product g1 g2 d s)
deriving instance (Eq (g d s), Eq (h d s)) => Eq (Product g h d s)
deriving instance (Ord (g d s), Ord (h d s)) => Ord (Product g h d s)

instance Rank2.Functor (Sum g h p) where
f <$> InL left = InL (f left)
f <$> InR right = InR (f right)
instance (Rank2.Functor (g d), Rank2.Functor (h d)) => Rank2.Functor (Sum g h d) where
f <$> InL left = InL (f Rank2.<$> left)
f <$> InR right = InR (f Rank2.<$> right)

instance Rank2.Foldable (Sum g h p) where
foldMap f (InL left) = f left
foldMap f (InR right) = f right
instance (Rank2.Foldable (g d), Rank2.Foldable (h d)) => Rank2.Foldable (Sum g h d) where
foldMap f (InL left) = Rank2.foldMap f left
foldMap f (InR right) = Rank2.foldMap f right

instance Rank2.Traversable (Sum g h p) where
traverse f (InL left) = InL Rank1.<$> f left
traverse f (InR right) = InR Rank1.<$> f right
instance (Rank2.Traversable (g d), Rank2.Traversable (h d)) => Rank2.Traversable (Sum g h d) where
traverse f (InL left) = InL Rank1.<$> Rank2.traverse f left
traverse f (InR right) = InR Rank1.<$> Rank2.traverse f right

instance (Full.Functor t g, Full.Functor t h) => Functor t (Sum g h) where
t <$> InL left = InL (t Full.<$> left)
t <$> InR right = InR (t Full.<$> right)
instance (Functor t g, Functor t h) => Functor t (Sum g h) where
t <$> InL left = InL (t <$> left)
t <$> InR right = InR (t <$> right)

instance (Full.Foldable t g, Full.Foldable t h, Codomain t ~ Const m) => Foldable t (Sum g h) where
foldMap t (InL left) = Full.foldMap t left
foldMap t (InR right) = Full.foldMap t right
instance (Foldable t g, Foldable t h, Codomain t ~ Const m) => Foldable t (Sum g h) where
foldMap t (InL left) = foldMap t left
foldMap t (InR right) = foldMap t right

instance (Full.Traversable t g, Full.Traversable t h, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Applicative m) =>
instance (Traversable t g, Traversable t h, Codomain t ~ Compose m f, Rank1.Applicative m) =>
Traversable t (Sum g h) where
traverse t (InL left) = InL Rank1.<$> Full.traverse t left
traverse t (InR right) = InR Rank1.<$> Full.traverse t right
traverse t (InL left) = InL Rank1.<$> traverse t left
traverse t (InR right) = InR Rank1.<$> traverse t right

deriving instance (Typeable p, Typeable q, Typeable g1, Typeable g2,
Data (q (g1 p p)), Data (q (g2 p p))) => Data (Sum g1 g2 p q)
deriving instance (Show (q (g1 p p)), Show (q (g2 p p))) => Show (Sum g1 g2 p q)
deriving instance (Eq (s (g d d)), Eq (s (h d d))) => Eq (Sum g h d s)
deriving instance (Ord (s (g d d)), Ord (s (h d d))) => Ord (Sum g h d s)
deriving instance (Typeable d, Typeable s, Typeable g1, Typeable g2,
Data (g1 d s), Data (g2 d s)) => Data (Sum g1 g2 d s)
deriving instance (Show (g1 d s), Show (g2 d s)) => Show (Sum g1 g2 d s)
deriving instance (Eq (g d s), Eq (h d s)) => Eq (Sum g h d s)
deriving instance (Ord (g d s), Ord (h d s)) => Ord (Sum g h d s)

-- | Alphabetical synonym for '<$>'
fmap :: Functor t g => t -> g (Domain t) (Domain t) -> g (Codomain t) (Codomain t)
fmap = (<$>)

-- | Equivalent of 'Data.Either.either'
eitherFromSum :: Sum g h d s -> Either (s (g d d)) (s (h d d))
eitherFromSum :: Sum g h d s -> Either (g d s) (h d s)
eitherFromSum (InL left) = Left left
eitherFromSum (InR right) = Right right

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