Simple command line utility for commenting on pull requests
npm install -g github-hotline
USAGE: issue-comment [--once] USER/REPO#NUMBER COMMENT...
issue-comment [--once] -u USER -r REPO -n NUMBER COMMENT...
Issue a comment on a pull request.
USER github user name
REPO github repository name
NUMBER pull request number
COMMENT comment to leave
--once create this comment if it does not already exist
issue-comment blamattina/github-hotline#3400 This works great!
# Create a comment on an issue
$ export GITHUB_USERNAME=username
$ export GITHUB_PASSWORD=personal-access-token
$ issue-comment blamattina/github-hotline#13 Looks good :zap:
Comment Created.
# Create a comment on an issue if one with the same body does not exist
$ issue-comment --once blamattina/github-hotline#1 Looks good
Comment created.
$ issue-comment --once blamattina/github-hotline#1 Looks good
Not created. A comment with this message already exists.