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Bjr edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 5 revisions

What is autoISF?

AutoISF adds more power to the algorithm used in AndroidAPS by adjusting the insulin sensitivity based on different scenarios (e.g. high BG, accelerating/decelerating BG, BG plateau). autoISF has many different settings to fine-tune these adjustments. However, it is important to start with well-tested basal rate and settings for insulin sensitivity and carb ratios.

Where do I get autoIFS

autoIFS 3.0 Quick User Guide

  1. Disclamer & Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. acce_ISF
  4. bg_ISF
  5. pp_ISF and delta_ISF
  6. dura_ISF
  7. Combination
  8. Exercise mode
  9. Activity Monitor
  10. iobTH
  11. Adapting SMB delivery
  12. Automations
  13. Settings Overview
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