AutoISF adds more power to the algorithm used in AndroidAPS by adjusting the insulin sensitivity based on different scenarios (e.g. high BG, accelerating/decelerating BG, BG plateau). autoISF has many different settings to fine-tune these adjustments. However, it is important to start with well-tested basal rate and settings for insulin sensitivity and carb ratios.
The majority of the AutoISF design and development effort was done by ga-zelle with support from swissalpine, claudi, BerNie, mountrcg, T-o-b-i-a-s and myself.
You can get AndoidAPS with autoIFS 3.0 at
Here in the wiki you can find the Documentation
Activity Monitor takes step counter from phone into consideration
iob-Threshold allows to better limit/control the total amount of insulin on board
New automation triggers and actions to allow for Automation rules specific for autoISF