is a record and stat tracking system developed for the Royal Palms Chicago Shuffleboard League.
For more information about the site itself, visit its FAQ. is a pretty standard Rails application that runs on Heroku and PostgeSQL.
When working on a feature, start a new branch on your own fork of the project. You cannot push directly to the master branch.
When your work is complete, open a Pull Request. Once tests are passing, and someone reviews your code, you can merge to the master branch.
You should run the site locally to test your changes before opening up pull requests. You will need Ruby and PostgeSQL installed.
- run
bundle install
to install dependant gems - run
rake db:setup
to create your database and load seed data - run
rails s
to start a local server
Do not push changes directly to Heroku!
After a pull request is merged, the site will automatically deploy (assuming tests are passing).