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Pablo Mayrgundter edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 1 revision

Here's an extended sample extraction using one of the buildingSmart test files.

Vertigo Building from Eindhoven Uni.

Reference input: src/testdata/IFC_2x3/7m900_tue_hello_wall_with_door.ifc Reference output: src/testdata/IFC_2x3/7m900_tue_hello_wall_with_door.json

The output json data section has the following elts, listed in order of the data array, with their expressID prefix from the IFC file. Note, all items in the data array have a globalId, but the marked items (e.g.#79 shaperep) have globalIds that don't seem to come from the input; implies they are being generated on the fly.

#1 project
#23 site
#29 Building
#35 storey
#45 wallstdcase
#52 propset
#97 openingelt
#124 door
#79 shaperep — NO UUID in IFC, but exists in ifc2json json
#83 shaperep — NO UUID in IFC, but exists in ifc2json json 
#110 shaperep — NO UUID in IFC, but exists in ifc2json json
#150 shaperep — NO UUID in IFC, but exists in ifc2json json
#2 history — NO UUID in IFC, but exists in ifc2json json
#20 geometricrep — NO UUID in IFC, but exists in ifc2json json
#41 relaggregates
#42 relaggregates
#43 relaggregates
#44 relcontained
#74 relassociates
#63 reldefines
#109 relvoids
#131 relfills

Currently, the ifctool only extracts referenced elements with --elts or --types or the spatial representation root if no arguments are given.

TODO: the default for no arguments given should be an array of all elts with globalIds as in json2csv.

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