These PowerShell scripts are provided as a refence to illustate how to wrap Blockbridge API in PowerShell
Common parameters:
-s/-secret secretFile.txt
Secret file contains Authentication Token encrypted using Windows login credentials. The script must be run within the context of the same user that created the secret. If secret file is not used, the script must be edited and $AuthToken variable set.
-h/-bb ControlPlaneHost
Specifies hostname of the Blockbridge API end-point. If not specified $BB_ControlPlane must be set in file.
Add snapshot to specified disk:
- "-t/-tag" parameter to specify a tag. All disks with this tag will be snapshotted.
To assign a tag to disk from CLI:
bb disk update -d [disk-label] --tag snapSchedule
- "-d/-disk" and "-v/-vss" can be provided to snapshot a specific disk.
Delete all snapshots older than specified number of days:
- "-d/-days" parameter which specifies how many days old should the checkpoint be to be deleted.
Example 1: powershell -command ./bb_add_snapshot.ps1 -h dogfood -s secretfile.txt -t snapSchedule
Example 2: powershell -command ./bb_add_snapshot.ps1 -h dogfood -s secretfile.txt -d disk-1 -v service-1
Example 3: powershell -command ./bb_add_snapshot.ps1 -t snapSchedule
Example 4: powershell -command ./bb_remove_snapshot_older_than_days.ps1 -h dogfood -s secretfile.txt -d 30
Example 5: powershell -command ./bb_remove_snapshot_older_than_days.ps1 -d 30
export BBUSER=account_with_storage
export SNAPUSER=snapmgmt
bb auth login --user $BBUSER
bb user create --name $SNAPUSER --grant vss.manage_snapshots
Create a persistent authorization token that inherits user rights (note the generated token, it cannot be re-displayed):
bb authorization create --user $SNAPUSER@$BBUSER --scope 'v:o=all v:r=manage_snapshots'
Secret file contains Authentication Token encrypted using Windows login credentials. The encryption must be done within the context of the same user that will be running the script.
To store generated Authorization token in secretfile.txt execute the follow powershell command line:
'AuthTokenString'|ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force|ConvertFrom-SecureString|Set-Content -Path secretfile.txt