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Banyan AWS Access Tier Module using Ubuntu VMs

Creates an autoscaling Access Tier for use with Banyan Security.

This module creates an AWS auto-scaling group (ASG) and a network load balancer (NLB) for a Banyan Access Tier. Only the NLB is exposed to the public internet. The Access Tier and your applications live in private subnets with no ingress from the internet.


provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

module "aws_accesstier" {
  source                 = "banyansecurity/banyan-accesstier-ubuntu/aws"
  vpc_id                 = "vpc-0e73afd7c24062f0a"
  public_subnet_ids      = ["subnet-09ef9206ca406ffe7", "subnet-0bcb18d59e3ff3cc7"]
  private_subnet_ids     = ["subnet-00e393f22c3f09e16", "subnet-0dfce8195de704b65"]
  cluster_name           = "my-banyan-shield"
  site_name              = "my-banyan-site"
  ssh_key_name           = "my-ssh-key"
  api_server             = ""  
  refresh_token          = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIm..."


The default value for management_cidr leaves SSH open to the world on port 2222. You should probably use the CIDR of your VPC, or a bastion host, instead.

It's probably also a good idea to leave the refresh_token out of your code and pass it as a variable instead, so you don't accidentally commit your Banyan API token to your version control system:

variable "refresh_token" {
  type = string

module "aws_accesstier" {
  source                 = "banyansecurity/banyan-accesstier-ubuntu/aws"
  refresh_token          = var.refresh_token
export TF_VAR_refresh_token="eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIm..."
terraform plan


Name Description Type Default Required
api_server URL to the Banyan API server string "" no
cluster_name Name of an existing Shield cluster to register this Access Tier with string n/a yes
command_center_cidrs CIDR blocks to allow Command Center connections to list(string) [ "" ] no
cross_zone_enabled Allow load balancer to distribute traffic to other zones bool true no
custom_user_data Custom commands to append to the launch configuration initialization script. list(string) [] no
groups_by_userinfo Derive groups information from userinfo endpoint bool false no
healthcheck_cidrs CIDR blocks to allow health check connections from (recommended to use the VPC CIDR range) list(string) [ "" ] no
host_tags Additional tags to assign to this AccessTier map(any) { "type": "access_tier" } no
iam_instance_profile The name attribute of the IAM instance profile to associate with launched instances. string null no
instance_type EC2 instance type to use when creating Access Tier instances string "t3.large" no
managed_internal_cidrs CIDR blocks to allow managed internal services connections to list(string) [ "" ] no
management_cidrs CIDR blocks to allow SSH connections from list(string) [ "" ] no
min_instances Minimum number of Access Tier instances to keep alive number 2 no
name_prefix String to be added in front of all AWS object names string "banyan" no
package_name Override to use a specific version of netagent (e.g. banyan-netagent-1.5.0) string "banyan-netagent" no
private_subnet_ids IDs of the subnets where the Access Tier should create instances list(string) n/a yes
public_subnet_ids IDs of the subnets where the load balancer should create endpoints list(string) n/a yes
rate_limiting Rate limiting configuration for access events object n/a no
redirect_http_to_https If true, requests to the AccessTier on port 80 will be redirected to port 443 bool true no
refresh_token API token generated from the Banyan console string n/a yes
region Region in which to create Access Tier string n/a yes
shield_cidrs CIDR blocks to allow Shield (Cluster Coordinator) connections to list(string) [ "" ] no
shield_port TCP port number to allow Shield (Cluster Coordinator) connections to number 0 no
site_domain_names List of aliases or CNAMEs that will direct traffic to this Access Tier list(string) [] no
site_name Name to use when registering this Access Tier with the console string n/a yes
ssh_key_name Name of an SSH key stored in AWS to allow management access string "" no
tags Add tags to each resource map(any) null no
trustprovider_cidrs CIDR blocks to allow TrustProvider connections to list(string) [ "" ] no
vpc_id ID of the VPC in which to create the Access Tier string n/a yes
http_endpoint_imds_v2 Value for http_endpoint to enable imds v2 for ec2 instance string "enabled" no
http_tokens_imds_v2 Value for http_tokens to enable imds v2 for ec2 instance string "required" no
http_hop_limit_imds_v2 Value for http_put_response_hop_limit to enable imds v2 for ec2 instance number 1 no
datadog_api_key DataDog API key to enable sending connection metrics into DataDog string null no
datadog_sticky_sessions Whether to force all connections from a source IP through the same Access Tier instance bool false no

The rate_limiting object has the following structure:

Name Description Type Default Required
enabled Whether to limit the number of access events sent by the Access Tier bool true yes
max_credits Maximum number of event credits the Access Tier may hold number 5000 yes
interval How often the Access Tier "earns" more credits, formatted as a golang duration string (examples: "30s" or "1m") string 1m yes
credits_per_interval How many credits the Access Tier earns in each interval number 5 yes
enable_by_key Whether multiple requests from a single user should also be rate limited bool true yes
key_lifetime How long a particular combination of user/IP/service is remembered for rate limiting string 9m yes


Name Description
nlb_dns_name DNS name of the load balancer (example:
nlb_zone_id Zone ID of the load balancer (example: Z26RNL4JYFTOTI)
security_group_id The ID of the security group attached to the access tier instances, which can be added as an inbound rule on other backend groups (example: sg-1234abcd)

DataDog metrics integration

We now support sending real-time connection metrics to DataDog. Each instance of the Access Tier will send the following metrics:

Name Description
banyan.connections Total number of incoming connections
banyan.receive_rate Received bytes per second
banyan.transmit_rate Transmitted bytes per second
banyan.decision_time Time required to make authorization decisions, in seconds
banyan.response_time Total time required to send response to the user, in seconds
banyan.unauthorized_attemps Number of connections rejected due to missing client certificates or policy decisions

The metrics are tagged with hostname, port, service, and site_name so you can filter metrics for a particular Access Tier, host, or service.

Support for other protocols (e.g. statsd, prometheus) and monitoring systems will be added in the future.

To enable DataDog integration, paste your DataDog API Key into the paramter BanyanDDAPIKey and re-run the stack. We will automatically install the DataDog agent on your Access Tier, connect it to DataDog, and begin sending metrics to it.


Module created and managed by Banyan.


Licensed under Apache 2. See LICENSE for details.


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