All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Pull #299: Fill 'response' property in error instance
- This makes the behavior when using callbacks consistent with the promise counterpart. That is, in both cases, error.response is present
- Thanks to Guilherme Souza for the pull request!
- Pull #300: Correct TypeScript definitions
- Thanks to Benjamin Pannell for the fix!
- Pull #251: Add TypeScript typings definition file for v3 API
- Thanks to Benjamin Pannell for the pull request!
- Issue #292: 4.2.0 Error: Cannot find module 'debug'
- Pull Request #278: Tkp/contact importer
- Thanks to Tom Kirkpatrick for the pull request!
- Pull Request #277: Make SendGrid a factory that enables multiple prototype instances
- Thanks to Tom Kirkpatrick for the pull request!
- Table of Contents in the README
- Added a section, with the first use case example for transactional templates
- Pull request #264: Fixed backwards compatability with Node.js versions 0.10 and 0.12
- Use var instead of let
- Check if Promise is defined
- Pull request #261
- BIG THANKS to Adam Buczynski!!!
- Extracted some logic into helpers
- Using a getEmptyRequest helper to avoid code duplication
- emtpyRequest now accepts an object with data to extend the empty request with, this will allow simpler syntax for initializing requests.
- Callback function now receives two parameters as per Node conventions (error, response)
- If no callback provided, the method will return a promise instead.
- Implemented promise API when not passing a callback function
- Using native Promise by default if present, but allow users to override this with any other implementation by setting Sendgrid.Promise to any value, e.g. Sendgrid.Promise = require('bluebird')
- Troubleshooting section
- Fixed typo in Mail Helper per pull request #250
- Thanks to Cameron Wilby for finding the issue!
- README updates
- Update introduction blurb to include information regarding our forward path
- Update the v3 /mail/send example to include non-helper usage
- Update the generic v3 example to include non-fluent interface usage
- Update docs, unit tests and examples to include Sender ID
- Content based on our updated Swagger/OAI doc
- GET suppression/bounces needs header to be Accept: application/json
- Updated dependency on
- Sending email with accents: sendgrid/sendgrid-nodejs#239
- Thanks eaparango!
- Fixed exports and README example
- Moving mail helper export
- Added mail helper
- Missing index.js
- Breaking change to support the v3 Web API
- New HTTP client
- v3 Mail Send helper
- Add cc now uses the WebAPI instead of the SMTPApi. Read disclaimer for details
- Pinned request version to be less than
because it broke something
- setFromName function #175
- addBcc and setBccs functions
- Support for API keys
- ASM Group ID support