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Enhance to output JSON file for benchmark #691

merged 10 commits into from
Dec 24, 2019


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@hadusam hadusam commented Dec 18, 2019

Motivation and Context

Current creates a markdown file of profile result.
We need to get a structured file of profile results for the benchmark program, so I enhanced it to create JSON file.


How has this been tested?

$ docker-compose run --rm blueoil /bin/bash -c "cd lmnet; python executor/ -i train_20191216084759 -b 1"

...some warnings

----------------- config value --------------------
 'CLASSES': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'],
 'DATASET': {'AUGMENTOR': [Blur({'min_value': 0, 'max_value': 1})],
             'BATCH_SIZE': 1,
             'DATA_FORMAT': 'NHWC',
             'ENABLE_PREFETCH': True,
             'PRE_PROCESSOR': [Resize({'size': [128, 128]}), DivideBy255({})]},
 'IMAGE_SIZE': [128, 128],
 'IS_DEBUG': False,
 'IS_PRETRAIN': False,
 'NETWORK': {'ACTIVATION_QUANTIZER': <function linear_mid_tread_half_quantizer at 0x7f8adb71c598>,
             'ACTIVATION_QUANTIZER_KWARGS': {'bit': 2, 'max_value': 2},
             'BATCH_SIZE': 1,
             'DATA_FORMAT': 'NHWC',
             'IMAGE_SIZE': [128, 128],
             'LEARNING_RATE_FUNC': None,
             'LEARNING_RATE_KWARGS': None,
             'OPTIMIZER_CLASS': <class ''>,
             'OPTIMIZER_KWARGS': {'learning_rate': 0.001},
             'WEIGHT_DECAY_RATE': 0.0005,
             'WEIGHT_QUANTIZER': <function binary_mean_scaling_quantizer at 0x7f8adb71c488>,
             'WEIGHT_QUANTIZER_KWARGS': {}},
 'NETWORK_CLASS': <class 'lmnet.networks.classification.lmnet_v1.LmnetV1Quantize'>,
 'PRE_PROCESSOR': [Resize({'size': [128, 128]}), DivideBy255({})],
 'TEST_STEPS': 1000}
----------------- config value --------------------

...some warnings

-max_depth                  10000
-min_bytes                  0
-min_peak_bytes             0
-min_residual_bytes         0
-min_output_bytes           0
-min_micros                 0
-min_accelerator_micros     0
-min_cpu_micros             0
-min_params                 0
-min_float_ops              0
-min_occurrence             0
-step                       -1
-order_by                   name
-account_type_regexes       _trainable_variables
-start_name_regexes         .*
-show_name_regexes          .*
-account_displayed_op_only  true
-select                     params
-output                     stdout:

==================Model Analysis Report======================

scope: The nodes in the model graph are organized by their names, which is hierarchical like filesystem.
param: Number of parameters (in the Variable).

node name | # parameters
_TFProfRoot (--/717.23k params)
  conv1 (--/928 params)
    conv1/BatchNorm (--/64 params)
      conv1/BatchNorm/beta (32, 32/32 params)
      conv1/BatchNorm/gamma (32, 32/32 params)
    conv1/conv2d (--/864 params)
      conv1/conv2d/kernel (3x3x3x32, 864/864 params)
  conv2 (--/18.56k params)
    conv2/BatchNorm (--/128 params)
      conv2/BatchNorm/beta (64, 64/64 params)
      conv2/BatchNorm/gamma (64, 64/64 params)
    conv2/conv2d (--/18.43k params)
      conv2/conv2d/kernel (3x3x32x64, 18.43k/18.43k params)
  conv3 (--/295.17k params)
    conv3/BatchNorm (--/256 params)
      conv3/BatchNorm/beta (128, 128/128 params)
      conv3/BatchNorm/gamma (128, 128/128 params)
    conv3/conv2d (--/294.91k params)
      conv3/conv2d/kernel (3x3x256x128, 294.91k/294.91k params)
  conv4 (--/73.86k params)
    conv4/BatchNorm (--/128 params)
      conv4/BatchNorm/beta (64, 64/64 params)
      conv4/BatchNorm/gamma (64, 64/64 params)
    conv4/conv2d (--/73.73k params)
      conv4/conv2d/kernel (3x3x128x64, 73.73k/73.73k params)
  conv5 (--/295.17k params)
    conv5/BatchNorm (--/256 params)
      conv5/BatchNorm/beta (128, 128/128 params)
      conv5/BatchNorm/gamma (128, 128/128 params)
    conv5/conv2d (--/294.91k params)
      conv5/conv2d/kernel (3x3x256x128, 294.91k/294.91k params)
  conv6 (--/32.90k params)
    conv6/BatchNorm (--/128 params)
      conv6/BatchNorm/beta (64, 64/64 params)
      conv6/BatchNorm/gamma (64, 64/64 params)
    conv6/conv2d (--/32.77k params)
      conv6/conv2d/kernel (1x1x512x64, 32.77k/32.77k params)
  conv7 (--/650 params)
    conv7/bias (10, 10/10 params)
    conv7/kernel (1x1x64x10, 640/640 params)

======================End of Report==========================
Parsing Inputs...

-max_depth                  10000
-min_bytes                  0
-min_peak_bytes             0
-min_residual_bytes         0
-min_output_bytes           0
-min_micros                 0
-min_accelerator_micros     0
-min_cpu_micros             0
-min_params                 0
-min_float_ops              1
-min_occurrence             0
-step                       -1
-order_by                   float_ops
-account_type_regexes       .*
-start_name_regexes         .*
-show_name_regexes          .*
-account_displayed_op_only  true
-select                     float_ops
-output                     stdout:

==================Model Analysis Report======================

scope: The nodes in the model graph are organized by their names, which is hierarchical like filesystem.
flops: Number of float operations. Note: Please read the implementation for the math behind it.

node name | # float_ops
_TFProfRoot (--/4.27b flops)
  import/conv3/conv2d/Conv2D (2.42b/2.42b flops)
  import/conv2/conv2d/Conv2D (603.98m/603.98m flops)
  import/conv4/conv2d/Conv2D (603.98m/603.98m flops)
  import/conv5/conv2d/Conv2D (603.98m/603.98m flops)
  import/conv1/conv2d/Conv2D (28.31m/28.31m flops)
  import/conv6/conv2d/Conv2D (16.78m/16.78m flops)
  import/conv7/Conv2D (327.68k/327.68k flops)
  import/conv7/BiasAdd (2.56k/2.56k flops)
  import/pool7/AvgPool (2.56k/2.56k flops)
  import/Softmax (50/50 flops)

======================End of Report==========================
Model's profile has been saved into /home/blueoil/saved/train_20191216084759/
save json: /home/blueoil/saved/train_20191216084759/LmnetV1Quantize_profile.json
$ cat LmnetV1Quantize_profile.json 
    "model_name": "LmnetV1Quantize",
    "image_size_height": 128,
    "image_size_width": 128,
    "num_classes": 10,
    "flops": {
        "total_flops": 4273280050,
        "children": [
                "name": "conv3",
                "flops": 2415919104
                "name": "conv2",
                "flops": 603979776
                "name": "conv4",
                "flops": 603979776
                "name": "conv5",
                "flops": 603979776
                "name": "conv1",
                "flops": 28311552
                "name": "conv6",
                "flops": 16777216
                "name": "conv7",
                "flops": 330240
                "name": "pool7",
                "flops": 2560
                "name": "Softmax",
                "flops": 50
    "parameters": {
        "total_parameters": 717226,
        "total_size": 22951232,
        "quant_bit": 1,
        "total_quant_size": 747296,
        "children": [
                "name": "conv1",
                "parameters": 928,
                "size": 29696,
                "quant_size": 2912,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv1/BatchNorm",
                        "parameters": 64,
                        "size": 2048,
                        "quant_size": 2048,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv1/BatchNorm/beta",
                                "parameters": 32,
                                "size": 1024,
                                "quant_size": 1024,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                                "name": "conv1/BatchNorm/gamma",
                                "parameters": 32,
                                "size": 1024,
                                "quant_size": 1024,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv1/conv2d",
                        "parameters": 864,
                        "size": 27648,
                        "quant_size": 864,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv1/conv2d/kernel",
                                "parameters": 864,
                                "size": 27648,
                                "quant_size": 864,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": true
                "name": "conv2",
                "parameters": 18560,
                "size": 593920,
                "quant_size": 22528,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv2/BatchNorm",
                        "parameters": 128,
                        "size": 4096,
                        "quant_size": 4096,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv2/BatchNorm/beta",
                                "parameters": 64,
                                "size": 2048,
                                "quant_size": 2048,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                                "name": "conv2/BatchNorm/gamma",
                                "parameters": 64,
                                "size": 2048,
                                "quant_size": 2048,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv2/conv2d",
                        "parameters": 18432,
                        "size": 589824,
                        "quant_size": 18432,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv2/conv2d/kernel",
                                "parameters": 18432,
                                "size": 589824,
                                "quant_size": 18432,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": true
                "name": "conv3",
                "parameters": 295168,
                "size": 9445376,
                "quant_size": 303104,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv3/BatchNorm",
                        "parameters": 256,
                        "size": 8192,
                        "quant_size": 8192,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv3/BatchNorm/beta",
                                "parameters": 128,
                                "size": 4096,
                                "quant_size": 4096,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                                "name": "conv3/BatchNorm/gamma",
                                "parameters": 128,
                                "size": 4096,
                                "quant_size": 4096,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv3/conv2d",
                        "parameters": 294912,
                        "size": 9437184,
                        "quant_size": 294912,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv3/conv2d/kernel",
                                "parameters": 294912,
                                "size": 9437184,
                                "quant_size": 294912,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": true
                "name": "conv4",
                "parameters": 73856,
                "size": 2363392,
                "quant_size": 77824,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv4/BatchNorm",
                        "parameters": 128,
                        "size": 4096,
                        "quant_size": 4096,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv4/BatchNorm/beta",
                                "parameters": 64,
                                "size": 2048,
                                "quant_size": 2048,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                                "name": "conv4/BatchNorm/gamma",
                                "parameters": 64,
                                "size": 2048,
                                "quant_size": 2048,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv4/conv2d",
                        "parameters": 73728,
                        "size": 2359296,
                        "quant_size": 73728,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv4/conv2d/kernel",
                                "parameters": 73728,
                                "size": 2359296,
                                "quant_size": 73728,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": true
                "name": "conv5",
                "parameters": 295168,
                "size": 9445376,
                "quant_size": 303104,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv5/BatchNorm",
                        "parameters": 256,
                        "size": 8192,
                        "quant_size": 8192,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv5/BatchNorm/beta",
                                "parameters": 128,
                                "size": 4096,
                                "quant_size": 4096,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                                "name": "conv5/BatchNorm/gamma",
                                "parameters": 128,
                                "size": 4096,
                                "quant_size": 4096,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv5/conv2d",
                        "parameters": 294912,
                        "size": 9437184,
                        "quant_size": 294912,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv5/conv2d/kernel",
                                "parameters": 294912,
                                "size": 9437184,
                                "quant_size": 294912,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": true
                "name": "conv6",
                "parameters": 32896,
                "size": 1052672,
                "quant_size": 36864,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv6/BatchNorm",
                        "parameters": 128,
                        "size": 4096,
                        "quant_size": 4096,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv6/BatchNorm/beta",
                                "parameters": 64,
                                "size": 2048,
                                "quant_size": 2048,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                                "name": "conv6/BatchNorm/gamma",
                                "parameters": 64,
                                "size": 2048,
                                "quant_size": 2048,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv6/conv2d",
                        "parameters": 32768,
                        "size": 1048576,
                        "quant_size": 32768,
                        "children": [
                                "name": "conv6/conv2d/kernel",
                                "parameters": 32768,
                                "size": 1048576,
                                "quant_size": 32768,
                                "children": [],
                                "is_quant_kernel": true
                "name": "conv7",
                "parameters": 650,
                "size": 20800,
                "quant_size": 960,
                "children": [
                        "name": "conv7/bias",
                        "parameters": 10,
                        "size": 320,
                        "quant_size": 320,
                        "children": [],
                        "is_quant_kernel": false
                        "name": "conv7/kernel",
                        "parameters": 640,
                        "size": 20480,
                        "quant_size": 640,
                        "children": [],
                        "is_quant_kernel": true

Screenshots (if appropriate):

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  • New feature / Optimization (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)


  • My change requires a change to the documentation.
  • I have updated the documentation accordingly.

@blueoil-butler blueoil-butler bot added the CI: auto-run Run CI automatically label Dec 18, 2019
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This PR needs Approvals as follows.

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@hadusam hadusam requested review from iizukak and suttang December 18, 2019 17:38
@hadusam hadusam self-assigned this Dec 18, 2019
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@iizukak iizukak left a comment

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I'm happy to add feature for the benchmark.
Few comments added.

helper(prof, 0)
if node_name == "total":
node_param_dict["total_quant_size"] = res[idx][-1]
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res[idx][-1] appear several times.
It's better to add name as normal variable.

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Thanks! Fixed 👍

'name': node_name,
'parameters': node.total_parameters,
'size': node.total_parameters * 32,
'quant_size': node.total_parameters * bits,
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Just question. Conv layer can be quantized and parameter size is bits.
Other layer type (for example, fully connected) will not be quantized.
This size calculation assume all of our parameters are Conv?

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@iizukak Thank you for your question!
No, if a layer is not a quantizable kernel, quant_size will be a same value of size.
quant_size is determined as following steps.

  1. check node_name is kernel or not, see is_quant_kernel
  2. set bits = bit if is_quant_kernel else 32
  3. calc 'quant_size': node.total_parameters * bits,

This is the previous implementation, but it is difficult to understand as you mentioned.

Ummm. OK, I am planing to change these logics as follows.

node_params = node.total_parameters
node_size = node_params * 32
node_quant_size = (node_params * bit) if is_quant_kernel else None

This plan is to change quant_size is None if it cannot be quantized.
What do you think?

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This plan is to change quant_size is None if it cannot be quantized.

I tried and implement that, but it is a little complicated to use None and int in the same dictionary key's value and this implementation changes the current Markdown file format. So, I would not like to use None to follow the current format. Then, node_quant_size will be (node_params * bit) if is_quant_kernel else node_size

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I changed to use named values for node parameters so this becomes better to understand, I think. Please re-review this! 👍

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@suttang suttang left a comment

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@hadusam hadusam requested a review from iizukak December 23, 2019 02:48
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@iizukak iizukak left a comment

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Ownership Approval

@hadusam hadusam requested a review from tsawada December 23, 2019 04:58
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hadusam commented Dec 23, 2019

Please review this PR for python readability.

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@tsawada tsawada left a comment

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I don't fully understand but it seems this PR does multiple things that's not explained in the commit message, such as
a. changing the default --bit option to 1
b. changing print to logger

Are these changes necessary for JSON? Especially, I feel (a.) needs some wide announcement.

return new_res
node_flops_dict = {
'total_flops': float_res_dict["total"],
'children': [{"name": k, "flops": float_res_dict[k]} for k in float_res_dict.keys() if k != "total"]
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[{"name": k, "flops": v for k, v in dict.items()] ?

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Changed 👍

'children': node_children,
# Add is_quant_kernel flag to leaf node
if len(node.children) == 0:
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if not node.children:

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Changed 👍

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hadusam commented Dec 24, 2019

Thanks for reviewing this!

OK, I will revert them and separate it 😄
a. changing the default --bit option to 1
b. changing print to logger

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hadusam commented Dec 24, 2019

I reverted stashed changes as you mentioned and updated codes following your comments.
Please review this again! 🙇

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@tsawada tsawada left a comment

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Readability Approval

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iizukak commented Dec 24, 2019


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bo-mergebot bot commented Dec 24, 2019

⏳Merge job is queued...

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bo-mergebot bot commented Dec 24, 2019

😥Status check failed. Please fix problems and send /ready again.

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hadusam commented Dec 24, 2019


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bo-mergebot bot commented Dec 24, 2019

⏳Merge job is queued...

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bo-mergebot bot commented Dec 24, 2019

😥Status check failed. Please fix problems and send /ready again.

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hadusam commented Dec 24, 2019


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bo-mergebot bot commented Dec 24, 2019

⏳Merge job is queued...

@bo-mergebot bo-mergebot bot merged commit a2e2d41 into blue-oil:master Dec 24, 2019
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4 participants