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motor_controller package

How to run

  • Launch: ros2 launch This will automatically trigger transitions and calibration to reach the VEL_CONTROL state.
    • Now that we are in the VEL_CONTROL state, we can send twist messages to the cmd_vel topic (using joystick or keyboard).
    • To view the computed velocities, echo the /cmd_vel_out topic or /OdriveJsonSub topic
  • To reset back to the UNINIT state, run
    ros2 service call /state_manager/change_mc_state motor_controller/srv/ChangeState "{transition: {id: 64, label: 'reset'}}"
  • To recalibrate after reset, run
    ros2 service call /state_manager/change_mc_state motor_controller/srv/ChangeState "{transition: {id: 6, label: 'calibrate'}}"
  • To transition to the VEL_CONTROL state again, run
    ros2 service call /state_manager/change_mc_state motor_controller/srv/ChangeState "{transition: {id: 12, label: 'active_vel_control'}}"

ArcadeDriver component

Subscribes to Twist messages from cmd_vel topic and computes two values (l and r) for left and right side motor speeds.

l and r are published to the arcade_speed topic.

MotorSpeedController component

Subscribes to arcade_speed topic and computes 6 motor speeds (3 left, 3 right) using l and r as baseline.

The 6 motor speeds are published to the cmd_vel_out topic.

StateManager component

Manages transitions between states. TODO: UPDATE THE DIAGRAM

State machine diagram


UWRT Rover package






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