DCIMG reader for MATLAB and Fiji.
DCIMG is an image format produced by Hamamatsu cameras. It is designed for high-speed data storage.
Download DCIMG-MEX-Windows-x64.zip
from releases.
Decompress and add all files (dcimg_get_size.mexw64
, dcimg_read_frame.mexw64
, and dcimgapi.dll
) to MATLAB path.
Example Usage
[height, width, n_frames] = dcimg_get_size('filename.dcimg')
image = dcimg_read_frame('filename.dcimg', 1) % read the 1st frame (1-indexed)
image = dcimg_read_frame_range('filename.dcimg', 1, 100) % read frame 100 frames starting from frame 1
Download DCIMG-Fiji-Plugin-Windows-x64.zip
from releases.
Decompress and put the "DCIMG" folder into Fiji/ImageJ2's plugins
Then, you can open .dcimg
files by File -> Open
or drag-and-drop.
DCIMG Reader only supports 64-bit Windows platform.
To build the mex files from source, you need these dependencies installed:
- CMake
- At least one C++ build tools. For example,
- Visual Studio
- MinGW
Run the following lines in the top-level directory of this repository.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
- Maven
In addition to the steps in "Building MATLAB MEX Functions", run
cd fiji_plugin
The resulting JAR file locates in target
You also need the DLL files dcimg_jni.dll
and dcimgapi.dll
generated by CMake.