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A collection of tools for modern Sonic the Hedgehog games

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Almost every program here works with drag and drop.


  • PackCpk
    • A program that allows you to extract or create a CPK file.
  • terrain2fbx
    • A program that allows you to convert terrain models inside a folder to an FBX file.
    • To have a full conversion, please ensure that you've included everything. You need:
      • .terrain-model
      • .terrain-instanceinfo
      • .material
      • .dds
  • terrain2fbx-png
    • Modified version of terrain2fbx to search for PNG textures instead of DDS.

Sonic Generations

  • AnimationExport
    • A Havok Content Tools 2010 options file that allows you to export animations for Sonic Generations.
    • Provided by TwilightZoney.
  • BscPack
    • A program that allows you to unpack or create LZ4 compressed archives for the PBR Shaders mod. It also supports unpacking archives from the original game, but archives created using this program are only going to work with the mod enabled.
  • cropGIA
    • A program that crops GI textures from a folder of uncompressed files.
  • TransformGensStage
    • A program that allows you to translate, rotate and scale a stage.
  • FxPipelineResolutionChanger
    • A program that allows you to change the shadowmap resolution of the FxPipeline Renderer.
  • PathImporter
    • A maxscript that allows you to import a .path.xml file.
    • Made by TGE.
  • ImportLightList
    • A maxscript that allows you to import light files or a light list file.
    • Made by TwilightZoney.
  • SeparateGIA
    • A program that separates lightmap and shadowmap texture from a complete GI map.
  • ar0pack
    • A program that allows you to create AR archives with its corresponding ARL file from a folder.
  • ar0unpack
    • A program that allows you to extract AR or PFD files.
  • collision2fbx
    • A program that converts a .phy.hkx file to an FBX file.
  • evsxml
    • A program that converts an EVS file to an XML, and vice versa.
  • pfdpackUnleashed
    • A program that creates a PFD file with its corresponding PFI file from a folder to work with Sonic Unleashed.
  • ShaderDB
    • A shader database for SonicGLvl 0.5.7 which contains every shader from Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed.
    • If you don't want the database to be reset by the editor, make it read-only.
  • slwModel2Gens
    • A program that converts a Sonic Lost World model file to a Sonic Generations one.
  • TuringFixer
    • A program that regenerates triangle strip data for every model in a stage to fix the crash on Nvidia Turing GPUs. (RTX/GTX 1660 Series)
    • Drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the .ar.00/.pfd files. (eg. disk/bb/Packed/ghz200)
  • PostRender
    • This is a replacement for Post Render mode in GIAtlasConverter. Conversion is significantly faster.
    • Place your lightmap/shadowmap files in a folder which is named after your stage but with -HedgeGI suffix, for example:
      • ghz200 (contains stage assets)
      • ghz200-HedgeGI (contains lightmap/shadowmap files)
    • You can afterwards drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the .ar.00/.pfd files. (in this example's case, ghz200)
    • Note: HedgeGI is already capable of packing lightmaps into stages. However, you can still use this tool for packing of GI textures generated through other software.
  • TerrainBlockGenerator
    • A program that generates terrain block data for a stage to significantly improve the performance.
    • Drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the .ar.00/.pfd files. (eg. disk/bb/Packed/ghz200)
    • Note: Latest Hedgehog Converter is already capable of generating terrain block data. However, you can still use this tool for stages generated with SonicGLvl 0.5.7 or old versions of Hedgehog Converter.
  • Unleashed2Generations
    • A program that converts .model, .terrain-model and .material files from Sonic Unleashed to Sonic Generations format.
  • UV2Mapper
    • A program that generates lightmap UV2 channel for every terrain model in a stage. This can be used for baking with HedgeGI.
    • Drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the .ar.00/.pfd files. (eg. disk/bb/Packed/ghz200)
    • You can also use this program on individual .terrain-model files. If you want to process all of them at once, make a .bat file. For example:
      • for %%f in (*.terrain-model) do UV2Mapper "%%f"
    • Note: This tool is available as an option in HedgeGI under Tools -> Generate Lightmap UVs.
  • YeetVertexColor
    • A program that removes vertex colors from every terrain model in a stage.
    • Drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the .ar.00/.pfd files. (eg. disk/bb/Packed/ghz200)
    • Note: This tool is available as an option in HedgeGI under Tools -> Remove Vertex Colors.

Sonic Unleashed

  • Parameter Dumps
    • A folder containing every .prm.xml file dumped from Sonic Unleashed memory while in Windmill Isle Act 1.

Sonic Forces

  • AnimationExport
    • A Havok Content Tools 2012 options file that allows you to export animations for Sonic Forces and Sonic Lost World.
    • Provided by ĐeäTh.
  • sonicForcesHkxConverter
    • A script that converts a .skl.hkx or .anm.hkx file to a Sonic Generations one.
  • PathImporter
    • A maxscript that imports .path files.
    • Original script made by arukibree.
    • Modifications made by Radfordhound.
  • PathExporter
    • A maxscript that exports .path files.
    • Splines should be named like this:
      • grpath001_GR
      • svpath001_SV
      • objpath_001
    • Original script made by arukibree.
    • Modifications made by Radfordhound.
  • HedgeEdit Templates
    • A folder that contains object templates to be used with HedgeEdit.
  • EnableMultiTangentSpace
    • A program that enables multi tangent space option in a material file, thus possibly fixing the flickering which was caused by a stage port.
  • EnableShadow
    • A program that enables shadow cast and receive options in a model file.
  • ModelOptimizer
    • A program that optimizes a model file, thus greatly decreasing its file size and improving in-game performance.
  • SFPac
    • A script that allows you to extract or create PAC files.
  • TagTools
    • A script that allows you to manipulate HKX files.

Sonic Frontiers

  • NeedleTextureStreamingPackage
    • This program restores the *.dds files by loading their respective texture data from the *.ntsp archives located within the texture_streaming directory.
      • Ensure that needle_texture_streaming_path.txt contains the path to the texture_streaming directory in your game data (e.g. ./SonicFrontiers/image/x64/raw/texture_streaming/).
      • To use this program, simply drag and drop a standalone *.dds file or folder containing *.dds files into it.

Sonic Lost World

  • collision2fbx
    • A program that converts a .phy.hkx file to an FBX file.
  • gensMaterial2Slw
    • A program that tries to fix crashes that are caused by a material that is directly taken from previous games.
  • hhdxml
    • A program that converts an HHD file to an XML, and vice versa.
  • Shadow Model Converter
    • A program that converts a FBX file to a shadow model file. Refer to located in the folder for details.

Sonic '06

  • XNO Converter
    • A program that converts a 3D model file to an XNO file.
  • 06set2xml
    • A program that converts an '06 set file to a Sonic Generations .set.xml file.
  • xno2dae
    • A program that converts an XNO or XNM file to a DAE file. The variations of the formats are also supported. (like GNO, ZNO, INO etc.)

Sonic Colors

  • PathImporter
    • A maxscript that allows you to import a .path.bin file.
    • Original script made by arukibree.
    • Modifications made by SKmaric.
  • col2fbx
    • A program that converts a _col.orc file to an FBX file.
  • llightConverter
    • A program that converts a _llight.orc file to a Sonic Generations light list file with its corresponding light files.
  • orc2xml
    • A program that converts a set .orc file to a Sonic Generations .set.xml file.


  • AcbFinder
    • A program that searches for ACB and corresponding AWB files in a folder (and subfolders).
    • Useful for games like Dragalia Lost that distribute ACB and AWB files with random file names.
  • AMBPack
    • A program that allows you to extract or create an AMB file.
  • BayonettaDx
    • A program that converts a BDX/SDX file to an ACB, and vice versa.
  • ConvertSpecularToAlpha
    • A program that places the grayscale of a specular image to its alpha channel.
  • PlatinumDat
    • A program that extracts or creates a little endian DAT file. (mainly for Bayonetta)
  • WemRipper
    • A program that extracts little endian WEM files from any file.


A good amount of tools in this repository heavily make use of DarioSamo's LibGens.

Everything is made by me unless otherwise specified in the list above.