This is a UTD dissertation template. To see how the resulting PDF looks, click here. Feel free to use the template according to the terms in the LICENSE file.
- Download the template.
- Unpack the template zip on a computer with TeX (I use linux, but MiKTeX on Windows works fine).
- Start editing.
- Each file contains comments which describe its usage.
- This template encodes the exact format requirements (page geometries, line spacings, and punctuation) of the graduate office as of 2012-04-10.
- This template requires a recent version of TeX. I use PDFLaTeX on a recent linux distribution.
- Please inform me if you find errors in the formatting. I intend to keep this template up-to-date with respect to the graduate office's requirements.
- If you have a feature request then please contact me. For example, if you need an example of doing X (for some interesting task X) in the template then please let me know.
- This template assumes that you are using PDFLaTeX (or something very similar).
- MiKTeX uses PDFLaTeX, so MiKTeX is OK. However, you MUST make sure you are compling directly to PDF, not to DVI and then converting to PDF.
Yes: TeX -> PDF
No : TeX -> DVI -> PDF
No : TeX -> PS -> PDF
The reason for this requirement is that page geometries (especially margins) get mangled in the intermediate steps.
- To compile your dissertation in linux, just type make at the command line.
$ make
- You will have to study the structure of this template in order to understand it. Comments in the individual files should help you along your way.