Description / Purpose
Bash shell script to automate the installation of a custom list of MacOS terminal and GUI packages/applications using Homebrew ( package manager. Ideal for new MacOS installations to save time finding and installing individual packages.
Homebrew does require Xcode command line tools. Use the command below from a terminal window to install.
xcode-select --install
Method 1: Quick one-liner install
Use the curl command shown below (this will install the default packages/applications listed in script):
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Method 2: Manually clone and edit
Clone, edit the script to customise packages etc. and run manually.
The packages/applications installed by the script are located under located under the 'brew_packages()' function.
brew_packages() {
# addition taps to enable packages not included in core tap
# term_list includes packages which run from terminal without GUI
term_list="openssh mas git vim htop wget curl nmap speedtest-cli tree tmux rsync
iperf3 jq docker"
# cask_list includes packages macOS apps, fonts and plugins and other non-open source software
cask_list="iterm2 the-unarchiver visual-studio-code sublime-text google-chrome
firefox alfred fontbase rectangle font-fira-code vlc"
term_message cb "\nAdding additional Homebrew taps..."
Run using: bash
Due to the security settings in MacOS when you run the packages/applications for the first time you may need to allow them in the 'Security & Privacy' settings. Depending on the application you may also need to grant access to the required area under 'Security & Privacy' > 'Privacy' tab.