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huangsuyu edited this page May 11, 2020
1 revision
For read option, each API will need a Query parameter. Each Query parameter we provide a construct function: NewXXXQuery
We recommend you to use this construct function when you new a Query parameter since the construction only need required parameters,
and for the optional parameters, you can use WithXXX
to add it.
There is one most important point you should notice that we use int64 to represent a decimal.
The decimal length is fixed 8, which means:
is equal to 1
is equal to 1.5
is equal to 10.5
For a common transaction, the response is:
- Ok bool, if the transaction accepted by chain.
- Log string, the error message of the transaction.
- Hash string
- Code int32, the result code. Zero represent fine.
- Data string, different kind of transaction return different data message.
createOrderResult, err := client.CreateOrder(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol, txmsg.OrderSide.BUY, 100000000, 100000000, true)
- baseAssetSymbol string
- quoteAssetSymbol string,
- op int8, enum options are [1,2], 1 means "BUY", 2 means "SELL".
- price int64
- quantity int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction. If true, in most case you will get
field ofTxCommitResult
, otherwise,Data
field ofTxCommitResult
will be empty.
- TxCommitResult
- OrderId string, the order id of this order.
cancelOrderResult, err := client.CancelOrder(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol, createOrderResult.OrderId, createOrderResult.OrderId, true)
- baseAssetSymbol string
- quoteAssetSymbol string
- id string, the order id.
- refId string, the order id will be fine.
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
send, err := client.SendToken([]msg.Transfer{{testAccount2, []types.Coin{{nativeSymbol, 100000000}}}, {testAccount3, []types.Coin{{nativeSymbol, 100000000}}}}, true)
- transfers []Transfer, the account address of users and coins that you want to send to.
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- SendTokenResult
- TxCommitResult
mint, err := client.MintToken(issue.Symbol, 100000000, true)
- symbol string, which kind of token you want to freeze.
- amount int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
freeze, err := client.FreezeToken(nativeSymbol, 100000000, true)
- symbol string, which kind of token you want to freeze.
- amount int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
unFreeze, err := client.UnfreezeToken(nativeSymbol, 100000000, true)
- symbol string, which kind of token you want to unfreeze.
- amount int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
burn, err := client.BurnToken("Client-Token",100000000, true)
- symbol string, which kind of token you want to unfreeze.
- amount int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
issue, err := client.IssueToken("SDK-Token", "sdk", 10000000000000000, true, false)
- name string, the name of your token.
- symbol string, a symbol of your token.
- supply int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain checks this transaction.
- mintable bool, whether you want mint token in the future.
- TxCommitResult
- Symbol string, the actual symbol of your token. (which will end with three random alphabets).
listTradingProposal, err := client.SubmitListPairProposal("New trading pair", txmsg.ListTradingPairParams{issue.Symbol, nativeSymbol, 1000000000, "my trade", time2.Now().Add(1 * time2.Hour)}, 200000000000, true)
- title string,
- param txmsg.ListTradingPairParams
- BaseAssetSymbol string
- QuoteAssetSymbol string
- InitPrice int64
- Description string
- ExpireTime time.Time, the expire time you active this list trading pair.
- initialDeposit int64, the amount of BNB you want deposit for this proposal.
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
- ProposalId int64, the proposal id generated by the chain. Useful when you vote or deposit for specified proposal.
vote, err := client.VoteProposal(listTradingProposal.ProposalId, txmsg.OptionYes, true)
- proposalID int64, the id of the proposal you want to vote.
- option txmsg.VoteOption, enum vote options are: [OptionYes, OptionAbstain, OptionNo,O ptionNoWithVeto]
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
lp,err:=client.ListPair(listTradingProposal.ProposalId, issue.Symbol, nativeSymbol, 1000000000, true)
- proposalId int64, the proposal id that propose by you or others that want to create a new list trading pair. Make sure the proposal is passed.
- baseAssetSymbol string
- quoteAssetSymbol string
- initPrice int64
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
- description string, you can put the reason for this lock here.
- amount coins
- lockTime int64 : locktime in timestamp
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
- LickId, int64, the index for your locking operation
unlockResult,err:= client.TimeUnLock(lockId,true)
- lockId int64 : Id of your lock record
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
- LickId, int64, the index for your locking operation
- lockId int64 : Id of your lock record
- description string, you can put the reason for this lock here.
- amount coins
- lockTime int64 : locktime in timestamp
- sync bool, whether wait chain check this transaction.
- TxCommitResult
- LickId, int64, the index for your locking operation
account, err := client.GetAccount("Your address")
- Address - string , The address of query account.
AppAccount - The AppAccount object with the following structure:
- base BaseAccount
- Name string ,name of this account
- FrozenCoins []Coin , the balances of frozen coins
- LockedCoins []Coin , the balances of locked coins
- Flags int64 , the flag info of this account
BaseAccount - The baseaccount object with the following structure:
- Number int64 , The account number of this user, which is a globally unique number.
- Address string , the address of this account, which is hash of the public key.
- Balances []Coin , the balances of different kind of tokens.
- PublicKey []uint8 , the public key of this user.
- Sequence int64 , the next expected transaction sequence, which is used to prevent a replay attack.
markets, err := client.GetMarkets(api.NewMarketsQuery().WithLimit(1))
MarketsQuery, The query object.
- Offset *uint32 , optional, the offset of the first return symbol pair.
- Limit *uint32 , optional, the max length of return symbol pair.
- TradeAsset string
- QuoteAsset string
- Price string, the price of trade assert against quote assert.
- TickSize string, the minimum price movement of a trading instrument.
- LotSize string, refers to the quantity of an item ordered for delivery on a specific date or manufactured in a single production run.
depth, err := client.GetDepth(api.NewDepthQuery(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol))
DepthQuery, The query object.
- Symbol string, the combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Limit *uint32, optional, the max length of return depth.
- Bids [][]string, each bid get two string element, the first one is the buy price, the second one is buying quantity. example:
[ [ "0.0024", "10" ] ]
. - Asks [][]string, each ask get two string element, the first one is the selling price, the second one is selling quantity. example:
[ [ "0.0024", "10" ] ]
. - Height int64, the bids and asks are based on a certain height of the chain. }
- Bids [][]string, each bid get two string element, the first one is the buy price, the second one is buying quantity. example:
kline, err := client.GetKlines(api.NewKlineQuery(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol, "1h").WithLimit(1))
KlineQuery, The query object.
- Symbol string ,the combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Interval string interval like: (5m, 1h, 1d, 1w, etc.).
- Limit *uint32 , optional.
- StartTime *int64 , optional, which is a nano time.
- EndTime *int64 , optional, which is a nano time.
- Close float64, the close price .
- CloseTime int64, the close time.
- High float64, the highest price during the time.
- Low float64, the lowest price during the time.
- NumberOfTrades int32, the number of the trade transactions.
- Open float64, the open price.
- OpenTime int64, the open time.
- QuoteAssetVolume float64, the volume of the quote asset.
- Volume float64, the volume of trade asset.
ticker24h, err := client.GetTicker24h(api.NewTicker24hQuery().WithSymbol(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol))
Ticker24hQuery, the query object.
- Symbol string, the combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Symbol string
- AskPrice string , in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- AskQuantity string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- BidPrice string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- BidQuantity string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- CloseTime int64
- Count int64
- FirstID string
- HighPrice string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- LastID string
- LastPrice string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- LastQuantity string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- LowPrice string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- OpenPrice string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- OpenTime int64
- PrevClosePrice string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- PriceChange string in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- PriceChangePercent string
- QuoteVolume string ,in decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- Volume string ,i n decimal form, e.g. 1.00000000
- WeightedAvgPrice string
tokens, err := client.GetTokens()
- No parameters
- Name string, the name of the token, which ends with three random alphabets.
- TotalSupply string, the total supply of this token.
- Owner string, who issue this token, which is an address of an account.
- OriginalSymbol string, the original symbol, which do not end with three random alphabets. }
trades, err := client.GetTrades(api.NewTradesQuery(testAccount1.String(),true).WithSymbol(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol))
TradesQuery, the query object.
- SenderAddress string, the address of the trade sender.
- Symbol string, the symbol of the trade, combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Offset *uint32, optional.
- Limit *uint32, optional.
- Start *int64, optional.
- End *int64, optional.
- Side enum string, the side of trades, options is ["BUY","SELL"].
- Total int, total number required, 0 for not required and 1 for required; default not required, return total=-1 in response
- Trade []Trade
- BuyerOrderID string, the order id of the buyer, which is combination of address and sequence.
- BuyFee string, the buy fee charged.
- BuyerId string, the buyer id.
- Price string, the trade price.
- Quantity string, the quantity of the trade.
- SellFee string, the sell fee charged.
- SellerId string, the seller id.
- SellerOrderID string, the order id of the buyer, which is combination of address and sequence.
- Symbol string,
- Time int64, when the trade happened.
- TradeID string
- BlockHeight int64, in what height of the chain the trade happened.
- BaseAsset string
- QuoteAsset string
- Total int, the total num of trades.
- Trade []Trade
time, err := client.GetTime()
No parameters.
- ApTime string, the time of access point.
- BlockTime string, the time of the blockchain.
order, err := client.GetOrder("Your Order Id")
- OrderId string, which is combination of account address and sequence.
- ID string, the order id.
- Owner string, the account address who set the order.
- Symbol string, the combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Price string, the sell price or buy price.
- Quantity string, the quantity of this order.
- CumulateQuantity string, the total executed quantity.
- Fee string, the fee charged.
- Side int, 1 for buy and 2 for sell
- TimeInForce int, 1 for Good Till Expire(GTE) order and 3 for Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)
- Type int, only 2 is available for now, meaning limit order
- TradeId string
- LastExecutedPrice string, the price of last executed.
- LastExecutedQuantity string, the quantity of last execution.
- TransactionHash string
- TransactionTime string
openOrders, err := client.GetOpenOrders(api.NewOpenOrdersQuery(testAccount1.String(),true))
- SenderAddress string,the combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Symbol string
- Offset *uint32, optional.
- Limit *uint32 , optional.
- Total int total number required, 0 for not required and 1 for required; default not required, return total=-1 in response
- Order []Orde
- Total string
closedOrders, err := client.GetClosedOrders(api.NewClosedOrdersQuery(testAccount1.String(),true).WithSymbol(tradeSymbol, nativeSymbol))
- SenderAddress string,the combination of trade symbol and quote symbol.
- Symbol string
- Offset *uint32, optional.
- Limit *uint32 , optional.
- Total int total number required, 0 for not required and 1 for required; default not required, return total=-1 in response
- Order []Orde
- Total string
tx, err := client.GetTx(openOrders.Order[0].TransactionHash)
- TxHash string, the hash of the transaction.
- Hash string
- Log string, log info if the transaction failed.
- Data string, the return result of different kind of transactions.
- Code int32, the result code of this transaction. Zero represent a good result.
records, err := c.GetTimelocks(address)
- address string, the account address who set the timelocks.
- Id string, id for this record
- Description string, timelock description.
- Amount Coins, locked amount.
- LockTime int32, locked time.
records, err := c.GetTimelock(address, recordId)
- address string, the account address who set the timelocks.
- recordId int32, id for this record
- Id string, id for this record
- Description string, timelock description.
- Amount Coins, locked amount.
- LockTime int32, locked time.
proposals, err := c.GetProposals(status, 100)
- status string, the proposal status.
- limit int32, return limit
- ProposalID int64, id for this proposal
- Title string
- Description string
- ProposalType byte
- VotingPeriod **time.Duration
- Status string
- TallyResult TallyResult
- SubmitTime time.Time
- TotalDeposit Coins
- VotingStartTime time.Time
proposals, err := c.GetProposal(int64(10))
- id int64, the proposal ID.
- ProposalID int64, id for this proposal
- Title string
- Description string
- ProposalType byte
- VotingPeriod **time.Duration
- Status string
- TallyResult TallyResult
- SubmitTime time.Time
- TotalDeposit Coins
- VotingStartTime time.Time
tx, err := c.TxInfoSearch(fmt.Sprintf("tx.height=%d", testTxHeight), false, 1, 10)
- txheight int64, the proposal ID.
- Hash string
- Log string, log info if the transaction failed.
- Data string, the return result of different kind of transactions.
- Code int32, the result code of this transaction. Zero represent a good result.