The project includes OpsGenie's specific integration packages:
- icinga
- icinga2
- nagios
- nagiosxi
- netcool
- redmine
- zabbix
- zendesk
- zenoss
- oem
- JDK 1.7 (to compile only)
- A clone of OpsgenieClient project into same parent directory.
Available tasks
packageSdk: Packages sdk as zip file that includes jars, javadoc and third_party under build/distributions
package<Integration_name>: Packages the integration specific rpm, deb or zip files.
package<Integration_name>Zip: Packages the integration's zip archive only if available
package<Integration_name>OS: Packages the integration's rpm and deb archives only if available
packageAll: Packages all zip, rpm and rpm archives for all integrations. Also includes Go based Lamp client tool zip package(if you checked out go based lamp locally).
packageLamp: If you checked out Go Based Lamp to your local computer, you can generate a zip package of it. You can find the Go Based Lamp source code from here
You can run the tasks:
Unix: ./gradlew packageRedmine packageSdk packageNagios
Windows: gradlew.bat packageRedmine packageSdk packageNagios
Or if you want to package all
Unix: ./gradlew packageAll
Windows: gradlew.bat packageAll