Adds support for Laravel collections to Kirby
- unzip as folder
or git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-collect
orcomposer require bnomei/kirby3-collect
This is a plugin for those that create web-projects in Kirby that have to manipulate lots of array data and want to refactor to collections to avoid excessive use of foreach
-loops and if
See official Laravel docs on how to use the collect-helper and the collection methods.
all, average, avg, chunk, chunkWhile, collapse, collect, combine, concat, contains, containsStrict, count, countBy, crossJoin, dd, diff, diffAssoc, diffKeys, doesntContain, dump duplicates, duplicatesStrict, each, eachSpread, every, except, filter, first, firstOrFail, firstWhere, flatMap, flatten, flip, forget, forPage, get, groupBy, has, implode, intersect, intersectByKeys, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, join, keyBy, keys, last, lazy, macro, make, map, mapInto, mapSpread, mapToGroups, mapWithKeys, max, median, merge, mergeRecursive, min, mode, nth, only, pad, partition, pipe, pipeInto, pipeThrough, pluck, pop, prepend, pull, push, put, random, range, reduce, reduceSpread, reject, replace, replaceRecursive, reverse search, shift, shuffle, sliding, skip, skipUntil, skipWhile, slice, sole, some, sort, sortBy, sortByDesc, sortDesc, sortKeys, sortKeysDesc, sortKeysUsing, splice, split, splitIn, sum, take, takeUntil, takeWhile, tap, times, toArray, toJson, transform, undot, union, unique, uniqueStrict, unless, unlessEmpty, unlessNotEmpty, unwrap, values, when, whenEmpty, whenNotEmpty, where, whereStrict, whereBetween, whereIn, whereInStrict, whereInstanceOf, whereNotBetween, whereNotIn, whereNotInStrict, whereNotNull, whereNull, wrap, zip
The methodnames in bold indicate that Kirby has a similar collection method. It also features to some additional methods.
You can also get a laravel collection object from any array.
$laravelCollection = collect($array);
// retrieve a kirby collection
$kirbyCollection = site()->index()->children();
// get a laravel collection object from a kirby collection
$laravelCollection = $kirbyCollection->collect();
$laravelCollection = $kirbyCollection->_();
You can also convert all objects into primitive types using json encoding and decoding. But be warned that most of Kirby's core objects will not (yet) automatically serialize themselves.
$laravelCollection = $kirbyCollection->collect(true);
$laravelCollection = $kirbyCollection->_(true);
To achieve certain common use-cases the Laravel collections methods are a bit more explicit than Kirby's collection methods.
$mostPopularPage = $kirbyCollection
$mostPopularPage = $kirbyCollection
$hasProductWithBookcase = $kirbyCollection
->filterBy('product', '==', 'Bookcase')
->count() > 0;
$hasProductWithBookcase = $kirbyCollection
->contains('content.product', 'Bookcase');
But keep in mind that Kirby's collection methods have been tailored to work with the core objects like Page
and make some tasks very easy where using Laravel collection methods would be more tedious.
$allTags = $kirbyCollection
->pluck('tags', ', ', true);
$allTags = $kirbyCollection
->flatMap(fn($item) => explode(', ', $item))
Instead of calling the ->collect()
collection method evert time you can also use underscore to start with laravel collections object. But any further method calls do not need the _
$mostPopularPage = $kirbyCollection
$hasProductWithBookcase = $kirbyCollection
->_contains('content.product', 'Bookcase');
$allTags = $kirbyCollection
->flatMap(fn($item) => explode(', ', $item))
This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please create a new issue.
It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.