This module for control pifacecad with nodejs.
This module can be used in an environment equipped with the pifacecad raspberry pi
const pifacecad = require('node-pifacecad'); pifacecad.open(); pifacecad.lcd_backlight_on(); pifacecad.lcd_write('Hello world!'); pifacecad.close();
High level functions
open() Opens and initialises a PiFace Control and Display. Returns a file descriptor for making raw SPI transactions to the MCP23S17 (for advanced users only).
close() Closes a PiFace Control and Display (turns off interrupts, closes file descriptor).
read_switches() Reads the entire switch port.
read_switch(number) Reads a single switch.
lcd_write Writes a message to the LCD screen starting from the current cursor position. Accepts '\n'. Returns the current cursor address.
lcd_set_cursor(col, row) Sets the cursor position on the screen (col , row).
lcd_set_cursor_address(address) Sets the cursor position on the screen (address = col + row*40).
lcd_get_cursor_address() Returns the cursor position (address).
lcd_clear() Clears the screen and returns the cursor to home (0, 0).
lcd_home() Returns the cursor to home (0, 0).
lcd_display_on() Turns the display on.
lcd_display_off() Turns the display off.
lcd_blink_on() Turns the blinking cursor on.
lcd_blink_off() Turns the blinking cursor off.
lcd_cursor_on() Turns the underline cursor on.
lcd_cursor_off() Turns the underline cursor off.
lcd_backlight_on() Turns the backlight on.
lcd_backlight_off() Turns the backlight off.
lcd_move_left Moves the display left.
lcd_move_right() Moves the display right.
lcd_left_to_right() The cursor will move to the right after printing causing text to read left to right.
lcd_right_to_left() The cursor will move to the left after printing causing text to read right to left.
lcd_autoscroll_on() The screen will follow text if it moves out of view.
lcd_autoscroll_off() The screen will not follow text if it moves out of view.
lcd_store_custom_bitmap(array) Stores a custom bitmap to the location specified (up to 8: 0-7).
Example: uint8_t bitmap[] = {0x15, 0xa, 0x15, 0xa, 0x15, 0xa, 0x15, 0xa}; pifacecad_lcd_store_custom_bitmap(0, bitmap); // store pifacecad_lcd_write_custom_bitmap(0); // write
lcd_write_custom_bitmap(number) Writes the custom bitmap stored at the specified bank location to the display.
colrow2address(col, row) Returns an address calculated from a column and a row.
address2col(address) Returns a row calculated from an address.
Low level functions
open_noinit Opens a PiFace Control and Display without initialising it. Returns a file descriptor for making raw SPI transactions to the MCP23S17 (for advanced users only).
lcd_init() Initialised the LCD. You will not need to call this if you have called pifacecad_open.
lcd_send_command(byte) Send a command to the HD44780.
lcd_send_data(byte) Send data to the HD44780.
lcd_send_byte(byte) Send a byte to the HD44780.
lcd_set_rs(value) Set the RS pin on the HD44780.
lcd_set_rw(value) Set the RW pin on the HD44780.
lcd_set_enable(value) Set the enable pin on the HD44780.
lcd_set_backlight(value) Set the backlight pin on the HD44780.
lcd_pulse_enable Pulse the enable pin on the HD44780.