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Kivy Stonks App - ticker price tracking app made in kivy

Stonks is a simple app with two tabs: Dashboard and Settings

Settings Tab contains a plain input field which expects a comma separated list of tickers. Once the tickers are entered, user updates the Dashboard tab by pressing the "Update dashboard" button.

Settings Tab Settings Tab

Dashboard Tab displays candle charts for the period of 45 days and the last price of tickers set in the Settings Tab

Dasboard Tab

Created by Asia, Bogdan and Antoni.

Local Setup - macOS - using ZSH shell

Install pyenv build dependencies.

# Xcode Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install

# Other dependencies
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib

Install pyenv with Homebrew.

brew update
brew install pyenv

Install Python 3.9.0

pyenv install 3.9.0

Clone the repository.

cd [direcotry you want for this project]
git clone [this repo clone link]
cd kivy-stonks-app

Set a local version for Python (for current direcotry only).

# Set version
pyenv local 3.9.0
# Check version
pyenv version

Install poetry (package manager) via curl.

# Install
curl -sSL | python -

# Verify
poetry --version

Install a pre-existing poetry project with dependencies.

# Navigate to project folder
cd kivy-stonks-app
# Install poetry project
poetry install

Run script to verify that setup is complete.

# Start a poetry shell
poetry shell

# Inside the shell now
poetry run python

Done! You can now run and develop painlessly.

Local Setup - Linux - Pop! OS - using ZSH shell

Install pyenv build dependencies.

# Update apt
sudo apt update
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev

Check out pyenv where you want it to be installed and clone the repository.

mkdir ~/.pyenv
cd ~./pyenv
git clone

Define environment variable PYENV_ROOT.

echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.[your-shell-config-file, e.g. .bashrc, .zshrc]
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.[your-shell-config-file, e.g. .bashrc, .zshrc]
source ~/.[your-shell-config-file, e.g. .bashrc, .zshrc]

Install Python 3.9.0 (may take a while)

pyenv install 3.9.0

If you encounter script location warning do this

echo 'export PYENV_V_THREE_NINE_ZERO="$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0"'
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_V_THREE_NINE_ZERO/bin:$PATH"'
source ~/.[your-shell-config-file, e.g. .bashrc, .zshrc]
pyenv install 3.9.0

Clone the repository.

cd [directory you want for this project]
git clone [this repo clone link]
cd kivy-stonks-app

Set a local version for Python (for current direcotry only).

# Set version
pyenv local 3.9.0
# Check version
pyenv version

Install poetry (package manager) via curl.

# Install
curl -sSL | python -

# Source shell config
source ~/.[your-shell-config-file, e.g. .bashrc, .zshrc]

# Verify
poetry --version

Install a pre-existing poetry project with dependencies.

# Navigate to project folder
cd kivy-stonks-app
# Install poetry project
poetry install

Run script to verify that setup is complete.

# Start a poetry shell
poetry shell

# Inside the shell now
poetry run python

Done! You can now run and develop painlessly.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

