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GNT ‐ Golem Network Token
Table of contents
- Token Contract Information
- How To Watch The GNT Contract In Ethereum Wallet / Mist
- How To Watch The GNT Token In Ethereum Wallet / Mist
- The GNT Token Source Code
- Symbol:
- Name:
Golem Network Token
- Address:
- Decimal places:
- Total supply:
In Ethereum Wallet / Mist, select the CONTRACTS tab and click WATCH CONTRACT to open the Watch contract window. Then:
- Under CONTRACT NAME, enter
- Copy the Application Binary Interface below and paste it into the JSON INTERFACE text box
- Click OK
In Ethereum Wallet / Mist, select the CONTRACTS tab and click WATCH TOKEN to open the Add token window. Then:
. The additional fields should automatically be filled in. - Click OK
The verified source code can be found at 0xa74476443119a942de498590fe1f2454d7d4ac0d and follows:
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
/// @title Golem Network Token (GNT) - crowdfunding code for Golem Project
contract GolemNetworkToken {
string public constant name = "Golem Network Token";
string public constant symbol = "GNT";
uint8 public constant decimals = 18; // 18 decimal places, the same as ETH.
uint256 public constant tokenCreationRate = 1000;
// The funding cap in weis.
uint256 public constant tokenCreationCap = 820000 ether * tokenCreationRate;
uint256 public constant tokenCreationMin = 150000 ether * tokenCreationRate;
uint256 public fundingStartBlock;
uint256 public fundingEndBlock;
// The flag indicates if the GNT contract is in Funding state.
bool public funding = true;
// Receives ETH and its own GNT endowment.
address public golemFactory;
// Has control over token migration to next version of token.
address public migrationMaster;
GNTAllocation lockedAllocation;
// The current total token supply.
uint256 totalTokens;
mapping (address => uint256) balances;
address public migrationAgent;
uint256 public totalMigrated;
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Migrate(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Refund(address indexed _from, uint256 _value);
function GolemNetworkToken(address _golemFactory,
address _migrationMaster,
uint256 _fundingStartBlock,
uint256 _fundingEndBlock) {
if (_golemFactory == 0) throw;
if (_migrationMaster == 0) throw;
if (_fundingStartBlock <= block.number) throw;
if (_fundingEndBlock <= _fundingStartBlock) throw;
lockedAllocation = new GNTAllocation(_golemFactory);
migrationMaster = _migrationMaster;
golemFactory = _golemFactory;
fundingStartBlock = _fundingStartBlock;
fundingEndBlock = _fundingEndBlock;
/// @notice Transfer `_value` GNT tokens from sender's account
/// `msg.sender` to provided account address `_to`.
/// @notice This function is disabled during the funding.
/// @dev Required state: Operational
/// @param _to The address of the tokens recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool) {
// Abort if not in Operational state.
if (funding) throw;
var senderBalance = balances[msg.sender];
if (senderBalance >= _value && _value > 0) {
senderBalance -= _value;
balances[msg.sender] = senderBalance;
balances[_to] += _value;
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
return false;
function totalSupply() external constant returns (uint256) {
return totalTokens;
function balanceOf(address _owner) external constant returns (uint256) {
return balances[_owner];
// Token migration support:
/// @notice Migrate tokens to the new token contract.
/// @dev Required state: Operational Migration
/// @param _value The amount of token to be migrated
function migrate(uint256 _value) external {
// Abort if not in Operational Migration state.
if (funding) throw;
if (migrationAgent == 0) throw;
// Validate input value.
if (_value == 0) throw;
if (_value > balances[msg.sender]) throw;
balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
totalTokens -= _value;
totalMigrated += _value;
MigrationAgent(migrationAgent).migrateFrom(msg.sender, _value);
Migrate(msg.sender, migrationAgent, _value);
/// @notice Set address of migration target contract and enable migration
/// process.
/// @dev Required state: Operational Normal
/// @dev State transition: -> Operational Migration
/// @param _agent The address of the MigrationAgent contract
function setMigrationAgent(address _agent) external {
// Abort if not in Operational Normal state.
if (funding) throw;
if (migrationAgent != 0) throw;
if (msg.sender != migrationMaster) throw;
migrationAgent = _agent;
function setMigrationMaster(address _master) external {
if (msg.sender != migrationMaster) throw;
if (_master == 0) throw;
migrationMaster = _master;
// Crowdfunding:
/// @notice Create tokens when funding is active.
/// @dev Required state: Funding Active
/// @dev State transition: -> Funding Success (only if cap reached)
function create() payable external {
// Abort if not in Funding Active state.
// The checks are split (instead of using or operator) because it is
// cheaper this way.
if (!funding) throw;
if (block.number < fundingStartBlock) throw;
if (block.number > fundingEndBlock) throw;
// Do not allow creating 0 or more than the cap tokens.
if (msg.value == 0) throw;
if (msg.value > (tokenCreationCap - totalTokens) / tokenCreationRate)
var numTokens = msg.value * tokenCreationRate;
totalTokens += numTokens;
// Assign new tokens to the sender
balances[msg.sender] += numTokens;
// Log token creation event
Transfer(0, msg.sender, numTokens);
/// @notice Finalize crowdfunding
/// @dev If cap was reached or crowdfunding has ended then:
/// create GNT for the Golem Factory and developer,
/// transfer ETH to the Golem Factory address.
/// @dev Required state: Funding Success
/// @dev State transition: -> Operational Normal
function finalize() external {
// Abort if not in Funding Success state.
if (!funding) throw;
if ((block.number <= fundingEndBlock ||
totalTokens < tokenCreationMin) &&
totalTokens < tokenCreationCap) throw;
// Switch to Operational state. This is the only place this can happen.
funding = false;
// Create additional GNT for the Golem Factory and developers as
// the 18% of total number of tokens.
// All additional tokens are transfered to the account controller by
// GNTAllocation contract which will not allow using them for 6 months.
uint256 percentOfTotal = 18;
uint256 additionalTokens =
totalTokens * percentOfTotal / (100 - percentOfTotal);
totalTokens += additionalTokens;
balances[lockedAllocation] += additionalTokens;
Transfer(0, lockedAllocation, additionalTokens);
// Transfer ETH to the Golem Factory address.
if (!golemFactory.send(this.balance)) throw;
/// @notice Get back the ether sent during the funding in case the funding
/// has not reached the minimum level.
/// @dev Required state: Funding Failure
function refund() external {
// Abort if not in Funding Failure state.
if (!funding) throw;
if (block.number <= fundingEndBlock) throw;
if (totalTokens >= tokenCreationMin) throw;
var gntValue = balances[msg.sender];
if (gntValue == 0) throw;
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
totalTokens -= gntValue;
var ethValue = gntValue / tokenCreationRate;
Refund(msg.sender, ethValue);
if (!msg.sender.send(ethValue)) throw;
/// @title Migration Agent interface
contract MigrationAgent {
function migrateFrom(address _from, uint256 _value);
/// @title GNT Allocation - Time-locked vault of tokens allocated
/// to developers and Golem Factory
contract GNTAllocation {
// Total number of allocations to distribute additional tokens among
// developers and the Golem Factory. The Golem Factory has right to 20000
// allocations, developers to 10000 allocations, divides among individual
// developers by numbers specified in `allocations` table.
uint256 constant totalAllocations = 30000;
// Addresses of developer and the Golem Factory to allocations mapping.
mapping (address => uint256) allocations;
GolemNetworkToken gnt;
uint256 unlockedAt;
uint256 tokensCreated = 0;
function GNTAllocation(address _golemFactory) internal {
gnt = GolemNetworkToken(msg.sender);
unlockedAt = now + 6 * 30 days;
// For the Golem Factory:
allocations[_golemFactory] = 20000; // 12/18 pp of 30000 allocations.
// For developers:
allocations[0x9d3F257827B17161a098d380822fa2614FF540c8] = 2500; // 25.0% of developers' allocations (10000).
allocations[0xd7406E50b73972Fa4aa533a881af68B623Ba3F66] = 730; // 7.3% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0xd15356D05A7990dE7eC94304B0fD538e550c09C0] = 730;
allocations[0x3971D17B62b825b151760E2451F818BfB64489A7] = 730;
allocations[0x95e337d09f1bc67681b1cab7ed1125ea2bae5ca8] = 730;
allocations[0x0025C58dB686b8CEce05CB8c50C1858b63Aa396E] = 730;
allocations[0xB127FC62dE6ca30aAc9D551591daEDdeBB2eFD7A] = 630; // 6.3% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0x21AF2E2c240a71E9fB84e90d71c2B2AddE0D0e81] = 630;
allocations[0x682AA1C3b3E102ACB9c97B861d595F9fbfF0f1B8] = 630;
allocations[0x6edd429c77803606cBd6Bb501CC701a6CAD6be01] = 630;
allocations[0x5E455624372FE11b39464e93d41D1F6578c3D9f6] = 310; // 3.1% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0xB7c7EaD515Ca275d53e30B39D8EBEdb3F19dA244] = 138; // 1.38% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0xD513b1c3fe31F3Fe0b1E42aa8F55e903F19f1730] = 135; // 1.35% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0x70cac7f8E404EEFce6526823452e428b5Ab09b00] = 100; // 1.0% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0xe0d5861e7be0fac6c85ecde6e8bf76b046a96149] = 100;
allocations[0x17488694D2feE4377Ec718836bb9d4910E81D9Cf] = 100;
allocations[0xb481372086dEc3ca2FCCD3EB2f462c9C893Ef3C5] = 100;
allocations[0xFB6D91E69CD7990651f26a3aa9f8d5a89159fC92] = 70; // 0.7% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0xE2ABdAe2980a1447F445cb962f9c0bef1B63EE13] = 70;
allocations[0x729A5c0232712caAf365fDd03c39cb361Bd41b1C] = 70;
allocations[0x12FBD8fef4903f62e30dD79AC7F439F573E02697] = 70;
allocations[0x657013005e5cFAF76f75d03b465cE085d402469A] = 42; // 0.42% of developers' allocations.
allocations[0xD0AF9f75EA618163944585bF56aCA98204d0AB66] = 25; // 0.25% of developers' allocations.
/// @notice Allow developer to unlock allocated tokens by transferring them
/// from GNTAllocation to developer's address.
function unlock() external {
if (now < unlockedAt) throw;
// During first unlock attempt fetch total number of locked tokens.
if (tokensCreated == 0)
tokensCreated = gnt.balanceOf(this);
var allocation = allocations[msg.sender];
allocations[msg.sender] = 0;
var toTransfer = tokensCreated * allocation / totalAllocations;
// Will fail if allocation (and therefore toTransfer) is 0.
if (!gnt.transfer(msg.sender, toTransfer)) throw;
Most of this wiki is currently work in progress. GNTTokenTrader & Factory, GNT ‐ Golem Network Token and Bug Bounty are complete.
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- GNT ‐ Golem Network Token
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