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MLN ‐ Melon Token

BokkyPooBah edited this page Mar 24, 2017 · 14 revisions

Table of contents

Token Information

Token Contract Information

  • Symbol: MLN
  • Name: Melon Token
  • Address: 0xbeb9ef514a379b997e0798fdcc901ee474b6d9a1
  • Decimal places: 18
  • Total supply: 749,400
  • Note: MLN tokens cannot be transferred before endTime = 1489575600 or Mar 15 2017 @ 11:00am (UTC)

Market Making Information

Creating Your Trade Contract

If you want to list a MLN TokenTrader contract on, use the TokenTraderFactory contract.

Execute createTradeContract(address asset, uint256 buyPrice, uint256 sellPrice, uint256 units, bool buysTokens, bool sellsTokens) to create your MLN TokenTrader contract.

The formula for working out the buyPrice or sellPrice follows:

rate = price / units * 10^(tokenDecimals - etherDecimals)

which is:

rate = price / units * 10^(tokenDecimals - 18)

and tokenDecimals = 18, so:

rate = price / units

Watching Your Trade Contract

Find your newly created Trade contract on Watch this contract address using the ABI at How To Watch A TokenTrader Contract In Ethereum Wallet / Mist.

Depositing Tokens

Use the MLN token contract to transfer your tokens to your newly created TokenTrader address.

Depositing Ethers

Execute your TokenTrader.makerDepositEther() function, sending the amount of ethers.

How To Watch The Token Contract In Ethereum Wallet / Mist

In Ethereum Wallet / Mist, select the CONTRACTS tab and click WATCH CONTRACT to open the Watch contract window. Then:

  • Under CONTRACT NAME, enter MLN

  • Under CONTRACT ADDRESS, enter 0xbeb9ef514a379b997e0798fdcc901ee474b6d9a1

  • Copy the Application Binary Interface below and paste it into the JSON INTERFACE text box


  • Click OK

How To Watch The Token In Ethereum Wallet / Mist

In Ethereum Wallet / Mist, select the CONTRACTS tab and click WATCH TOKEN to open the Add token window. Then:

  • Under TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS, enter 0xbeb9ef514a379b997e0798fdcc901ee474b6d9a1. The additional fields should automatically be filled in.

  • Click OK

The Token Contract Source Code

The verified source code can be found at 0xbeb9ef514a379b997e0798fdcc901ee474b6d9a1 and follows:

pragma solidity ^0.4.8;

/// @title Assertive contract
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice Asserts function
contract Assertive {

  function assert(bool assertion) internal {
      if (!assertion) throw;


/// @title Overflow aware uint math functions.
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice Inspired by
contract SafeMath is Assertive{

    function safeMul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        uint c = a * b;
        assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
        return c;

    function safeSub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        assert(b <= a);
        return a - b;

    function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        uint c = a + b;
        assert(c>=a && c>=b);
        return c;


/// @title ERC20 Token Protocol
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice See
contract ERC20Protocol {

    function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply) {}
    function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {}
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {}

    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);


/// @title ERC20 Token
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice Original taken from
/// @notice Checked against integer overflow
contract ERC20 is ERC20Protocol {

    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
            balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
            balances[_to] += _value;
            Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
            return true;
        } else { return false; }

    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
        if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
            balances[_to] += _value;
            balances[_from] -= _value;
            allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
            Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
            return true;
        } else { return false; }

    function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
        return balances[_owner];

    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
        allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
        Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
        return true;

    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
        return allowed[_owner][_spender];

    mapping (address => uint256) balances;

    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;

    uint256 public totalSupply;


/// @title Melon Token Contract
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
contract MelonToken is ERC20, SafeMath {

    // FIELDS

    // Constant token specific fields
    string public constant name = "Melon Token";
    string public constant symbol = "MLN";
    uint public constant decimals = 18;
    uint public constant THAWING_DURATION = 2 years; // Time needed for iced tokens to thaw into liquid tokens
    uint public constant MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT_OFFERED_TO_PUBLIC = 1000000 * 10 ** decimals; // Max amount of tokens offered to the public
    uint public constant MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT = 1250000 * 10 ** decimals; // Max amount of total tokens raised during all contributions (includes stakes of patrons)

    // Fields that are only changed in constructor
    address public minter; // Contribution contract(s)
    address public melonport; // Can change to other minting contribution contracts but only until total amount of token minted
    uint public startTime; // Contribution start time in seconds
    uint public endTime; // Contribution end time in seconds

    // Fields that can be changed by functions
    mapping (address => uint) lockedBalances;


    modifier only_minter {
        assert(msg.sender == minter);

    modifier only_melonport {
        assert(msg.sender == melonport);

    modifier is_later_than(uint x) {
        assert(now > x);

    modifier max_total_token_amount_not_reached(uint amount) {
        assert(safeAdd(totalSupply, amount) <= MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT);


    function lockedBalanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance) {
        return lockedBalances[_owner];

    // METHODS

    /// Pre: All fields, except { minter, melonport, startTime, endTime } are valid
    /// Post: All fields, including { minter, melonport, startTime, endTime } are valid
    function MelonToken(address setMinter, address setMelonport, uint setStartTime, uint setEndTime) {
        minter = setMinter;
        melonport = setMelonport;
        startTime = setStartTime;
        endTime = setEndTime;

    /// Pre: Address of contribution contract (minter) is set
    /// Post: Mints token into tradeable tranche
    function mintLiquidToken(address recipient, uint amount)
        balances[recipient] = safeAdd(balances[recipient], amount);
        totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, amount);

    /// Pre: Address of contribution contract (minter) is set
    /// Post: Mints Token into iced tranche. Become liquid after completion of the melonproject or two years.
    function mintIcedToken(address recipient, uint amount)
        lockedBalances[recipient] = safeAdd(lockedBalances[recipient], amount);
        totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, amount);

    /// Pre: Thawing period has passed - iced funds have turned into liquid ones
    /// Post: All funds available for trade
    function unlockBalance(address recipient)
        is_later_than(endTime + THAWING_DURATION)
        balances[recipient] = safeAdd(balances[recipient], lockedBalances[recipient]);
        lockedBalances[recipient] = 0;

    /// Pre: Prevent transfers until contribution period is over.
    /// Post: Transfer MLN from msg.sender
    /// Note: ERC20 interface
    function transfer(address recipient, uint amount)
        returns (bool success)
        return super.transfer(recipient, amount);

    /// Pre: Prevent transfers until contribution period is over.
    /// Post: Transfer MLN from arbitrary address
    /// Note: ERC20 interface
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount)
        returns (bool success)
        return super.transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount);

    /// Pre: Melonport address is set. Restricted to melonport.
    /// Post: New minter can now create tokens up to MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT.
    /// Note: This allows additional contribution periods at a later stage, while still using the same ERC20 compliant contract.
    function changeMintingAddress(address newAddress) only_melonport { minter = newAddress; }

    /// Pre: Melonport address is set. Restricted to melonport.
    /// Post: New address set. This address controls the setting of the minter address
    function changeMelonportAddress(address newAddress) only_melonport { melonport = newAddress; }

/// @title Contribution Contract
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice This follows Condition-Orientated Programming as outlined here:
/// @notice
contract Contribution is SafeMath {

    // FIELDS

    // Constant fields
    uint public constant ETHER_CAP = 227000 ether; // Max amount raised during first contribution; targeted amount CHF 2.5MN
    uint public constant MAX_CONTRIBUTION_DURATION = 4 weeks; // Max amount in seconds of contribution period
    uint public constant BTCS_ETHER_CAP = ETHER_CAP * 25 / 100; // Max melon token allocation for btcs before contribution period starts
    // Price Rates
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_FIRST = 2200; // Four price tiers, each valid for two weeks
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_SECOND = 2150;
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_THIRD = 2100;
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_FOURTH = 2050;
    uint public constant DIVISOR_PRICE = 1000; // Price rates are divided by this number
    // Addresses of Patrons
    address public constant FOUNDER_ONE = 0x009beAE06B0c0C536ad1eA43D6f61DCCf0748B1f;
    address public constant FOUNDER_TWO = 0xB1EFca62C555b49E67363B48aE5b8Af3C7E3e656;
    address public constant EXT_COMPANY_ONE = 0x00779e0e4c6083cfd26dE77B4dbc107A7EbB99d2;
    address public constant EXT_COMPANY_TWO = 0x1F06B976136e94704D328D4d23aae7259AaC12a2;
    address public constant EXT_COMPANY_THREE = 0xDD91615Ea8De94bC48231c4ae9488891F1648dc5;
    address public constant ADVISOR_ONE = 0x0001126FC94AE0be2B685b8dE434a99B2552AAc3;
    address public constant ADVISOR_TWO = 0x4f2AF8d2614190Cc80c6E9772B0C367db8D9753C;
    address public constant ADVISOR_THREE = 0x715a70a7c7d76acc8d5874862e381c1940c19cce;
    address public constant ADVISOR_FOUR = 0x8615F13C12c24DFdca0ba32511E2861BE02b93b2;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_ONE = 0xd3841FB80CE408ca7d0b41D72aA91CA74652AF47;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_TWO = 0xDb775577538018a689E4Ad2e8eb5a7Ae7c34722B;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_THREE = 0xaa967e0ce6A1Ff5F9c124D15AD0412F137C99767;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_FOUR = 0x910B41a6568a645437bC286A5C733f3c501d8c88;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_FIVE = 0xb1d16BFE840E66E3c81785551832aAACB4cf69f3;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_SIX = 0x5F6ff16364BfEf546270325695B6e90cc89C497a;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_SEVEN = 0x58656e8872B0d266c2acCD276cD23F4C0B5fEfb9;
    address public constant SPECIALIST_ONE = 0x8a815e818E617d1f93BE7477D179258aC2d25310;
    address public constant SPECIALIST_TWO = 0x1eba6702ba21cfc1f6c87c726364b60a5e444901;
    address public constant SPECIALIST_THREE = 0x82eae6c30ed9606e2b389ae65395648748c6a17f;
    // Stakes of Patrons
    uint public constant MELONPORT_COMPANY_STAKE = 1000; // 10% of all created melon token allocated to melonport company
    uint public constant FOUNDER_STAKE = 445; // 4.45% of all created melon token allocated to founder
    uint public constant EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_ONE = 150; // 1.5% of all created melon token allocated to external company
    uint public constant EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_TWO = 100; // 1% of all created melon token allocated to external company
    uint public constant EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_THREE = 50; // 0.5% of all created melon token allocated to external company
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_ONE = 150; // 1.5% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_TWO = 50; // 0.5% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_THREE = 25; // 0.25% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_FOUR = 10; // 0.1% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant AMBASSADOR_STAKE = 5; // 0.05% of all created melon token allocated to ambassadors
    uint public constant SPECIALIST_STAKE_ONE = 25; // 0.25% of all created melon token allocated to specialist
    uint public constant SPECIALIST_STAKE_TWO = 10; // 0.1% of all created melon token allocated to specialist
    uint public constant SPECIALIST_STAKE_THREE = 5; // 0.05% of all created melon token allocated to specialist
    uint public constant DIVISOR_STAKE = 10000; // Stakes are divided by this number; Results to one basis point

    // Fields that are only changed in constructor
    address public melonport; // All deposited ETH will be instantly forwarded to this address.
    address public btcs; // Bitcoin Suisse address for their allocation option
    address public signer; // Signer address as on
    uint public startTime; // Contribution start time in seconds
    uint public endTime; // Contribution end time in seconds
    MelonToken public melonToken; // Contract of the ERC20 compliant melon token

    // Fields that can be changed by functions
    uint public etherRaised; // This will keep track of the Ether raised during the contribution
    bool public halted; // The melonport address can set this to true to halt the contribution due to an emergency

    // EVENTS

    event TokensBought(address indexed sender, uint eth, uint amount);


    modifier is_signer_signature(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) {
        bytes32 hash = sha256(msg.sender);
        assert(ecrecover(hash, v, r, s) == signer);

    modifier only_melonport {
        assert(msg.sender == melonport);

    modifier only_btcs {
        assert(msg.sender == btcs);

    modifier is_not_halted {

    modifier ether_cap_not_reached {
        assert(safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value) <= ETHER_CAP);

    modifier btcs_ether_cap_not_reached {
        assert(safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value) <= BTCS_ETHER_CAP);

    modifier is_not_earlier_than(uint x) {
        assert(now >= x);

    modifier is_earlier_than(uint x) {
        assert(now < x);


    /// Pre: startTime, endTime specified in constructor,
    /// Post: Price rate at given blockTime; One ether equals priceRate() / DIVISOR_PRICE of melon tokens
    function priceRate() constant returns (uint) {
        // Four price tiers
        if (startTime <= now && now < startTime + 1 weeks)
            return PRICE_RATE_FIRST;
        if (startTime + 1 weeks <= now && now < startTime + 2 weeks)
            return PRICE_RATE_SECOND;
        if (startTime + 2 weeks <= now && now < startTime + 3 weeks)
            return PRICE_RATE_THIRD;
        if (startTime + 3 weeks <= now && now < endTime)
            return PRICE_RATE_FOURTH;
        // Should not be called before or after contribution period


    /// Pre: All fields, except { melonport, btcs, signer, startTime } are valid
    /// Post: All fields, including { melonport, btcs, signer, startTime } are valid
    function Contribution(address setMelonport, address setBTCS, address setSigner, uint setStartTime) {
        melonport = setMelonport;
        btcs = setBTCS;
        signer = setSigner;
        startTime = setStartTime;
        endTime = startTime + MAX_CONTRIBUTION_DURATION;
        melonToken = new MelonToken(this, melonport, startTime, endTime); // Create Melon Token Contract
        var maxTotalTokenAmountOfferedToPublic = melonToken.MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT_OFFERED_TO_PUBLIC();
        uint stakeMultiplier = maxTotalTokenAmountOfferedToPublic / DIVISOR_STAKE;
        // Mint liquid tokens for melonport company, liquid means tradeale
        melonToken.mintLiquidToken(melonport,       MELONPORT_COMPANY_STAKE * stakeMultiplier);
        // Mint iced tokens that are unable to trade for two years and allocate according to relevant stakes
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(FOUNDER_ONE,       FOUNDER_STAKE *           stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(FOUNDER_TWO,       FOUNDER_STAKE *           stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(EXT_COMPANY_ONE,   EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_ONE *   stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(EXT_COMPANY_TWO,   EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_TWO *   stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(EXT_COMPANY_THREE, EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_THREE * stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_ONE,       ADVISOR_STAKE_ONE *       stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_TWO,       ADVISOR_STAKE_TWO *       stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_THREE,     ADVISOR_STAKE_THREE *     stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_FOUR,      ADVISOR_STAKE_FOUR *      stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_ONE,    AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_TWO,    AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_THREE,  AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_FOUR,   AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_FIVE,   AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_SIX,    AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_SEVEN,  AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(SPECIALIST_ONE,    SPECIALIST_STAKE_ONE *    stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(SPECIALIST_TWO,    SPECIALIST_STAKE_TWO *    stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(SPECIALIST_THREE,  SPECIALIST_STAKE_THREE *  stakeMultiplier);

    /// Pre: Valid signature received from
    /// Post: Bought melon tokens according to priceRate() and msg.value
    function buy(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) payable { buyRecipient(msg.sender, v, r, s); }

    /// Pre: Valid signature received from
    /// Post: Bought melon tokens according to priceRate() and msg.value on behalf of recipient
    function buyRecipient(address recipient, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
        is_signer_signature(v, r, s)
        uint amount = safeMul(msg.value, priceRate()) / DIVISOR_PRICE;
        melonToken.mintLiquidToken(recipient, amount);
        etherRaised = safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value);
        TokensBought(recipient, msg.value, amount);

    /// Pre: BTCS before contribution period, BTCS has exclusive right to buy up to 25% of all melon tokens
    /// Post: Bought melon tokens according to PRICE_RATE_FIRST and msg.value on behalf of recipient
    function btcsBuyRecipient(address recipient)
        uint amount = safeMul(msg.value, PRICE_RATE_FIRST) / DIVISOR_PRICE;
        melonToken.mintLiquidToken(recipient, amount);
        etherRaised = safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value);
        TokensBought(recipient, msg.value, amount);

    /// Pre: Emergency situation that requires contribution period to stop.
    /// Post: Contributing not possible anymore.
    function halt() only_melonport { halted = true; }

    /// Pre: Emergency situation resolved.
    /// Post: Contributing becomes possible again withing the outlined restrictions.
    function unhalt() only_melonport { halted = false; }

    /// Pre: Restricted to melonport.
    /// Post: New address set. To halt contribution and/or change minter in MelonToken contract.
    function changeMelonportAddress(address newAddress) only_melonport { melonport = newAddress; }

The code above was created by the crowdfunding contract at 0x3bf541f87056d134e0109be1be92978b26cb09e0 and follows:

pragma solidity ^0.4.8;

/// @title Assertive contract
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice Asserts function
contract Assertive {

  function assert(bool assertion) internal {
      if (!assertion) throw;


/// @title Overflow aware uint math functions.
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice Inspired by
contract SafeMath is Assertive{

    function safeMul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        uint c = a * b;
        assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
        return c;

    function safeSub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        assert(b <= a);
        return a - b;

    function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        uint c = a + b;
        assert(c>=a && c>=b);
        return c;


/// @title ERC20 Token Protocol
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice See
contract ERC20Protocol {

    function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply) {}
    function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {}
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {}

    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);


/// @title ERC20 Token
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice Original taken from
/// @notice Checked against integer overflow
contract ERC20 is ERC20Protocol {

    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
            balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
            balances[_to] += _value;
            Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
            return true;
        } else { return false; }

    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
        if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
            balances[_to] += _value;
            balances[_from] -= _value;
            allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
            Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
            return true;
        } else { return false; }

    function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
        return balances[_owner];

    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
        allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
        Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
        return true;

    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
        return allowed[_owner][_spender];

    mapping (address => uint256) balances;

    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;

    uint256 public totalSupply;


/// @title Melon Token Contract
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
contract MelonToken is ERC20, SafeMath {

    // FIELDS

    // Constant token specific fields
    string public constant name = "Melon Token";
    string public constant symbol = "MLN";
    uint public constant decimals = 18;
    uint public constant THAWING_DURATION = 2 years; // Time needed for iced tokens to thaw into liquid tokens
    uint public constant MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT_OFFERED_TO_PUBLIC = 1000000 * 10 ** decimals; // Max amount of tokens offered to the public
    uint public constant MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT = 1250000 * 10 ** decimals; // Max amount of total tokens raised during all contributions (includes stakes of patrons)

    // Fields that are only changed in constructor
    address public minter; // Contribution contract(s)
    address public melonport; // Can change to other minting contribution contracts but only until total amount of token minted
    uint public startTime; // Contribution start time in seconds
    uint public endTime; // Contribution end time in seconds

    // Fields that can be changed by functions
    mapping (address => uint) lockedBalances;


    modifier only_minter {
        assert(msg.sender == minter);

    modifier only_melonport {
        assert(msg.sender == melonport);

    modifier is_later_than(uint x) {
        assert(now > x);

    modifier max_total_token_amount_not_reached(uint amount) {
        assert(safeAdd(totalSupply, amount) <= MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT);


    function lockedBalanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance) {
        return lockedBalances[_owner];

    // METHODS

    /// Pre: All fields, except { minter, melonport, startTime, endTime } are valid
    /// Post: All fields, including { minter, melonport, startTime, endTime } are valid
    function MelonToken(address setMinter, address setMelonport, uint setStartTime, uint setEndTime) {
        minter = setMinter;
        melonport = setMelonport;
        startTime = setStartTime;
        endTime = setEndTime;

    /// Pre: Address of contribution contract (minter) is set
    /// Post: Mints token into tradeable tranche
    function mintLiquidToken(address recipient, uint amount)
        balances[recipient] = safeAdd(balances[recipient], amount);
        totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, amount);

    /// Pre: Address of contribution contract (minter) is set
    /// Post: Mints Token into iced tranche. Become liquid after completion of the melonproject or two years.
    function mintIcedToken(address recipient, uint amount)
        lockedBalances[recipient] = safeAdd(lockedBalances[recipient], amount);
        totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, amount);

    /// Pre: Thawing period has passed - iced funds have turned into liquid ones
    /// Post: All funds available for trade
    function unlockBalance(address recipient)
        is_later_than(endTime + THAWING_DURATION)
        balances[recipient] = safeAdd(balances[recipient], lockedBalances[recipient]);
        lockedBalances[recipient] = 0;

    /// Pre: Prevent transfers until contribution period is over.
    /// Post: Transfer MLN from msg.sender
    /// Note: ERC20 interface
    function transfer(address recipient, uint amount)
        returns (bool success)
        return super.transfer(recipient, amount);

    /// Pre: Prevent transfers until contribution period is over.
    /// Post: Transfer MLN from arbitrary address
    /// Note: ERC20 interface
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount)
        returns (bool success)
        return super.transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount);

    /// Pre: Melonport address is set. Restricted to melonport.
    /// Post: New minter can now create tokens up to MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT.
    /// Note: This allows additional contribution periods at a later stage, while still using the same ERC20 compliant contract.
    function changeMintingAddress(address newAddress) only_melonport { minter = newAddress; }

    /// Pre: Melonport address is set. Restricted to melonport.
    /// Post: New address set. This address controls the setting of the minter address
    function changeMelonportAddress(address newAddress) only_melonport { melonport = newAddress; }

/// @title Contribution Contract
/// @author Melonport AG <[email protected]>
/// @notice This follows Condition-Orientated Programming as outlined here:
/// @notice
contract Contribution is SafeMath {

    // FIELDS

    // Constant fields
    uint public constant ETHER_CAP = 227000 ether; // Max amount raised during first contribution; targeted amount CHF 2.5MN
    uint public constant MAX_CONTRIBUTION_DURATION = 4 weeks; // Max amount in seconds of contribution period
    uint public constant BTCS_ETHER_CAP = ETHER_CAP * 25 / 100; // Max melon token allocation for btcs before contribution period starts
    // Price Rates
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_FIRST = 2200; // Four price tiers, each valid for two weeks
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_SECOND = 2150;
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_THIRD = 2100;
    uint public constant PRICE_RATE_FOURTH = 2050;
    uint public constant DIVISOR_PRICE = 1000; // Price rates are divided by this number
    // Addresses of Patrons
    address public constant FOUNDER_ONE = 0x009beAE06B0c0C536ad1eA43D6f61DCCf0748B1f;
    address public constant FOUNDER_TWO = 0xB1EFca62C555b49E67363B48aE5b8Af3C7E3e656;
    address public constant EXT_COMPANY_ONE = 0x00779e0e4c6083cfd26dE77B4dbc107A7EbB99d2;
    address public constant EXT_COMPANY_TWO = 0x1F06B976136e94704D328D4d23aae7259AaC12a2;
    address public constant EXT_COMPANY_THREE = 0xDD91615Ea8De94bC48231c4ae9488891F1648dc5;
    address public constant ADVISOR_ONE = 0x0001126FC94AE0be2B685b8dE434a99B2552AAc3;
    address public constant ADVISOR_TWO = 0x4f2AF8d2614190Cc80c6E9772B0C367db8D9753C;
    address public constant ADVISOR_THREE = 0x715a70a7c7d76acc8d5874862e381c1940c19cce;
    address public constant ADVISOR_FOUR = 0x8615F13C12c24DFdca0ba32511E2861BE02b93b2;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_ONE = 0xd3841FB80CE408ca7d0b41D72aA91CA74652AF47;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_TWO = 0xDb775577538018a689E4Ad2e8eb5a7Ae7c34722B;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_THREE = 0xaa967e0ce6A1Ff5F9c124D15AD0412F137C99767;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_FOUR = 0x910B41a6568a645437bC286A5C733f3c501d8c88;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_FIVE = 0xb1d16BFE840E66E3c81785551832aAACB4cf69f3;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_SIX = 0x5F6ff16364BfEf546270325695B6e90cc89C497a;
    address public constant AMBASSADOR_SEVEN = 0x58656e8872B0d266c2acCD276cD23F4C0B5fEfb9;
    address public constant SPECIALIST_ONE = 0x8a815e818E617d1f93BE7477D179258aC2d25310;
    address public constant SPECIALIST_TWO = 0x1eba6702ba21cfc1f6c87c726364b60a5e444901;
    address public constant SPECIALIST_THREE = 0x82eae6c30ed9606e2b389ae65395648748c6a17f;
    // Stakes of Patrons
    uint public constant MELONPORT_COMPANY_STAKE = 1000; // 10% of all created melon token allocated to melonport company
    uint public constant FOUNDER_STAKE = 445; // 4.45% of all created melon token allocated to founder
    uint public constant EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_ONE = 150; // 1.5% of all created melon token allocated to external company
    uint public constant EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_TWO = 100; // 1% of all created melon token allocated to external company
    uint public constant EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_THREE = 50; // 0.5% of all created melon token allocated to external company
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_ONE = 150; // 1.5% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_TWO = 50; // 0.5% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_THREE = 25; // 0.25% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant ADVISOR_STAKE_FOUR = 10; // 0.1% of all created melon token allocated to advisor
    uint public constant AMBASSADOR_STAKE = 5; // 0.05% of all created melon token allocated to ambassadors
    uint public constant SPECIALIST_STAKE_ONE = 25; // 0.25% of all created melon token allocated to specialist
    uint public constant SPECIALIST_STAKE_TWO = 10; // 0.1% of all created melon token allocated to specialist
    uint public constant SPECIALIST_STAKE_THREE = 5; // 0.05% of all created melon token allocated to specialist
    uint public constant DIVISOR_STAKE = 10000; // Stakes are divided by this number; Results to one basis point

    // Fields that are only changed in constructor
    address public melonport; // All deposited ETH will be instantly forwarded to this address.
    address public btcs; // Bitcoin Suisse address for their allocation option
    address public signer; // Signer address as on
    uint public startTime; // Contribution start time in seconds
    uint public endTime; // Contribution end time in seconds
    MelonToken public melonToken; // Contract of the ERC20 compliant melon token

    // Fields that can be changed by functions
    uint public etherRaised; // This will keep track of the Ether raised during the contribution
    bool public halted; // The melonport address can set this to true to halt the contribution due to an emergency

    // EVENTS

    event TokensBought(address indexed sender, uint eth, uint amount);


    modifier is_signer_signature(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) {
        bytes32 hash = sha256(msg.sender);
        assert(ecrecover(hash, v, r, s) == signer);

    modifier only_melonport {
        assert(msg.sender == melonport);

    modifier only_btcs {
        assert(msg.sender == btcs);

    modifier is_not_halted {

    modifier ether_cap_not_reached {
        assert(safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value) <= ETHER_CAP);

    modifier btcs_ether_cap_not_reached {
        assert(safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value) <= BTCS_ETHER_CAP);

    modifier is_not_earlier_than(uint x) {
        assert(now >= x);

    modifier is_earlier_than(uint x) {
        assert(now < x);


    /// Pre: startTime, endTime specified in constructor,
    /// Post: Price rate at given blockTime; One ether equals priceRate() / DIVISOR_PRICE of melon tokens
    function priceRate() constant returns (uint) {
        // Four price tiers
        if (startTime <= now && now < startTime + 1 weeks)
            return PRICE_RATE_FIRST;
        if (startTime + 1 weeks <= now && now < startTime + 2 weeks)
            return PRICE_RATE_SECOND;
        if (startTime + 2 weeks <= now && now < startTime + 3 weeks)
            return PRICE_RATE_THIRD;
        if (startTime + 3 weeks <= now && now < endTime)
            return PRICE_RATE_FOURTH;
        // Should not be called before or after contribution period


    /// Pre: All fields, except { melonport, btcs, signer, startTime } are valid
    /// Post: All fields, including { melonport, btcs, signer, startTime } are valid
    function Contribution(address setMelonport, address setBTCS, address setSigner, uint setStartTime) {
        melonport = setMelonport;
        btcs = setBTCS;
        signer = setSigner;
        startTime = setStartTime;
        endTime = startTime + MAX_CONTRIBUTION_DURATION;
        melonToken = new MelonToken(this, melonport, startTime, endTime); // Create Melon Token Contract
        var maxTotalTokenAmountOfferedToPublic = melonToken.MAX_TOTAL_TOKEN_AMOUNT_OFFERED_TO_PUBLIC();
        uint stakeMultiplier = maxTotalTokenAmountOfferedToPublic / DIVISOR_STAKE;
        // Mint liquid tokens for melonport company, liquid means tradeale
        melonToken.mintLiquidToken(melonport,       MELONPORT_COMPANY_STAKE * stakeMultiplier);
        // Mint iced tokens that are unable to trade for two years and allocate according to relevant stakes
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(FOUNDER_ONE,       FOUNDER_STAKE *           stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(FOUNDER_TWO,       FOUNDER_STAKE *           stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(EXT_COMPANY_ONE,   EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_ONE *   stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(EXT_COMPANY_TWO,   EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_TWO *   stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(EXT_COMPANY_THREE, EXT_COMPANY_STAKE_THREE * stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_ONE,       ADVISOR_STAKE_ONE *       stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_TWO,       ADVISOR_STAKE_TWO *       stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_THREE,     ADVISOR_STAKE_THREE *     stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(ADVISOR_FOUR,      ADVISOR_STAKE_FOUR *      stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_ONE,    AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_TWO,    AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_THREE,  AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_FOUR,   AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_FIVE,   AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_SIX,    AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(AMBASSADOR_SEVEN,  AMBASSADOR_STAKE *        stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(SPECIALIST_ONE,    SPECIALIST_STAKE_ONE *    stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(SPECIALIST_TWO,    SPECIALIST_STAKE_TWO *    stakeMultiplier);
        melonToken.mintIcedToken(SPECIALIST_THREE,  SPECIALIST_STAKE_THREE *  stakeMultiplier);

    /// Pre: Valid signature received from
    /// Post: Bought melon tokens according to priceRate() and msg.value
    function buy(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) payable { buyRecipient(msg.sender, v, r, s); }

    /// Pre: Valid signature received from
    /// Post: Bought melon tokens according to priceRate() and msg.value on behalf of recipient
    function buyRecipient(address recipient, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
        is_signer_signature(v, r, s)
        uint amount = safeMul(msg.value, priceRate()) / DIVISOR_PRICE;
        melonToken.mintLiquidToken(recipient, amount);
        etherRaised = safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value);
        TokensBought(recipient, msg.value, amount);

    /// Pre: BTCS before contribution period, BTCS has exclusive right to buy up to 25% of all melon tokens
    /// Post: Bought melon tokens according to PRICE_RATE_FIRST and msg.value on behalf of recipient
    function btcsBuyRecipient(address recipient)
        uint amount = safeMul(msg.value, PRICE_RATE_FIRST) / DIVISOR_PRICE;
        melonToken.mintLiquidToken(recipient, amount);
        etherRaised = safeAdd(etherRaised, msg.value);
        TokensBought(recipient, msg.value, amount);

    /// Pre: Emergency situation that requires contribution period to stop.
    /// Post: Contributing not possible anymore.
    function halt() only_melonport { halted = true; }

    /// Pre: Emergency situation resolved.
    /// Post: Contributing becomes possible again withing the outlined restrictions.
    function unhalt() only_melonport { halted = false; }

    /// Pre: Restricted to melonport.
    /// Post: New address set. To halt contribution and/or change minter in MelonToken contract.
    function changeMelonportAddress(address newAddress) only_melonport { melonport = newAddress; }
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