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Provisioning Helper for Vagrant. These have been tested only on the vanilla precise32 box provided by the Vagrant people.


  • base

    The Base module will set LC_ALL to en_US.UTF-8 and the after it has been loaded. It'll also fix NFS issues for you (it creates a vagrant-nfs user) and delete existing bash history.

    To load a module

      provision modulename ...

    You can also set the timezone with

      set-timezone timezone

    To run a command as another user

      as vagrant "command ..."

    To check if the system supports a command

      can command || apt-install something

    To set the directory which you'll enter after vagrant ssh

      redir [directory(=/vagrant)]
  • build

    This module installs Debians build-essential and sets up ccache.

  • apt

    This module updates the package cache every two days or when the /etc/apt/sources.list has been changed. By default it also overwrites the sources to use mirrors, set NO_MIRRORS=1 to prevent this from happending.

    After the module has been loaded you can check if a package is installed

      has packagename

    You can also install package(s) unattended

      apt-install packagename ...
  • pgsql

    This modules sets up PostgreSQL and creates a vagrant user and database.

  • mysql

    This modules sets up MySQL and creates a vagrant user and database.

  • mongo

    This modules sets up MongoDB.

  • apache

    This module provides provides helper to install and configure apache.

    To install Apache

      setup-apache [mpm(=worker)] [DocumentRoot(=/vagrant/public)]

    To change the DocumentRoot

      set-docroot [directory]
  • wordpress

    This module sets up (deploys to in /vagrant/wordpress if no wp-config.php can be found) WordPress.

  • ruby

    This module provides helper for installing rubies provided by Ubuntu.

      set-ruby [version]

    Note: For MRI versions below 1.9 the ruby1.8 packages will be installed. Right now this is 1.8.7. For MRIs after 1.9 the package installed is 1.9.1 which maps to Ruby 1.9.3

  • ruby-essential

    This module provides helper for installing bundles and executing rake tasks.

    Check if a gem is present in /vagrant/Gemfile.lock.

      bundles gemname [Gemfile]

    Install bundled gems (w/o doc and production) defined in /vagrant/Gemfile into ~/gems.

      install-bundle [path/to/Gemfile/directory/]

    Run rake tasts as vagrant user.

      carry-out [tasks]
  • passenger

    This module installs the packaged passenger standalone and provides helper to start Rack applications.

    Start a daemonized passenger on given port in given directory (defaults to port 3000 and and /vagrant).

      on [port(=3000)] [directory(=/vagrant)]
  • request

    This module includes functions to download resources from a webserver. It will automatically download only resources that have changed after being downloaded during the last provisioning.

    To perform an action after a resource has been download use

      not-modified http://host/database.tar.bz2 || {
          tar -xjf database.tar.bz2 | mysql vagrant


To use a shell script for provisioning you have to tell Vagrant about it in your Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""

You're advised to submodule this repository into your own:

$ git submodule add .sh

To load the modules just source the generic module into your provisioning script ( and use the provision function:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

source /vagrant/.sh/
set-timezone 'Europe/Berlin'
provision modulename ...


  • keep the documentation up to date...
  • apt-install only if has fails


Provisioning Helper for Vagrant







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