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Update DSL to work with new Con, Ty.
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Kiiyya committed Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 90526b7 commit 2286302
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Showing 3 changed files with 443 additions and 279 deletions.
127 changes: 114 additions & 13 deletions LeanBoogie/ConTy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ namespace LeanBoogie

/- # Codes for Boogie types

/-- Codes for Boogie types.
An alternative formulation would be forgo `Ty` entirely and define `def Con : Type 1 := List Type`,
which would allow for arbitrary types.
@[aesop unsafe cases 1%]
inductive Ty : Type
/-- Booleans. Interpreted as `Bool`. -/
| bool : Ty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ abbrev Con : Type := List Ty

/-- Variables, referring to an entry in a context. This is essentially `Fin Γ.length`,
but also asserts that the variable at that index has type `A`, which is often nicer to deal with. -/
@[aesop unsafe cases 5%]
inductive Var : (Γ : Con) -> (A : Ty) -> Type
| vz : Var (A :: Γ) A
| vs : Var Γ A -> Var (B :: Γ) A
Expand All @@ -86,8 +87,10 @@ abbrev Var.v3 : Var (D :: C :: B :: A :: Γ) A := .vs (.vs (.vs .vz))
intro h'
induction Γ with
| nil => cases v
| cons C Γ ih => sorry -- cases v, cases v'
theorem Var.heq_same_Ty {Γ} (v₁ : Var Γ A) (v₂ : Var Γ B) : HEq v₁ v₂ -> A = B := sorry
| cons C Γ ih =>
sorry -- cases v, cases v'
theorem Var.heq_same_Ty {Γ} (v₁ : Var Γ A) (v₂ : Var Γ B) : HEq v₁ v₂ -> A = B := by

instance Var.decEq : DecidableEq (Var Γ A) := inferInstance
instance Var.decHEq (v₁ : Var Γ A) (v₂ : Var Γ B) : Decidable (HEq v₁ v₂) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,8 +155,16 @@ example {γ : ConA Γ} (a : TyA A) : @Eq (ConA Γ) (ConA.drop (Γ := (A :: Γ))
## Equational reasoning rules for states `γ : ConA Γ`

-- (123, 1234, ())

/-- Last write wins. -/
@[simp] theorem ConA.lww {Γ : Con} {v : Var Γ A} {γ : Γ} : (γ.set v val₁).set v val₂ = γ.set v val₂ := sorry
@[simp] theorem ConA.lww {Γ : Con} {v : Var Γ A} {γ : ConA Γ} : (γ.set v val₁).set v val₂ = γ.set v val₂ := by
induction Γ with
| nil => cases v
| cons B Γ ih =>
cases v with
| vz => rfl
| vs v => simp only [get, set, ih]

@[simp] theorem ConA.get_set {Γ : Con} {v : Var Γ A} {γ : Γ} : (γ.set v val).get v = val := by
induction Γ with
Expand All @@ -163,23 +174,64 @@ example {γ : ConA Γ} (a : TyA A) : @Eq (ConA Γ) (ConA.drop (Γ := (A :: Γ))
| vz => rfl
| vs v => simp only [get, ih]

@[aesop safe] theorem ConA.get_set' {Γ : Con} {v₁ v₂ : Var Γ A} {γ : Γ} (h : v₁ = v₂)
@[aesop unsafe 10%] theorem ConA.get_set' {Γ : Con} {v₁ v₂ : Var Γ A} {γ : Γ} (h : v₁ = v₂)
: (γ.set v₁ val).get v₂ = val
:= by cases h; exact get_set

/-- We can ignore a `set` if we're setting a different variable from the one we're reading. -/
@[aesop safe] theorem ConA.get_set_irrelevant {Γ : Con} {γ : Γ} (v₁ v₂ : Var Γ A)
@[aesop unsafe 10%] theorem ConA.get_set_irrelevant {Γ : Con} {γ : Γ} (v₁ v₂ : Var Γ A)
(neq : ¬ v₁ = v₂) : (γ.set v₂ val).get v₁ = γ.get v₁
:= by
induction Γ with
| nil => cases v₁
| cons B Γ Γ_ih => sorry -- cases v; cases v'; ...
| cons B Γ Γ_ih =>
cases v₁ with
| vz =>
cases v₂ with
| vz => aesop
| vs v₂ => simp_all only [reduceCtorEq, not_false_eq_true]; rfl
| vs v₁ =>
cases v₂ with
| vz => aesop
| vs v₂ =>
simp_all only [Var.vs.injEq]
apply Γ_ih
simp_all only [not_false_eq_true]

/-- We can ignore a `set` if we're setting a different variable from the one we're reading. -/
@[aesop unsafe 10%] theorem ConA.get_set_irrelevant_heq {Γ : Con} {γ : Γ} {v₁ : Var Γ A} {v₂ : Var Γ B}
(neq : ¬ HEq v₁ v₂) : (γ.set v₂ val).get v₁ = γ.get v₁
:= by
induction Γ with
| nil => cases v₁
| cons C Γ Γ_ih =>
cases v₁ with
| vz =>
cases v₂ with
| vz => simp_all only [heq_eq_eq, not_true_eq_false]
| vs v₂ => rfl
| vs v₁ =>
cases v₂ with
| vz => rfl
| vs v₂ =>
apply Γ_ih
have : ¬(@HEq (Var (C :: Γ) A) v₁.vs (Var (C :: Γ) B) v₂.vs) -> ¬HEq v₁ v₂ := by
-- Var.vs.injEq but HEq...
exact this neq

/-- We can ignore a `set` if we're setting a different variable from the one we're reading.
This is necessarily the case when the variables have a different type. -/
@[aesop safe] theorem ConA.get_irrelevant_set_Ty {Γ : Con} {γ : Γ} {v : Var Γ A} {v' : Var Γ B}
(neq : ¬ A = B) : (γ.set v' a').get v = γ.get v
:= by have neq : ¬HEq v v' := Var.neq_neq_Ty neq; sorry
@[aesop unsafe 8%] theorem ConA.get_irrelevant_set_Ty {Γ : Con} {γ : Γ} {v₁ : Var Γ A} {v₂ : Var Γ B}
(neq : ¬ A = B) : (γ.set v₂ a').get v₁ = γ.get v₁
:= by
-- have v_neq : ¬HEq v v' := Var.neq_neq_Ty neq
induction Γ with
| nil => simp_all only
| cons C Γ ih =>


theorem ConA.grab {Γ : Con} {γ : Γ} (v : Var Γ A) : γ = γ.set v (γ.get v) := by
induction Γ with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +268,8 @@ theorem Con.drop_n_1 {Γ : Con} {hn : n < List.length Γ} {hn_11 : n + 1 < List.
| succ n ih_n =>
induction Γ with
| nil => rw [List.length] at hn_1; simp only [zero_add, add_lt_iff_neg_right, not_lt_zero'] at hn_1
| cons A Γ ih_Γ => sorry
| cons A Γ ih_Γ =>

theorem Con.drop_n_1_A {Γ : Con} {hn : n < Γ.length} {hn_1} {hn_11 : n + 1 < Γ.length + 1}
: ConA (Γ.drop ⟨n, hn_1⟩) = (TyA (Γ.get ⟨n, hn⟩) × ConA (Γ.drop ⟨n + 1, hn_11⟩))
Expand All @@ -233,6 +286,11 @@ theorem ConA.drop_n_1 {Γ : Con} {A : Ty} {γ : Γ} {hn_1} {hn : n < List.length
`(γ.get v0, γ.get v1, γ.get v2, ...)`.
This is done automatically using the `normalize` tactic.
Alternative approaches:
- Use `DiscrTree` or `LazyDiscrTree` for matching against a large amount of patterns.
`simp` uses those internally and is quite efficient.
- Use simprocs instead of the following normalize tactic.
We should eventually have a delaborator which can render states `γ : ConA Γ` in a more
human-readable way.
Expand All @@ -250,6 +308,40 @@ end Example

open Lean Elab Tactic Meta Qq

def Ty.toExpr : Ty -> Q(Ty)
| .int => q(.int)
| .real => q(.real)
| .bool => q(.bool)
| .bv n => q(.bv $n)
| .map A B =>
let Ae := toExpr A
let Be := toExpr B
q(.map $Ae $Be)

instance : ToExpr Ty where
toExpr := Ty.toExpr
toTypeExpr := q(Ty)

def Con.toExpr : Con -> Q(Con)
| [] => q([])
| A :: Γ =>
let Γe := toExpr Γ
q($A :: $Γe)

instance : ToExpr Con where
toExpr := Con.toExpr
toTypeExpr := q(Con)

def Var.toExpr {Γ : Con} {A : Ty} : Var Γ A -> Q(Var $Γ $A)
| .vz => q(Var.vz)
| .vs v =>
let vExpr := toExpr v
q(Var.vs $vExpr)

instance : ToExpr (Var Γ A) where
toExpr := Var.toExpr
toTypeExpr := q(Var $Γ $A)

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
def Con.casesQ {motive : Type} (Γ : Q(Con))
(nil : {p : $Γ =Q []} -> MetaM motive)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,6 +370,13 @@ structure GetIrrelevantResult (A : Q(Ty)) (orig : Q(TyA $A)) where

instance : Inhabited (GetIrrelevantResult A orig) := ⟨{ eNew := orig, prfEq := q(Eq.refl $orig) }⟩

#check DiscrTree
#check LazyDiscrTree

-- Γ - n = (Γ[n] :: Γ - (n+1))
-- γ - n = (γ.get n, γ - (n+1))

/-- Gets a value from a state, stripping away irrelevant setters/getters.
Input is an expression `γ {|>.set .. |>.get ..}* : ConA Γ`, so a state `γ : ConA Γ`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,11 +501,13 @@ partial def ConA.normalize.go (Γ : Q(Con)) (γ : Q(ConA $Γ)) (n : Nat) (hn : Q

-- look into omega (or linarith)

/-- Normalize a state `γ : ConA Γ` into form `(γ.get v0, (γ.get v1, (γ.get v2, ...)))`. -/
def ConA.normalize (Γ : Q(Con)) (γ : Q(ConA $Γ)) : MetaM (NormalizeResult Γ γ) := do
let ⟨_, γ_0', rw⟩ <- normalize.go Γ γ 0 q(Nat.zero_lt_succ (List.length $Γ))
return {
γ' := q(@Con.drop_0 $Γ (Nat.zero_lt_succ (List.length $Γ)) ▸ $γ_0') -- the cast is not necessary because it holds definitionally
γ' := q(/- @Con.drop_0 $Γ (Nat.zero_lt_succ (List.length $Γ)) ▸ -/ $γ_0') -- the cast is not necessary because it holds definitionally
prfEq := rw

Expand All @@ -432,7 +533,7 @@ elab "normalize" : tactic => do
-- assertDefEq "lhs = lhs'" (<- inferType lhs'_prf) (mkApp2 q(@Eq (ConA $Γ)) lhs lhs') -- just for debugging
-- assertDefEq "rhs = rhs'" (<- inferType rhs'_prf) (mkApp2 q(@Eq (ConA $Γ)) rhs rhs') -- just for debugging
-- logInfo m!"lhs'_prf : {<- inferType lhs'_prf}"
let φ'_proof <- mkFreshExprMVarQ q(@Eq (ConA $Γ) $lhs' $rhs') .natural `φ'
let φ'_proof <- mkFreshExprMVarQ q(@Eq (ConA $Γ) $lhs' $rhs') .natural
let prf := mkAppN q(@eq_congr (ConA $Γ)) #[lhs, lhs', rhs, rhs', lhs'_prf, rhs'_prf]
-- logInfo m!"prf ≣ {prf}"
φ_proof.assign (.app prf φ'_proof)
Expand Down

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