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Update DSL to handle params, local vars, return values.
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Kiiyya committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 29f5d8c commit 9ac5e18
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Showing 5 changed files with 185 additions and 77 deletions.
25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion Examples/Ffs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,5 +171,28 @@ bb15:

#check 10

example : interp ffs_imp = interp ffs_ref := by
-- todo1: Hide internal state
-- todo2: Lift each block into its own def to make terms smaller

Stuff in play:
- Global state: `G : Con`
- Return value: `R : Ty`
- Parameters: `P : Con`
- Local variables: `L : Con`
From the outside perspective, `procedure f(x: bv16, y: bv16) returns (r:bv32) { ... }` should have
the signature `[bv16, bv16]ᴬ -> ITree (Mem G) bv32ᴬ`, so a complete absence of local vars `L`.
Internally, we will have the context `Γ := L ++ P ++ [R] ++ G`.

example : ffs_imp (i0, ()) = ffs_ref (i0, ()) := by
unfold ffs_imp
rw [runProc, runRes]

-- rw [ffs_imp]

42 changes: 39 additions & 3 deletions LeanBoogie/ConTy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace LeanBoogie
which would allow for arbitrary types.
@[aesop unsafe cases 1%]
inductive Ty : Type
inductive Ty /- (Ptr : Type) -/ : Type
/-- Booleans. Interpreted as `Bool`. -/
| bool : Ty
/-- Unbounded integers. Interpreted as `ℤ`. -/
Expand All @@ -30,6 +30,37 @@ inductive Ty : Type
says that maps are not extensional, due to [a Dafny issue](
We choose to ignore this, for now. -/
| map (A B : Ty) : Ty

-- /-- Pointers are just variables. This implies pointers always point into valid memory, and
-- always point to something that actually has type `A`.
-- This is (in my opinion --Max), the theoretically ideal way of modeling pointers. However, it comes
-- with a big issue: It requires induction-induction (ind-ind), which Lean doesn't natively support.
-- This is because we need to wrap `Con : Type`, `Ty : Type`, and `Var : Con -> Ty -> Type` into one
-- mutual block, and `Var` is a type constructor which refers to the other types in the same
-- mutual block; this is ind-ind.
-- Fortunately, ind-ind can be reduced to Lean's mutual inductive types, and there exists a repo
-- which does that, although it is a bit out of date: .
-- A fork updating it to Lean 4.6 is at .
-- While that repo automates the process, it is a little buggy and unmaintained. It is not too
-- difficult to do this reduction by hand: You split your ind-ind type up into an erased half with
-- no type indices at all, and a wellformedness half (in Prop) which add indices back. Then you
-- subtype those together. -/
-- | var {A : Ty} {Γ : Con} (v : Var Γ A) : Ty

-- /-- A pointer into some ` A B`, i.e. storing the key of the map.
-- This requires induction-recursion (ind-rec), because we have to define the recursive function
-- `TyA : Ty -> Type` in the same mutual block as `Ty`.
-- You can work around this, either by using a similar approach to reducing induction-induction,
-- or by using the approach described in slide 6.
-- Intuitively, Kaposi's approach would store the result of the recursive function `TyA A` as a
-- type index on every constructor of `Ty`. -/
-- | ptr {A B : Ty} : TyA A -> Ty

-- /-- Pointer into some ` Ptr B`, for example ` (BitVec 32) B`. This requires no
-- ind-ind or ind-rec, but only allows for one pointer type. You also can not refer to other
-- variables in the context. There is no way of knowing which mapping you refer to, if your
-- context stores more than one ``. -/
-- | ptr {B : Ty} : Ptr -> Ty
deriving Repr, DecidableEq
infixl:20 " ~> " =>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,6 +169,13 @@ def ConA.set : {Γ : Con} -> Γ -> Var Γ A -> A -> Γ
| _ :: _, (_, γ), .vz , a' => (a', γ)
| _ :: _, (a, γ), .vs v, a' => (a, γ.set v a')

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
/-- For example `(a, b, ()) ++ (c, d, ()) = (a, b, c, d, ())`. -/
def ConA.append : {Γ : Con} -> {Δ : Con} -> Γ -> Δ -> (Γ ++ Δ)
| [], Δ, (), δ => δ
| A :: Γ, Δ, (a, γ), δ => (a, append γ δ)
instance {Γ Δ : Con} : HAppend Γ Δ (Γ ++ Δ) := ⟨ConA.append⟩

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
def ConA.dropImpl {Γ : Con} (γ : Γ) : (n : Nat) -> (h : n < Γ.length + 1) -> Con.dropImpl n Γ h
| 0, _ => γ
Expand All @@ -155,8 +193,6 @@ example {γ : ConA Γ} (a : TyA A) : @Eq (ConA Γ) (ConA.drop (Γ := (A :: Γ))
## Equational reasoning rules for states `γ : ConA Γ`

-- (123, 1234, ())

/-- Last write wins. -/
@[simp] theorem ConA.lww {Γ : Con} {v : Var Γ A} {γ : ConA Γ} : (γ.set v val₁).set v val₂ = γ.set v val₂ := by
induction Γ with
Expand Down
171 changes: 111 additions & 60 deletions LeanBoogie/Dsl.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,12 +125,21 @@ Eventually, we should be generic over the effects, using machinery such as `HasE
abbrev EffB (Γ : Con) := Mem Γ
-- abbrev EffB (Γ : Con) := Mem Γ & AmAt

/-- An elaborated boogie block. -/
/-- An elaborated boogie block.
Ideally we would only have `code : Q(ITree (EffB Γ) (Fin nBlocks))`, but we need to
- Explicitly store the `assumes` in order to make non-deterministic `goto A, B, C;` deterministic (if possible).
This could be avoided by using choice trees, and using effects for assumes instead (`AssumeAssert.lean`).
- Store `gotos` because when one block gets elaborated individually, we don't know yet how many
blocks there are and what their indices are.
This could be avoided by storing a mapping from block label to `?idx : Fin ?N` in `BoogieElab`,
which then get backfilled at the end of elaboration with the concrete indices.
structure EBlock (Γ : Con) where
label : TSyntax `ident
/-- Any leading assumes for this block. -/
assumes : Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Bool)
/-- Code without `goto`s. -/
/-- Code without `assume`s and without `goto`s. -/
code : Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit)
/-- The labels from `goto A, B, C;`. Empty list `[]` for `return;`.
Expand All @@ -155,7 +164,8 @@ structure EVar (Γ : Con) where
structure BoogieElab (Γ : Con) where
/-- Mapping of names to de-Brujin indices, but also the type of the variable. -/
varInfo : Std.HashMap Name (EVar Γ)
blocks : Array (EBlock Γ) := #[]
-- nBlocks : Q(Nat)
-- blockIndices : Std.HashMap Name Q(Fin $nBlocks) := {}
deriving Inhabited

abbrev BoogieElabM (Γ : Con) := StateT (BoogieElab Γ) TermElabM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,9 +303,6 @@ mutual
let inst <- mkInstMVar (Inst X Y)
@f X Y inst x y

-- partial def elabBinOp (A B B' : Q(Type)) (x y : TSyntax `BoogieExpr) (f : Q($A) -> Q($A) -> Q($B)) : BoogieElabM Γ Q($B) :=
-- elabBinOpM A B B' x y (fun x y => pure (f x y))

/-- Evaluate a boogie expression, assuming that the Lean local context already contains variables
which have been read from the boogie state monad, so assuming that we are within `withReadMutVars`. -/
private partial def elabBoogieExprPure (A : Q(Type)) (stx : TSyntax `BoogieExpr) : BoogieElabM Γ Q($A) := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,7 +435,7 @@ where go

/-- Creates a program which decides the truth value of each assume, returns conjunction of that. -/
partial def elabBoogieAssume' {Γ : Con} : TSyntax `BoogieAssume -> BoogieElabM Γ Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Bool)
| stx@`(BoogieAssume| assume $φ:BoogieFormula; ) => do
| stx@`(BoogieAssume| assume $φ:BoogieFormula; ) => withRef stx do
withTraceNode `LeanBoogie.dsl (logger m!"elabBoogieAssume' `{stx}`") do
let vars <- collectMutVarsFormula φ
withReadMutVars vars.toList q(Bool) do
Expand All @@ -440,7 +447,7 @@ partial def elabBoogieAssume' {Γ : Con} : TSyntax `BoogieAssume -> BoogieElabM

-- This is not in `BoogieElabM` because at this point we don't know the variables (and thus Γ) yet.
def elabBoogieVarBinder : TSyntax `BoogieVarBinder -> TermElabM (TSyntax `ident × Ty)
| `(BoogieVarBinder| $id:ident : $type:BoogieType) => do
| stx@`(BoogieVarBinder| $id:ident : $type:BoogieType) => withRef stx do
let ty : Ty <- elabBoogieType type
Term.addTermInfo' type (<- whnf q($ty))
return (id, ty)
Expand All @@ -453,17 +460,19 @@ def elabBoogieVarCmds (binders: TSyntaxArray `BoogieVarCmd) : TermElabM (Array (
binders.mapM fun
| `(BoogieVarCmd| var $b; ) => elabBoogieVarBinder b
| stx => throwError "elabBoogieVarCmds: unknown syntax {stx}"

/-- Elaborates a command such as `x := 2 * y;` or `while ... { ... }` into a monadic action. -/
partial def elabBoogieCommand {Γ : Con} (stx : TSyntax `BoogieCommand) : BoogieElabM Γ Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit) := do
withTraceNode `LeanBoogie.dsl (logger m!"elabBoogieCommand `{stx}`") do
withSynthesize do
let ret <- withRef stx (go stx)
let ret <- instantiateExprMVarsQ ret
Term.addTermInfo' stx ret
return ret
withRef stx do
withSynthesize do
let ret <- go stx
let ret <- instantiateExprMVarsQ ret
Term.addTermInfo' stx ret
return ret
where go
| _stx@`(BoogieCommand| $vName:ident := $e:BoogieExpr; ) => do
| `(BoogieCommand| $vName:ident := $e:BoogieExpr; ) => do
if let some { A, vq, .. } := <- lookupVar vName.getId then
let val : Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) $A) <- elabBoogieExpr q($A) e
Term.addTermInfo' vName q($vq)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,35 +531,6 @@ def elabBoogieBlock {Γ : Con} : TSyntax `BoogieBlock -> BoogieElabM Γ (EBlock
| _ => throwError "elabBoogieBlock: Unknown syntax {gotoOrReturn}"
| stx => throwError "elabBoogieBlock: Unknown syntax {stx}"

/-- Elab all arg, ret, and var binders, bundling them up into a `Γ : Con`. Also builds mapping
from variable names to variable indices which is stored inside `BoogieElabM`. -/
def elabProcContext (stx : TSyntax `BoogieProc)
(cont : (procName : Name) -> (Γ : Con) ->
(cmds : TSyntaxArray `BoogieCommand) ->
(blocks : TSyntaxArray `BoogieBlock) ->
(gotoOrReturn : Option <| TSyntax `LeanBoogie.BoogieBlockGotoOrReturn) ->
BoogieElabM Γ X
: TermElabM X := do
match stx with
| `(BoogieProc| procedure $proc ( $argBinders,* ) $[returns ($retBinder)]? { $varBinders:BoogieVarCmd* $cmds:BoogieCommand* $[$gotoOrReturn:BoogieBlockGotoOrReturn]? $blocks:BoogieBlock* }) => do
let argBinders <- argBinders.getElems.mapM fun (b : TSyntax _) => withRef b (elabBoogieVarBinder b)
let retBinder <- retBinder.mapM fun (b : TSyntax _) => withRef b (elabBoogieVarBinder b)
let varBinders <- elabBoogieVarCmds varBinders
let binders : List (TSyntax `ident × Ty) := argBinders ++ retBinder.toArray ++ varBinders |>.toList
let names := Prod.fst
let Γ : Con := Prod.snd

let mut varInfo : Std.HashMap Name (EVar Γ) := {}
for h : i in [0 : Γ.length] do -- surely this can be written nicer somehow?
have h : i < Γ.length := by simp_all only [Membership.mem, zero_le, Array.toList_eq, Array.append_data, List.append_assoc, List.map_append, List.length_append, List.length_map, Array.data_length, true_and, Γ, binders]
varInfo <- varInfo.insertNewOrFail names[i]!.getId
{ i := ⟨i, h⟩, v := Var.ofIdx ⟨i, h⟩ }
(@fun a => throwErrorAt names[i]! "Duplicate variable name {a} in {names}")' (cont proc.getId Γ cmds blocks gotoOrReturn) { varInfo }
| stx => throwError "elabBoogieProcFrame: Unknown syntax {stx}"

/-- Takes a bunch of pre-elaborated individual blocks, and ties them together with `iter`.
If there are multiple goto labels `goto A, B, C;`, uses a choice effect to non-deterministically
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,11 +595,81 @@ def wireUpBlocksDeterministic {Γ : Con} (blocks : List (EBlock Γ)) (blocks_h :
let prf <- assumeQ q(0 < $N) -- this can be optimized
return q(iter (selectBlock $N $(blocks'') $h) ⟨0, $prf⟩)

/-- Given an ITree which may refer to default-initialized local vars `L`, parameters `P`,
obtain a `P -> ITree (Mem G) R`. -/
def runProc {P L : Con} {R : Type} (t : ITree (Mem (L ++ P)) R) (p : P) : ITree 0 R :=
Prod.fst <$> interp' t ((default : L) ++ p)

/-- Given an ITree which may refer to default-initialized local vars `L`, parameters `P`, and
global variables `G`, obtain a `P -> ITree (Mem G) R`. -/
def runProcGlobals {G P L : Con} {R : Ty} (t : ITree (Mem (L ++ P ++ G)) R) (p : P) : ITree (Mem G) R :=
Prod.fst <$> interp' (Mem.split t) ((default : L) ++ p)

def runRes {A : Ty} (t : ITree (Mem ([A] ++ Γ)) Unit) (a : A) : ITree (Mem Γ) A :=
(Prod.fst ∘ Prod.snd) <$> interp' (Mem.split t) (a, ())

abbrev TyA_or_Unit (A : Option Ty) : Type := TyA |>.getD Unit

/-- Elaborated Boogie procedure. -/
structure EBoogieProc where
name : Name
Γ : Con
code : Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit)
/-- Global variables. -/
G : Con
/-- Return type. -/
R : Option Ty
/-- Parameters -/
P : Con
code : Q($P -> ITree (EffB $G) (TyA_or_Unit $R))

/-- Elab all arg, ret, and var binders, bundling them up into a `Γ : Con`. Also builds mapping
from variable names to variable indices which is stored inside `BoogieElabM`. -/
def elabProcContext (stx : TSyntax `BoogieProc)
(cont : (Γ : Con) ->
(cmds : TSyntaxArray `BoogieCommand) ->
(blocks : TSyntaxArray `BoogieBlock) ->
(gotoOrReturn : Option <| TSyntax `LeanBoogie.BoogieBlockGotoOrReturn) ->
BoogieElabM Γ Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit)
: TermElabM EBoogieProc := do
match stx with
| `(BoogieProc| procedure $proc ( $argBinders,* ) $[returns ($retBinder)]? { $varBinders:BoogieVarCmd* $cmds:BoogieCommand* $[$gotoOrReturn:BoogieBlockGotoOrReturn]? $blocks:BoogieBlock* }) => do
let argBinders <- argBinders.getElems.mapM fun (b : TSyntax _) => withRef b (elabBoogieVarBinder b)
let P : Con := Prod.snd |>.toList
let P_names := Prod.fst |>.toList

let retBinder <- retBinder.mapM fun (b : TSyntax _) => withRef b (elabBoogieVarBinder b)
let R : Option Ty := Prod.snd
-- let R_names := Prod.fst

let varBinders <- elabBoogieVarCmds varBinders
let L : Con := Prod.snd |>.toList
let L_names := Prod.fst |>.toList

if let some R := R then
let Γ : Con := [R] ++ L ++ P
let Γ_names := [ Prod.fst |>.get!] ++ L_names ++ P_names
let varInfo <- buildVarInfo Γ_names (by sorry)
let t : Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit) <-' (cont Γ cmds blocks gotoOrReturn) { varInfo }
let t : Q(ITree (EffB ($L ++ $P)) $R) := q(runRes $t default) -- `default`-initialize the return variable.
let t : Q($P -> ITree 0 $R) := q(runProc $t)
return { name := proc.getId, G := [], P, R := some R, code := t }
let Γ : Con := L ++ P
let Γ_names := L_names ++ P_names
let varInfo <- buildVarInfo Γ_names (by sorry)
let t : Q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit) <-' (cont Γ cmds blocks gotoOrReturn) { varInfo }
let t : Q($P -> ITree 0 Unit) := q(runProc $t)
return { name := proc.getId, G := [], P, R := none, code := t }
| stx => throwError "elabBoogieProcFrame: Unknown syntax {stx}"
buildVarInfo {Γ} (names : List (TSyntax `ident)) (h : Γ.length = names.length) : TermElabM (Std.HashMap Name (EVar Γ)) := do
let mut varInfo : Std.HashMap Name (EVar Γ) := {}
for h : i in [0 : Γ.length] do -- surely this can be written nicer somehow?
have h : i < Γ.length := by simp_all only [Membership.mem, zero_le, Array.toList_eq, Array.append_data, List.append_assoc, List.map_append, List.length_append, List.length_map, Array.data_length, true_and]
varInfo <- varInfo.insertNewOrFail names[i]!.getId
{ i := ⟨i, h⟩, v := Var.ofIdx ⟨i, h⟩ }
(@fun a => throwErrorAt names[i]! "Duplicate variable name {a} in {names}")
return varInfo

def elabGotoOrReturn (stx : TSyntax `LeanBoogie.BoogieBlockGotoOrReturn) : TermElabM (Array (TSyntax `ident)) := do
match stx with
Expand All @@ -628,11 +678,10 @@ def elabGotoOrReturn (stx : TSyntax `LeanBoogie.BoogieBlockGotoOrReturn) : TermE
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

def elabBoogieProc (stx : TSyntax `BoogieProc) : TermElabM EBoogieProc := do
elabProcContext stx fun procName (Γ : Con) cmds blocks gotoOrReturn => do
elabProcContext stx fun (Γ : Con) cmds blocks gotoOrReturn => do
if h : blocks.size = 0 then
-- No labels declared at all, in that case we don't need to set up blocky stuff at all.
let cmds <- elabBoogieCommands cmds
return { name := procName, Γ := Γ, code := cmds }
elabBoogieCommands cmds
let blocks <- blocks.mapM elabBoogieBlock
let gotos : Array (TSyntax `ident) <- do
Expand All @@ -649,8 +698,7 @@ def elabBoogieProc (stx : TSyntax `BoogieProc) : TermElabM EBoogieProc := do
else pure #[]
let blocks := leadingBlock ++ blocks
let code <- wireUpBlocksDeterministic blocks.toList sorry
return { name := procName, Γ, code}
wireUpBlocksDeterministic blocks.toList sorry

## Embedding Boogie syntax into Lean syntax.
Expand All @@ -668,18 +716,20 @@ def elabBoogieProc (stx : TSyntax `BoogieProc) : TermElabM EBoogieProc := do

elab stx:BoogieProc : command => do
Command.liftTermElabM do
let proc <- elabBoogieProc stx
let Γ : Con := proc.Γ
let { name, G, R, P, code } <- elabBoogieProc stx
let value <- instantiateMVars code
let ty <- inferType value
let decl : DefinitionVal := {
name := (<- getCurrNamespace) ++
type := q(ITree (EffB $Γ) Unit)
value := <- instantiateMVars proc.code
name := (<- getCurrNamespace) ++ name
type := ty
value := <- instantiateMVars code
levelParams := []
hints := .abbrev
safety := .safe
-- throwError "b"
addDecl (.defnDecl decl)
compileDecl (.defnDecl decl)
-- compileDecl (.defnDecl decl)

-- /-- Boogie Commands -/
-- elab "b{" cmds:BoogieCommand* "}" : term => runBoogieElab (elabBoogieCommands cmds)
Expand All @@ -702,15 +752,16 @@ elab stx:BoogieProc : command => do

-- #print foo

set_option trace.LeanBoogie.dsl true
-- set_option trace.LeanBoogie.dsl true

-- #exit

procedure test_func(x: bv32) {
x := x + 1;
procedure test_func(x: int) returns (r: int) {
var i : bv32;

#print test_func


procedure bar(y:int, x: int) {
goto bb0;
Expand Down

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