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Syntax for Boogie with denotations, some WP
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atomb committed Feb 1, 2025
1 parent c8fda07 commit a290a0d
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Showing 7 changed files with 343 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LeanBoogie/ConTy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ abbrev TyA : Ty -> Type
| .unit => Unit
| .int => Int
| .real => Real
| .bool => Prop
| .bool => Bool
| .bv bits => BitVec bits
| .map A B => TyA A -> TyA B

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132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/Denotation.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
import Lean
import ITree
import LeanBoogie.ConTy
import LeanBoogie.State
import LeanBoogie.Syntax
import LeanBoogie.Effect.AssumeAssert
import LeanBoogie.Effect.Choice
import LeanBoogie.Effect.Mem

open ITree
open LeanBoogie
namespace LeanBoogie

-- Syntax-free definitions

def goto : List (Fin b) -> ITree Choice (Fin b ⊕ Unit)
| [] => (.ret (.inr ())) -- Shouldn't actually happen
| [l] => (.ret (.inl l))
| ls => do
let li <- choice (Fin ls.length)
.ret (.inl (ls.get li))

-- Conditional goto, for deterministic programs
def cgoto : Bool -> Fin b -> Fin b -> ITree E (Fin b ⊕ Unit)
| c, t, e => if c then (.ret (.inl t)) else (.ret (.inl e))

class ToITree (α : Type) (E : Type -> Type) (R : Type) where
-- TODO: do we need E'?
toITree : α -> ITree (E & E') R

-- TODO: don't need separate constructors?
def denoteLiteral : Literal A -> TyA A
| .intL n => n
| .boolL b => b
| .bvL bv => bv
| .realL r => r

def denoteBinaryOp : BinaryOp A -> TyA A -> TyA A -> TyA A
| .addI, x, y => x + y
| .subI, x, y => x - y
| .mulI, x, y => x * y
| .divI, x, y => x / y -- TODO: double-check semantics
| .modI, x, y => x % y -- TODO: double-check semantics
--| .addR, x, y => x + y
--| .subR, x, y => x - y
--| .mulR, x, y => x * y
--| .divR, x, y => x / y -- TODO: double-check semantics
| .imp, a, b => a → b
| .and, a, b => a ∧ b
| .or, a, b => a ∨ b
| .equiv, a, b => a = b

def denoteRelationOp : (BEq (TyA A)) -> RelationOp A -> TyA A -> TyA A -> Bool
| _, .eq, a, b => a == b
| _, .neq, a, b => a != b
| _, .lessI, x, y => x < y

def denoteAppliable [Monad m] : Appliable A B -> m (TyA A -> TyA B)
| .binop op => pure (denoteBinaryOp op)
| .unop op => pure (denoteUnaryOp op)
| .relop eq op => pure (denoteRelationOp eq op)
| .mapSelect => pure (λ x => x)

-- We can denote an expression using an arbitrary function to retrieve
-- the value of a variable. We make it monadic so that it can, if desired
-- work in a state or ITree monad.
def denoteExpr [Monad m] : Ctx m Γ -> Expr Γ A -> m (TyA A)
| _, .lit l => pure (denoteLiteral l)
| γ, .apply a e => do
pure ((<- denoteAppliable a) (<- denoteExpr γ e))
| γ, .applyExpr fe e => do
pure ((<- denoteExpr γ fe) (<- denoteExpr γ e))
| γ, .var x => γ x

-- Within an ITree, we don't need to pass around a context, and can just
-- use
def denoteExprI : Expr Γ A -> ITree (Mem Γ) (TyA A) :=

instance exprITree : ToITree (Expr Γ A) (Mem Γ) (TyA A) where
toITree e := denoteExprI e

def denotePassiveCommand : PassiveCommand Γ -> ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt) Unit
| .assert e => do assert (<- denoteExprI e)
| .assume e => do assume (<- denoteExprI e)

def denoteCommand : Command Γ -> ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt & E) Unit
| .passive p => denotePassiveCommand p
| .assign x e => do Mem.write x (<- denoteExprI e)

def denoteTransferCommand : (c: TransferCommand b Γ) -> ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt & Choice) (Fin b ⊕ Unit)
| .goto ls => goto ls
| .ret => .ret (.inr ())

def denoteBlock (blk: Block (Command Γ) Unit b Γ) : ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt & Choice) (Fin b ⊕ Unit) := do
forM blk.simpleCmds denoteCommand
denoteTransferCommand blk.transferCmd

def denoteBlocks (bs: Fin b -> Block (Command Γ) Unit b Γ) (b0: Fin b) : ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt & Choice) Unit :=
Iter.iter (λ bi => denoteBlock (bs bi)) b0

def WhileEarly [Iter M] (c : M Bool) (body : M (Fin b ⊕ Unit)) : M (Fin b ⊕ Unit) :=
iter (fun () => do
if (<- c) then
match (<- body) with
| .inl b => return .inr (.inl b)
| .inr _ => return .inl ()
return .inr (.inr ())

def denoteStructuredCommand : StructuredCommand b Γ -> ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt & Choice) (Fin b ⊕ Unit)
| .ite c t e =>
do if (<- denoteExprI c)
then denoteStructuredCommands t
else denoteStructuredCommands e
| .while c b => WhileEarly (denoteExprI c) (denoteStructuredCommands b)
| .cmd c => do denoteCommand c ; .pure (.inr ())
| .transfer t => denoteTransferCommand t

def denoteStructuredCommands :
List (StructuredCommand b Γ) ->
ITree (Mem Γ & AmAt & Choice) (Fin b ⊕ Unit)
| [] => .pure (.inr ())
| c :: cs => do
match (<- denoteStructuredCommand c) with
| .inl b => .pure (.inl b)
| .inr _ => denoteStructuredCommands cs
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/Dsl.lean
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Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ section Syntax
syntax "if " BoogieExpr " { " BoogieCommand* " }" ("else" " { " BoogieCommand* " }")? : BoogieCommand
syntax "while " BoogieExpr " { " BoogieCommand* " }" : BoogieCommand
syntax "call " BoogieIdent "(" BoogieExpr,* ")" "; " : BoogieCommand
syntax ident " := " "call " BoogieIdent "(" BoogieExpr,* ")" "; " : BoogieCommand
syntax "assert " BoogieExpr "; " : BoogieCommand
syntax BoogieAssume : BoogieCommand

declare_syntax_cat BoogieBlock
Expand All @@ -113,13 +115,18 @@ section Syntax

declare_syntax_cat BoogieProc
syntax "procedure " ident "(" BoogieVarBinder,* ")"
-- TODO: multiple returns
(" returns " "(" BoogieVarBinder ")")?
" { "
BoogieCommand* -- these "blockless" commands will get wrapped into a block of their own, if there are any subsequent blocks
" }" : BoogieProc

declare_syntax_cat BoogieFunc
syntax "function " ident "(" BoogieVarBinder,* ")" ": " BoogieType : BoogieFunc

end Syntax

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LeanBoogie/Effect/Mem.lean
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Expand Up @@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ private def i : Var Γ .int := .v0
private def b : Var Γ (.bv32) := .v1
private def f : Var Γ (.bool ~> .int) := .v2
private example : ITree (Mem Γ) Unit := do
let fn : Prop -> Int <- f
let fn : Bool -> Int <- f
Mem.write b (fn false)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/State.lean
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ variable {M : Type _ -> Type _} [Monad M] [Iter M]
variable {E F : Type -> Type}

def (Γ) (v : Var Γ A) : StateT Γ M A := fun γ => return (γ.get v, γ)
def State.readAll (Γ) : StateT Γ M Γ := fun γ => return (γ, γ)
def State.write (Γ) (v : Var Γ A) (val : A) : StateT Γ M Unit := fun γ => return (.unit, γ.set v val)

def State.iter [Monad M] [Iter M] {Γ : Type} (f : A -> StateT Γ M (A ⊕ B)) (a₀ : A) : StateT Γ M B :=
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146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/Syntax.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
import Lean
import LeanBoogie.ConTy

open LeanBoogie
namespace LeanBoogie

inductive Literal : Ty -> Type
| intL : Int -> Literal .int
| boolL : Bool -> Literal .bool
| bvL : BitVec n -> Literal (.bv n)
| realL : Real -> Literal .real

inductive UnaryOp : Ty -> Type
| notB : UnaryOp .bool
| negI : UnaryOp .int

def denoteUnaryOp : UnaryOp A -> TyA A -> TyA A
| .notB, b => ¬b
| .negI, n => -n

inductive BinaryOp : Ty -> Type
| addI : BinaryOp .int
| subI : BinaryOp .int
| mulI : BinaryOp .int
| divI : BinaryOp .int
| modI : BinaryOp .int
--| addR : BinaryOp .real
--| subR : BinaryOp .real
--| mulR : BinaryOp .real
--| divR : BinaryOp .real
| imp : BinaryOp .bool
| and : BinaryOp .bool
| or : BinaryOp .bool
| equiv : BinaryOp .bool -- TODO: have this in addition to .eq .bool?

inductive RelationOp : Ty -> Type
| eq : RelationOp A
| neq : RelationOp A
| lessI : RelationOp .int

inductive Appliable : Ty -> Ty -> Type
| unop : UnaryOp A -> Appliable A A
| binop : BinaryOp A -> Appliable A (.map A A)
| relop : BEq (TyA A) -> RelationOp A -> Appliable A (.map A .bool)
| mapSelect : Appliable (.map A B) (.map A B)

inductive Expr : Con -> Ty -> Type
| lit : Literal A -> Expr Γ A
| var : Var Γ A -> Expr Γ A
| apply : Appliable A B -> Expr Γ A -> Expr Γ B
| applyExpr : Expr Γ (.map A B) -> Expr Γ A -> Expr Γ B

abbrev mkUn (op : UnaryOp A) (l : Expr Γ A) : Expr Γ A :=
.apply (.unop op) l
abbrev mkBin (op : BinaryOp A) (l : Expr Γ A) (r : Expr Γ A) : Expr Γ A :=
.applyExpr (.apply (.binop op) l) r

inductive PassiveCommand : Con -> Type
| assert : Expr Γ .bool -> PassiveCommand Γ
| assume : Expr Γ .bool -> PassiveCommand Γ

inductive Command : Con -> Type
| assign : (v : Var Γ A) -> Expr Γ A -> Command Γ
| passive : PassiveCommand Γ -> Command Γ

inductive TransferCommand (b : Nat) : Con -> Type
-- For now, if the list is empty, it means the same thing as ret. We
-- could choose to simply not have ret.
| goto : List (Fin b) -> TransferCommand b Γ
| ret : TransferCommand b Γ

structure Block (C: Type) (S: Type) (b : Nat) (Γ : Con) where
-- These are executed in the given sequence
label : Fin b
simpleCmds : List C
-- This is a BigBlock, in the Boogie implementation, if structuredCmd
-- is present
structuredCmd : S
transferCmd : TransferCommand b Γ

abbrev SimpleBlock Γ b := Block (PassiveCommand Γ) Unit b Γ

inductive StructuredCommand (b: Nat) : Con -> Type
| ite : Expr Γ .bool ->
List (StructuredCommand b Γ) ->
List (StructuredCommand b Γ) ->
StructuredCommand b Γ
| while : Expr Γ .bool ->
List (StructuredCommand b Γ) ->
StructuredCommand b Γ
| cmd : Command Γ -> StructuredCommand b Γ
-- break is translated to goto by the front end
| transfer : TransferCommand b Γ -> StructuredCommand b Γ

abbrev BigBlock (b : Nat) (Γ : Con) := Block (Command Γ) (StructuredCommand b Γ) b Γ

abbrev Command.assert (p : Expr Γ .bool) : Command Γ := .passive (.assert p)
abbrev Command.assume (p : Expr Γ .bool) : Command Γ := .passive (.assume p)
-- abbrev Command.goto (ns : List (Fin b)) : Command b Γ := .passive (.goto ns)
abbrev Command.skip : Command Γ := .assume (.lit (.boolL True))

structure Axiom (Γ : Con) where
name : Option Lean.Name
body : Expr Γ .bool

structure Function (Γ : Con) where
name : Lean.Name
-- TODO: type parameters
args : Con
resTy : Ty
body : Expr (Γ ++ args) resTy

structure Constant where
name : Lean.Name
ty : Ty
isUnique : Bool

structure Variable where
name : Lean.Name
ty : Ty

structure Procedure (C: Type) (S: Type) (Γ : Con) where
name : Lean.Name
b : Nat
effects : Type -> Type
inParams : Con
locals : Con
outParams : Con
-- TODO: contracts
body : Fin b -> Block C S b (Γ ++ inParams ++ locals ++ outParams)

inductive Declaration (Γ : Con) : Type 1
| axiomDecl : Axiom Γ -> Declaration Γ
| functionDecl : Function Γ -> Declaration Γ
| constantDecl : Constant -> Declaration Γ
| procedureDecl : Procedure C S Γ -> Declaration Γ
| globalVarDecl : Variable -> Declaration Γ

structure Program where
Γ : Con
declarations : Declaration Γ

abbrev Ctx m [Monad m] (Γ : Con) := {A : Ty} -> Var Γ A -> m (TyA A)
abbrev Ctx.get [Monad m] : Ctx m Γ -> Var Γ A -> m (TyA A)
| γ => γ
abbrev Ctx.extend [Monad m] : Ctx m Γ -> TyA A -> Ctx m (A :: Γ) := sorry
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/WP.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import Lean
import ITree
import LeanBoogie.ConTy
import LeanBoogie.Denotation
import LeanBoogie.State
import LeanBoogie.Syntax
import LeanBoogie.Effect.AssumeAssert
import LeanBoogie.Effect.Mem

open ITree
open LeanBoogie

namespace LeanBoogie

def wpPassiveS : PassiveCommand Γ -> Expr Γ .bool -> Expr Γ .bool
| .assert P, Q => mkBin .and P Q
| .assume P, Q => mkBin .imp P Q

def wpPassiveCommandsS : List (PassiveCommand Γ) -> Expr Γ .bool -> Expr Γ .bool
| [], Q => Q
| c :: cs, Q => wpPassiveS c (wpPassiveCommandsS cs Q)

def wpTransferCommandS : (Fin b -> Expr Γ .bool) -> TransferCommand b Γ -> Expr Γ .bool -> Expr Γ .bool
| blkVar, .goto ls, _ => List.foldl (λ a b => mkBin .and a b) (.lit (.boolL True)) ( blkVar ls)
| _, .ret, Q => Q

def wpPassiveBlockS (blkVar: Fin b -> Expr Γ .bool) (blk: SimpleBlock Γ b) (Q: Expr Γ .bool) : Expr Γ .bool :=
mkBin .equiv (blkVar blk.label) (wpPassiveCommandsS blk.simpleCmds (wpTransferCommandS blkVar blk.transferCmd Q))

def wpPassiveD : Ctx Id Γ -> PassiveCommand Γ -> Prop -> Prop
| γ, .assert P, Q => ( (denoteExpr γ P)) ∧ Q
| γ, .assume P, Q => ( (denoteExpr γ P)) → Q

theorem wpPassiveDCorrect :
{ Γ : Con } ->
{ γ : Ctx Id Γ } ->
{ Q : Expr Γ .bool } ->
( c : PassiveCommand Γ ) ->
wpPassiveD γ c ( (denoteExpr γ Q)) = (denoteExpr γ (wpPassiveS c Q)) :=
by intros Γ γ Q c
unfold wpPassiveS wpPassiveD
unfold mkBin
cases c <;>
(simp [denoteExpr, denoteAppliable, denoteBinaryOp] ; repeat rw [])

def wpPassiveCommandsD : Ctx Id Γ -> List (PassiveCommand Γ) -> Prop -> Prop
| _, [], Q => Q
| γ, c :: cs, Q => wpPassiveD γ c (wpPassiveCommandsD γ cs Q)

def wpTransferCommandD : (Fin b -> Prop) -> TransferCommand b Γ -> Prop -> Prop
| blkVar, .goto ls, _ => List.foldl (λ a b => a ∧ b) True ( blkVar ls)
| _, .ret, Q => Q

def wpPassiveBlockD (γ : Ctx Id Γ) (blkVar: Fin b -> Prop) (blk: SimpleBlock Γ b) (Q: Prop) : Prop :=
blkVar blk.label = wpPassiveCommandsD γ blk.simpleCmds (wpTransferCommandD blkVar blk.transferCmd Q)

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