An importer loading javascript umd package from http link.
Online demo: codesandbox
Import umd package js file from http link.
Just like normal es module.
First install package to your project:
npm i @boogoo/umd-importer
# or
yarn add @boogoo/umd-importer
Then use it in your code:
import UmdImporter from '@boogoo/umd-importer'
const umdImporter = new UmdImporter({
// If debug mode is open, UmdImporter will log more info about url and cache.
// Under debug mode, package js file will be followed by //# sourceURL=[module], so you can debug package by devtools.
debug: true,
// If cache is true, UmdImporter will cache succeed resource by package name.
cache: true,
// If external is set, importer will search external dependences first.
// This option helps you inject external packages into your module where called require('some-pkg').
external: {
// Dayjs is an antd dependence.
dayjs: (window as any).dayjs,
const [_, React, ReactDOM, Antd] = await Promise.all([
// Fetch link first time, it will be cached.
umdImporter.import<any>('[email protected]/umd/react.development.js'),
// Will not fetch again. It will be returned from cache.
umdImporter.import<any>('[email protected]/umd/react.development.js'),
// React-dom requires react.
// Since you have import react first, importer will load react automatic.
umdImporter.import<any>('[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js'),
// You should specify packageName. eg. umdImporter.import(url, packageName)
// Otherwise, importer will auto generate a packageName by url.
// If the link is https://a.b.c/pkg.js, auto generated name will be pkg.
// If the link is https://a.b.c/pkg/index.js, you MUST specify a packageName. Otherwise, other link end with index.js will not be loaded.
umdImporter.import<any>('', 'antd'),
.render(React.createElement(Antd.Result, null))
try {
// Link will be 404, it will not be cached.
await umdImporter.import<any>('[email protected]/index.js')
} catch (e) {
// The same package fetched failed last time. It will be fetched again.
await umdImporter.import<any>('[email protected]/index.js')