Backend service for Money Master, a side project created by me (borja.tur@gmail) for learning purposes. Built following "Clean Architecture" principles described by Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob), if you want to know more see and that was used as base template for building this project.
- "Clean Architecture" principles in practice
- Built in Typescript
- Blazing fast Node.js framework, Fastify
- Fancy auto generated docs using OpenAPI specification v3
- MongoDB with Mongoose
- Configured with Eslint and Jest out the box
- Easy to reason about folder structure
- Testing (WIP)
- Authentication/Authorization (WIP)
Visit for a live demo of this project, you can also find the frontend application available at as a consumer of this API
Demo services are running on my own personal kubernetes cluster deployed in:
There is some demo data available that will be restored in a scheduled base.
- docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
Or alternatively a mongodb instance running somewhere, update the connection url accordingly and:
- npm install
- npm run build && npm start
- visit http://localhost:5050/docs and enjoy!