Repo to debug ng-bootstrap Issue: #2118
Node version used: v8.9.3 App run on: Ubuntu 16.04
Very basic meteor app to reproduce ng-bootstrap #2118 No issue when run in development, to run:
meteor npm install
The follwing issue occurs when the app is bundled up:
ERROR TypeError: i0.ɵnov(...).$any is not a function
at Object.handleEvent (app.component.ngfactory.ts:64)
at Object.handleEvent (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at Object.handleEvent (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at dispatchEvent (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95
at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at Object.onInvokeTask (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
at Zone.runTask (typeahead-window.ngfactory.ts:95)
To bundle up:
meteor build /path/to/build --architecture os.linux.x86_64
This create a tar file: debug-repo.tar.gz Uncompress:
tar -xvf debug-repo.tar.gz -C /path/to/deploy
Go to: /path/to/deploy/bundle/programs/server
npm install
Go back to /path/to/deploy/bundle and run the app
PORT=3000 ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/myappname node main.js
Try to enter anything in input with developer tool open and the issue will appear.