Async signaling library for .NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications for the official SignalR Library for .NET see the SignalR Repository
Extends the reach of the main SignalR project by providing a client that is written in Objective-C and is compaitible with iOS and Mac
Pushing data from the server to the client (not just browser clients) has always been a tough problem. SignalR makes it dead easy and handles all the heavy lifting for you.
See the documentation and api reference
- Install CocoaPods (if you have not already done so)
- $ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
- $ pod setup
- Create or Add SignalR to your "Podfile"
platform :ios, '5.0'
orplatform :osx, '10.7'
pod 'SignalR-ObjC'
- Install SignalR-ObjC into your project
- pod install
- Install CocoaPods (if you have not already done so)
- $ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
- $ pod setup
- cd SignalR-ObjC project directory
- $ pod install
SignalR-ObjC uses NSJSONSerialization
if it is available. You can include one of the following JSON libraries to your project for SignalR-ObjC to automatically detect and use.
SignalR-ObjC requires ARC
SignalR-ObjC uses 3rd-party code, see ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS for contributions
- The SignalR team hangs out in the signalr room at
- The SignalR-ObjC team hangs out in the signalr-objc room at