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451 Final Milestone
Bulingo is a language learning platform. Since language is a tool for communication, Bulingo is also social. In Bulingo each user has a profile where other users can read about the users, also the comments done about them and their rating. Bulingo lets users practise with exercises for their levels, send writings to each other and evaluate the writings from different users to practice both reading and writing and provide a chat platform because we know that the best way to learn a language is to use it in the real life. Bulingo is also like a social platform where users can post comments about other users and rate them.
There are lots of language learning platforms in the market but in the most of them you are alone. Just complete the exercises and level up. We believe that this is not the right approach to learn a language. We believe the best way to learn a language properly is to communicate and Bulingo is a great app to learn a language with communication.
In our first milestone we had completed the login, sign-up, and log-out features of our web and mobile applications, and the language level determination feature to correctly identify how well the user knows a certain language. We also had completed the outlines of the profile page for both web and android application.
For the second milestone, firstly, we fixed our problems from the first milestone. We improved the UI in web and android. We also added the meanings of level ratings for users to understand. Then, moving forward, we finalized our work with profile page. Now, users can comment -and rate- on other people’s profile pages on both web and Android app. Profile pages now can be edited in both web and mobile in the user’s own profile page, which includes uploading new avatars and bio texts to database. We added user search functionality to find other users for chatting or viewing/commenting their page. In addition to these, we implemented chat functionality where you can view your chat history and message other users for both web and android. We implemented outline of the exercise page -with static content- on mobile.
For the Final milestone, both android and web teams implemented the Exercise page. After that, search page implementation were updated to search an exercise. Exercises can be searched according to tags,exercise names, language levels,languages and exercise types. Exercises are filtered according to user’s language level during exercise listing part. When a user wants to take an exercise, exercises which are higher than user’s level are listed. Afterwards, we implemented the recommendation. Recommendation is a feature for sending writing, which is recommendation of the proficient users to send an essay. Then, we implemented the user progress. Progress is a feature for solving exercise, which gives the number of completed exercises and these exercises’ success. The radar graph on the profile page, holds the exercise levels and presents these levels on a user friendly graph. Writing and annotation are huge parts of the project. We implemented writing and annotation part together. In writing part, a user can send an essay to a recommended user. Also, a proficient user can receive and annotate an essay. On annotation part, the user can annotate a text or an image. Additionally, we implemented create exercise feature for a user, we assumed that there exists an admin who controls exercises content.Finally, exercise page is updated as read-only for guest users on the Website. A guest user can sign up and see all the exercises, but they can not see content of these exercises.
Our project was to develop a Language Learning Platform. This platform enables a user to take level determination exam and then continue to learn a language by solving exercises. There are various exercises that are listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary and writing. Platform is also provide to use annotations for evaluating essays.
We had some difficulties during implementation period because we started wrongly prioritizing, we had difficulty in completing important parts towards the end of the project. We could do exercise part before the profile page.
Besides, we gained experience in teamwork, meetings and division of labor. Except milestone 2, we finished our work on time. Our functionalities are mostly completed. Also, the interface of our application for both mobile and web is very well designed.
In the start of project we had meetings with the whole team. Additionally, each sub-team(android,frontend and backend) completed their work by setting small meetings on their own. Aside meeting, other means of communications were conducted to complete our deliverables. These methods are github issuses, whatsapp groups.
Note: See project plan for more.
Name | Delivery Date | Delivered |
(Backend) Exam API: Get exam questions with choices | 15.10.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Exam API: Post user answers and get evaluation grade | 15.10.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Search API: User Search | 23.10.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Search API: Exercise Search | 23.10.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Updating User Profile | 01.11.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Creating User Comment | 07.11.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Exercise API: Get language level for choosen exercise type | 15.11.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Exercise API: Get questions for an exercise | 15.11.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Exercise API: Post answers | 15.11.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Writing API: Save, List, Get, Send, Recommendation to send for Writing | 21.12.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Annotation API: List, Get, Create, Delete annotation | 20.12.19 | DONE |
(Backend) Exercise API: Create new exercise | 22.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Comment: Send comment to a user from user's profile page | 21.11.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Chat: Send message to a user from user's profile page | 21.11.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Exercise: Designing Exercise selection page | 25.11.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Exercise: Designing Exercise list page | 25.11.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Exercise: Implementing exercises pages | 26.11.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Recommendation: Implementing user recommendation for sending writing | 17.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Progress: Implementing progress page | 18.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Writing: Designing writing pages for both sending and receiving essays | 19.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Writing: Implementing writing pages | 23.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Exercise: Implementing create exercise page | 23.11.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Annotation: Implementing text annotation | 23.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Annotation: Implementing image annotation | 24.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Profile Page Update: Implementing radar graph | 24.12.19 | DONE |
(Frontend) Exercise Page Update: Implementing the exercise page as only read for guest users | 24.12.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Chat: Chat screen | 01.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Chat: Get messages | 31.10.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Chat: Send messages | 06.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Chat: Chat history screen | 07.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Search: Design search screen | 14.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Search: Implement user seach | 19.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Comment: Send comment to other user | 21.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Profile Update: Designing profile page to adding setting button | 22.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Profile Update: Implementing permission request activity from device | 26.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Profile Update: Change bio | 22.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Profile Update: Change avatar | 25.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Exercise: Designing Exercise selection screen | 25.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Exercise: Implementing exercises pages | 27.11.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Profile Page : Implementing progress bar for exercises and language | 09.12.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Recommendation: Implementing user recommendation for sending writing | 17.12.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Writing: Designing writing screens for both sending and receiving essays | 19.12.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Writing: Implementing writing screen | 23.12.19 | DONE |
(Mobile) Annotation: Implementing annotation | 23.12.19 | DONE |
Details about deliverables - Android
Search : User can search for other users. They can search for exercises according to choosen language, type and level.
Recommendation : User based recommendation when user wants to send writing.
Comment : User can comments on other user’s bio.
Chat: User can send and receive messages from/to other users.
Profile Update : Users can update their own profile pages by changing their avatar and bio.
Exercises: User can do listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary exercises.
Annotation : User can annotate writing exercises that sent to her/him.
Team Member | Contributions |
Burak İlkay Akgün | I am working in frontend with Neval and Hilal.After milestone 2, I designed and implemented the exercise search page. I and Neval designed and implemented writing sending page with file uploading functionality. I and Neval designed and implemented text annotation for the essays that are been written on browser for sending to other users. Also I and Neval designed and implemented image annotation for the essays that are been uploaded on browser to sending other users. |
Samet Demir | I am a member of backend team. For final milestone, I fixed the problems of the Writing API implemented by Berkay (basically redesigned and rewrote most of the Writing API). Then, I designed and implemented the complete Annotation API. I updated "create comment endpoint" such that it calculates the overal ratings of the users from the average of the comment ratings. I added image uploading feature to Writing API. I implemented "create new exercise endpoint" and "language progress radar endpoint". Furthermore, I fixed some bugs in Writing API and Annotation API. Finally, I debugged image annotation feature of the android and frontend applications (synchronizing the image annotation between android and frontend) since coordinates of the annotations were not properly handled by android and frontend teams. I also help the frontend team in the development and debugging of exercise, writing and annotation features. For the delivery, I prepared the code, documentation, database config & dump and packaged web application. |
Yağmur Kahyaoğlu | I am a part of the Android sub-team. After the previous milestones, we implemented exercise pages for listening, writing, vocabulary, grammar and reading exercises with Bartu and Ebru. We also implemented exercise search feature. I mostly worked on backend communications and view adapters for the features. Bartu and I implemented sent & recieved writing pages and writing reviewing page and also text annotation feature to make and display annotations. |
Bartu Ören | I am in the Android sub-team. In addition to the previous milestones, we implemented exercise search with Yağmur and Ebru. I designed the filter layout and wrote the Java code for it. We implemented listening, grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading exercise pages with Yağmur and Ebru. I took part mostly in button functionalities and layouts for all of these exercise pages. For text annotation, I worked with Yağmur to implement it for sent & received writing pages. I also implemented the image annotation feature for android, working with Java, xml and handling database connections. |
Sabri Bayrakdar | I am a member of the backend team with Samet and Berkay.As a continuation of previous milestones, I implemented language and exercise progress api endpoints which are used to get progress.Accordingly I created progress model and seeder files.After progress implementation, I rearranged exercise evaluate api endpoint.Because when a user complete an exercise, the progress information is needed to update (post progress) so that the user can keep tracking his/her own progress.Besides the progress implementation, I also implemented recommendation api endpoint.In the meantime, I realized and cleared unnecessary codes in some endpoints which I implemented previously.Finally, I added over 20 users in database in addition the existing users so that the project seems more realistic. |
Ebru Zorlu | I am working in the Android sub-team. For final milestone, we implemented exercise search, listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, writing exercise pages and annotation part with Yağmur and Bartu. |
Neval Tüllük | I implemented the text and image annotation with Ilkay and the send exercises part with Samet. I also helped the implementation of the send wtiring page |
Berke Can Gürer | |
Berkay Özerbay | I was in the backend team. For final milestone, I implemented post writing and get writing by username endpoint.I also created writing model and a sample seed and edited time to time according to coming changes. |
Hilal Mente | I am a member of frontend team. In addition to the previous milestones, I implemented listening exercise and exercise filtering with Neval. After second milestone feedbacks, I implemented indicating the correct answers of questions and the user’s number of correct answers after submitting the exercises’ answers. Also, I implemented the radar graph which holds the levels of exercises according to exercise results. |
Our annotation implementation directly follows the W3C Web Annotation Data Model (https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/). It consists of 4 endpoints for creating, deleting, listing and getting annotations (see API documentation for details). The creating annotation endpoint takes the annotation in the W3C Web Annotation Data Model format and saves it. The listing and getting annotations endpoints return the annotations in W3C Web Annotation Data Model format.
Most of the features of the W3C Web Annotation Data Model are supported. Here are the supported features:
W3C Web Annotation Data Model Feature | Supported |
Annotations may have @context, id, type, body, target, creator, motivation, created, and modified fields. | YES |
The Annotation must have 1 or more @context values and http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld must be one of them. If there is only one value, then it must be provided as a string. | 1 @context only |
An Annotation must have exactly 1 IRI that identifies it. (id) | YES |
An Annotation must have 1 or more types | 1 type only |
Annotations may have 0 or more Bodies. | YES |
Annotations may have 1 or more Targets. | YES |
Annotations may have information about the context in which the Annotation and any External Web Resources were created, modified and used. (creator, motivation, created, and modified fields) | YES |
The Target or Body resource may be a Web Resource. | YES |
Resources may have id, value, source, type, format, language, processingLanguage, textDirection, creator, purpose and selector fields. | YES |
Bodies or Targets which are External Web Resources must have exactly 1 id with the value of the resource's IRI. | YES |
The Body or Target should have exactly 1 format associated with it, but may have 0 or more. The value of the property should be the media-type of the format, following the [rfc6838] specification. | YES |
The Body or Target should have exactly 1 language associated with it, but may have 0 or more, for example if the language cannot be identified or the resource contains a mix of languages. The value of the property should be a language code following the [bcp47] specification. | YES |
Each Body and Target may have exactly 1 processingLanguage. The value of the property should be a language code following the [bcp47] specification. If this property is not present and the language property is present with a single value, then the client should use that language for processing requirements. | YES |
The Body or Target may have exactly 1 textDirection associated with it. The value of the property must be one of the directions (ltr, rtl, or auto). | YES |
The Body or Target may have 1 or more types (Dataset, Image, Video, Sound, Text) | YES |
The Target or Body resource may be more specific than the entity identified by the resource's IRI alone. | YES |
The Target or Body resource may be a specific segment of the resource. (Specific Resources) | YES |
There may be 0 or more Motivations associated with the SpecificResource using purpose. (purpose) | YES |
There may be 0 or more selector relationships associated with a Specific Resource. (FragmentSelector and Text Quote Selector) | YES |
Selectors may have type, value, conformsTo, exact, prefix, suffix, start, and end fields. | YES |
FragmentSelectors/TextQuoteSelectors must have exactly 1 type and the value must be FragmentSelector. | YES |
The FragmentSelector must have exactly 1 value property. | YES |
The Fragment Selector should have exactly 1 conformsTo link to the specification that defines the syntax of the fragment and must not have more than 1. | YES |
Each TextQuoteSelector must have exactly 1 exact property. | YES |
Each TextQuoteSelector should have exactly 1 prefix property, and must not have more than 1. | YES |
Each TextQuoteSelector should have exactly 1 suffix property, and must not have more than 1. | YES |
Here is an example annotation we use to annotate a writing image:
"@context": "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld",
"id": "http://localhost/api/annotation/1",
"type": "Annotation",
"creator": "user",
"created": "2019-12-21T04:21:07.387Z",
"modified": "2019-12-21T04:21:07.387Z",
"body": {
"type": "TextualBody",
"value": "'is' should be replaced with 'are'"
"format": "text/plain"
"target": {
"id": "",
"type": "Image",
"creator": "berkay",
"selector": {
"type": "FragmentSelector",
"value": "xywh=50,50,640,480",
"conformsTo": "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/"
Here is an example annotation we use to annotate a writing text:
"@context": "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld",
"id": "http://localhost/api/annotation/2",
"type": "Annotation",
"creator": "user",
"created": "2019-12-21T04:21:07.387Z",
"modified": "2019-12-21T04:21:07.387Z",
"body": {
"type": "TextualBody",
"value": "'is' should be replaced with 'are'"
"format": "text/plain"
"target": {
"id": "",
"creator": "berkay",
"type": "Text",
"selector": {
"type": "FragmentSelector",
"conformsTo": "http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5147",
"value": "char=0,10"
Note: API doc is also available online on
backend project
This endpoint takes an annotation in the W3C Web Annotation Data Model format (https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/) and saves it to the database
POST /api/annotation
Name | Type | Description |
annotation | Object |
(see W3C Web Annotation Data Model for details) |
annotation.type | String |
annotation.body | Object |
annotation.target | Object |
annotation.motivation | Object |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String |
This endpoint deletes the annotation specified by the id
DELETE /api/annotation/:id
Name | Type | Description |
id | String |
This endpoint returns the annotation specified by the id in the W3C Web Annotation Data Model format (https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/)
GET /api/annotation/:id
Name | Type | Description |
id | String |
Name | Type | Description |
annotation | Object |
(see W3C Web Annotation Data Model for details) |
annotation.type | String |
annotation.body | Object |
annotation.target | Object |
annotation.creator | Object |
annotation.motivation | Object |
This endpoint returns a list of annotations in the W3C Web Annotation Data Model format (https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/) filtered by creator, target_creator, target_source
GET /api/annotation
Name | Type | Description |
creator | String |
target_creator | String |
target_source | String |
Name | Type | Description |
annotation | Object[] |
(see W3C Web Annotation Data Model for details) |
annotation.type | String |
annotation.body | Object |
annotation.target | Object |
annotation.creator | Object |
annotation.motivation | Object |
POST /api/auth/login
Name | Type | Description |
id | String |
username or email of the user. |
password | String |
password of the user. |
POST /api/auth/logout
POST /api/auth/signup
Name | Type | Description |
username | String |
String |
password | String |
POST /api/chat/:username
Name | Type | Description |
body | Object |
body.message | String |
message text |
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
GET /api/chat/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"nb_new_messages": 3,
"history": [
"username": "user",
"last_message": "hello world",
"nb_new_messages": 1,
"last_message_date": "2013-10-21T13:28:06.419Z"
"username": "admin",
"last_message": "welcome to bulingo",
"nb_new_messages": 2,
"last_message_date": "2013-10-20T11:10:04.222Z"
Name | Type | Description |
chat | Object |
chat |
chat.nb_new_messages | Integer |
number of new messages (all) |
chat.history | Object[] |
chat history with all users (ordered by date) |
chat.history.username | String |
username |
chat.history.last_message | String |
last message |
chat.history.nb_new_messages | Integer |
number of new messages from that user |
chat.history.last_message_date | String |
date of the last message |
GET /api/chat/:username
Name | Type | Description |
username | String |
opponent user's username |
skip | String |
number of messages to skip |
limit | String |
number of messages to return |
Name | Type | Description |
messages | Object[] |
list of messages |
messages.to_username | String |
message receiver |
messages.from_username | String |
message sender |
messages.message | String |
message text |
messages.new | Boolean |
message is read boolean |
GET /api/language/:language_abbr/exercise
Name | Type | Description |
exercise | Object[] |
exercises |
exercise.exersice_id | Integer |
exercise id |
exercise.title | String |
exercise title |
exercise.language_abbr | String |
exercise language abbreviation |
exercise.exercise_type | Stirng |
exercise exercise type |
exercise.level | String |
exercise level |
exercise.tags | String |
exercise tags |
GET /api/language/:language_abbr/exercise/:exersice_id/questions
Name | Type | Description |
question_id | String |
question id |
desc | String |
question description |
media_url | String |
media url related to question (optional) |
media_type | String |
media type related to question (optional) |
media_start_time | String |
media start time related to question (optional) |
media_end_time | String |
media end time related to question (optional) |
choices | Object[] |
answer choices (optional: not available for writing) |
choices.id | String |
choice id |
choices.desc | String |
choice description |
GET /api/language/:language_abbr/recommendation/:id
Name | Type | Description |
recommendation | Object[] |
recommendation.username | String |
username |
recommendation.rating | String |
rating |
recommendation.grade | String |
grade |
POST /api/language/:language_abbr/exercise/:exersice_id/evaluate
Name | Type | Description |
answers | Object[] |
answers.question_id | Integer |
answer question id |
answers.choice_id | Integer |
answer choice id |
answers.text | String |
(optional: only available for writing) |
Name | Type | Description |
nb_correct_answers | Integer |
number of correct answers |
nb_questions | Integer |
number of questions |
answers | Object[] |
media related to question (e.g. listening material) (optional) |
answers.question_id | Integer |
question id |
answers.choice_id | Integer |
correct choices id |
GET /api/language/
Name | Type | Description |
language | Object[] |
list of languages |
language.name | String |
language name |
language.abbr | String |
language abbreviation |
POST /api/language/:language_abbr/exam/evaluate
Name | Type | Description |
answers | Object[] |
list of answers |
answers.question_id | Integer |
question id |
answers.choices_id | Integer |
choices id |
Name | Type | Description |
grade | String |
result of evaluation |
GET /api/language/:language_abbr/exam/questions
Name | Type | Description |
questions | Object[] |
list of exam questions |
questions.id | Integer |
question id |
questions.desc | String |
question description |
questions.choices | Object[] |
answer choices |
questions.choices.id | Integer |
answer choices id |
questions.choices.desc | String |
answer choices description |
GET /api/search/
Name | Type | Description |
text | String |
text to be searched |
type | String |
what type of data to be searched (exercise/user) |
lang_abbr | String |
lang_abbr (exercise) |
level | String |
level (exercise) |
exercise_type | String |
exercise_type (exercise) |
Name | Type | Description |
result | Object[] |
result array |
result.type | String |
type of data |
result.username | String |
username of the user (optional: only for user type) |
result.exersice_id | Integer |
id of the exercise (optional: only for exercise) |
result.title | String |
title of the exercise (optional: only for exercise) |
result.lang_abbr | String |
language of the exercise (optional: only for exercise) |
result.exercises_type | String |
type of the exercise (optional: only for exercise) |
result.level | Integer |
level of the exercise (optional: only for exercise) |
result.tags | String |
tags of the exercise (optional: only for exercise) |
GET /api/user/:username/exercise/:exercise_id/progress
Name | Type | Description |
username | String |
username of user |
exercise_id | Integer |
exercise id |
question_done | Integer |
number of questions answered correctly |
questions | Integer |
number of all questions |
updatedAt | String |
last created or updated time |
GET /api/user/:username/language/:language_abbr/progress
Name | Type | Description |
username | String |
username of user |
lang_abbr | String |
language abbreviation |
exercise_done | Integer |
number of completed exercises |
exercises | Integer |
number of all exercises |
updatedAt | String |
last created or updated time |
GET /:username/language/:language_abbr/radar
Name | Type | Description |
radar | Object |
radar.listening | Integer |
listening point (over 100) |
radar.reading | Integer |
reading point (over 100) |
radar.grammer | Integer |
grammer point (over 100) |
radar.vocabulary | Integer |
vocabulary point (over 100) |
radar.writing | Integer |
writing point (over 100) |
POST /api/user/:username/comments/
Name | Type | Description |
comment | Object |
comment.text | String |
text |
comment.rating | Integer |
rating (1,2,3,4,5) |
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
GET /api/user/
Name | Type | Description |
user | Object |
user object |
user.username | String |
username |
GET /api/user/:username
Name | Type | Description |
user | Object |
user object |
user.username | String |
username |
user.email | String |
user.bio | String |
biography text |
user.avatar | String |
avatar url |
user.rating | Float |
rating from comments |
POST /api/user/:username
Name | Type | Description |
user | Object |
user object |
user.bio | String |
biography text |
user.avatar | File |
avatar image file |
GET /api/user/:username/comments
Name | Type | Description |
comments | Object[] |
comments |
comments.text | String |
comment text |
comments.rating | String |
comment rating |
comments.comment_by | String |
author of comment |
comments.comment_to | String |
target of comment |
comments.createdAt | String |
creation time of comment |
GET /api/user/:username/language/level
Name | Type | Description |
language_levels | Object[] |
language levels |
language_levels.lang_abbr | String |
language abbr |
language_levels.grade | String |
language level |
POST /api/writing/
Name | Type | Description |
writing | Object |
writing.text | String |
writing.image | File |
writing.lang_abbr | String |
writing.title | String |
(optional) |
writing.assignee | String |
assignee username (optional) |
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
GET /api/writing/:id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Name | Type | Description |
writing | Object |
writing |
writing.writing_id | Integer |
writing id |
writing.title | String |
title |
writing.text | String |
text |
writing.image | String |
image |
writing.lang_abbr | String |
lang_abbr |
writing.written_by | String |
author of writing |
writing.assignee | String |
assignee |
GET /api/writing/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Name | Type | Description |
writings | Object[] |
writings |
writings.writing_id | Integer |
writing id |
writings.title | String |
title |
writings.text | String |
text |
writings.image | String |
image |
writings.lang_abbr | String |
lang_abbr |
writings.written_by | String |
author of writing |
writings.assignee | String |
assignee |
PUT /api/writing/:id/assignee/:assignee_username
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
- Registered User: a registered person whose purpose is to learn and/or to provide skill or knowledge in one or more languages
- Guest User: a person who have not logged in or registered yet
- Admin: a person whose purpose is to keep the platform intact
- The platform: the product with its whole functionality
- Web Application: a software which provides a user interface to browse the content on a Web Browser
- Android Application: a software which provides a user interface to browse the content on Android Mobile Operating System without using a Web Browser
- API: an Application Programming Interface
- API Application: a software which provides necessary data to the user interface applications
- Level: the difficulty of exercises or the language proficiency level of the user(6 categories : A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2 according to CEFR standards.
- A guest user shall be able register with their e-mail, a unique username and password or continue as a guest user.
- Registered users log in by entering their username/e-mail and password.
- A guest user shall be able to access limited material, in order to get whole material, he/she must register first.
A registered user shall be able to choose one or more languages(available languages:English,German)in order to learn or provide expert skill or knowledge.
- A registered user shall be able to access the listening materials according to his/her level.
- A registered user shall be able to access the exercises related to the listening materials.
- A registered user shall be able to access the reading materials according to his/her level.
- A registered user shall be able to access the exercises related to the reading materials.
- A registered user shall be able to access the grammar topics according to his/her level
- A registered user shall be able to access the exercises related to the grammar materials.
- A registered user shall be able to access the vocabulary materials according to his/her level
- A registered user shall be able to access the exercises related to the vocabulary materials.
- A registered user shall be able to access the writing materials.
- A registered user shall be able to access the exercises related to the writing materials.
- A registered user shall be able to upload handwritten writing exercises.
- A registered user shall be able to do writing exercises by typing in the application.
- A registered user shall be able to accept providing writing consultancy to other users.
- A guest user shall be able to access to a directory of all listening exercises of a selected language categorized by language level.
- A guest user shall be able to access to a directory of all reading exercises of a selected language categorized by language level.
- A guest user shall be able to access to a directory of all grammar exercises of a selected language categorized by language level.
- A guest user shall be able to access to a directory of all vocabulary exercises of a selected language categorized by language level.
- A registered user shall be able reach the materials and exercises that are for their current level.
- A registered user shall be able to reach materials and exercises of the lower levels.
- A registered user shall be able to choose a user from the recommended list of users or by searching a user by his/her username in order to consult.
- A registered user shall be able to send his/her writing exercises to other users who accept to provide writing consultancy in order to get feedback.
Username of a registered user shall be able to seen from the profile of the user.
Registered users shall be able to see the progress of themselves or other users in the languages in terms of the percentage of correct answers, and the current level.
Registered user's rating in terms of average response time, appreciation by registered users shall be able to seen other users.
- A registered user shall have an avatar.
- Registered users shall be able to change their own avatars.
Registered users should be able to add the information about their biography.
A guest user should have no profile.
Registered users shall be able to annotate texts and images within the system.
- Registered users in the corresponding language shall be able to upload new learning materials and exercises.
- Newly-added materials shall be evaluated by the admin users.
- Materials which are approved by any admin user shall be integrated into the system.
- Registered users shall be able to send a chat request to other users in the corresponding language that user want to learn.
- Registered users shall be able to accept the chat request received from other registered users.
- Registered users shall be able to send text messages to other registered users.
- Registered users shall be able to receive text mes sages from other registered users.
- All registered users shall be able to do a basic search by using keywords.
- Registered users shall be able to do an advanced search to filter the content by topic, difficulty, scope, and tag.
- Registered users should be able to report disturbing behavioral acts.
- All users should be able to report materials, if they contain racist insults or inappropriate contents.
Registered users should be able to make a comment to any user .It will be appended to the commented user’s profile
The system shall provide a test to new users to determine their level of knowledge about language.
The system shall provide a test to registered users after completing all the exercises for their current proficiency level or any arbitrary time that is chosen by the user to determine their new level of knowledge about language.
- The system shall automatically grade exercises except for writing exercises
- The system shall highlight the correct answer if the provided one by the user is wrong.
The system shall recommend other users to users to consult for writing according to their proficiency level in the corresponding language.
The system shall provide statistics about completed/uncompleted exercises, achievement.
The system shall provide an option for users to accept if they are willing to provide writing consultancy for other users.
The system shall provide a semantic searching mechanism.
- The system shall have some admins who are responsible of reports and new materials.
- An admin shall evaluate the report that come from the users.
- An admin shall delete the racist or insultive contents that was reported by the users.
- An admin shall evaluate the new materials that are added by users and shall accept or reject the material to be integrated to the system.
The platform and the materials should be accessible at any time, from anywhere.
- The Web application shall support Google Chrome 48 and later.
- The Web application should support Google Chrome 32 and later.
- The Android Application shall support Android 6: Marshmallow and later in order to support modern devices.
- The Android Application should support Android 4.4: KitKat and later in order to support older devices.
- The API Application shall be deployable on a remote and manually configurable remote server.
- The API Application should be deployed to Amazon EC2 or DigitalOcean remote server.
The system should respond to any request in 5 seconds at most.
The system should encrypt the traffic by using HTTPS.
The system should force the users to pick at least six characters long password.
The personal information, contact information, copyrighted contents, license issues and everything related to these paradigms shall be respected and considered.
- 2.6.1 W3C Web Annotation Data Model shall be used for Annotation.
- 2.6.2 The implementation of this system shall follow the standards introduced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
- User has registered
- User has chosen Italian to work on.
Esra wants to work on vocabulary because if she knows the words of Italian, she can understand most of the sentences without knowing the grammar. She wants to work on reading materials also. If she gets used to Italian readings, she can work on Italian articles to enlarge her horizon. Apex Linguage provides best experience, that is why she chooses Apex Linguage.
Esra practices with flashcards, in that way she can learn new words easily.
She reads readings and answers questions based on the reading
- User has registered
Cihat makes some minor mistakes in his essays and he wants to get rid of them. These minor mistakes makes him feel unconfortable, and might cause a failure on TOEFL exam. He prefers our program because we provide direct interaction between user and expert.
Chooses which language he/she wants to work on.
Chooses which course type he/she wants to work on.
Writes an essay for his/her preparation about TOEFL exam.
Chooses an expert from the expert pool to send his/her essay.
Gains detailed information about the expert before sending his/her essay.
Expert reads the essay then gives the feedback.
Reads the given feedback from the expert.
- Mert already has a registered account.
- He took a level determination test and placed in his appropriate level.
Mert Kara is a freshman student and studying Computer Engineering. He has a decent English, but he wants to learn French since he wants to work in France in the future. He uses his smartphone to learn French while he uses Metrobus everyday to go to his school. He is mostly interested in vocabulary for the time being.
- Mert logs in to his account using his credentials.
- Mert chooses to learn French.
- Mert selects vocabulary exercises to work on.
- As Mert marks questions, he sees that his answer is wrong. Later he finds out that vine is the only beverage in the choices.
- Mert finishes the exercise and decides to view his stats.
- He can see both his overall grade and individual grades for various exercies.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Clone the project from Github Repository.
- Change directory to the project folder (bounswe2019group3/project)
- Run the project using the following command:
docker-compose up
- Database Setup - Initialize the database from the dump using one of the following commands:
docker exec -it bulingo_database bash -c "psql -U postgres bulingo < /home/db_dump.sql"
docker exec -it bulingo_database bash -c "pg_restore -d bulingo /home/db_dump.tar -c -U postgres"
- Access the applications using the following URLs:
- frontend: http://localhost/
- backend: http://localhost/api
- android: http://localhost/android/app.apk
User Manual Web Application
To use our web application, go to
The first page you encounter is the login page, If you are a registered user sign in with your username and password that you specify during the sign up process.
If you are a guest user you can go to Sign Up page by clicking the blue Sign Up label next to the LOGIN button or see a list of the exercises as a guest by clicking the Exercise button on the navigation bar.
In the exercises page for a guest user first you can select the language and the see a list of all exercises for that language, to access these exercises you must create an account.
You can sign from the sign up page. It is accessible from the login page, when you click on the "sign up" text it redirects you to the sign up page. To sign up you have to provide a unique username, an email and password.
After you register and log in, you can see your profile page. From the profile page most of the functionalities of the application are available. From the profile page you can see your language progress in the radar chart (right side of the page), the comments done to you (middle section) and your profile picture and biography (right side of the page). From the navigation bar you can access to exercises(only the exercises in your level is accessible here), send exercise page to create and submit your own exercises, exam page to take level determination exam, my writing page to see and annotate the writings you sent to other people and the writings other people sent to you, messages page to see you personal messages, search page that you can search exercises related to a keyword or users, and the settings page where you can customize your biography.
In the settings page you can change your biography, profile picture and specify your preferences about accepting the writings from other users or not. By clicking the CHANGE button, you can submit your changes.
Firstly you must choose the language of the level determination test with a similar process to choose exercise language selection stated above(2.2). After the selection there are multiple choice questions, and after choosing the correct answer for all the questions you should click to the submit button for evaluation. Your score will appear on the top of the page.
After completing the level determination exam, you can see the exercises in your own level and work on your skills. To do so click on the exercises in the navigation bar and select the language you want to proceed. In the list of the available exercises you can click on the exercise title to go to exercise. Completing the exercise is like the level determination exam but now you can see the correct answers after completing and submitting.
You can send exercises from send exercises page, here you should specify title, tags, language, level and exercise type of the exercise you are going to add. After that you should fill the body parts and the choices, pick the true answer from the choices and submit after compeleting all the questions and answers.
In my writings page you can see the writings you sent, and the writings assigned to you.
To go to a writing, click on the title from the list in the page My Writings, its accessible from the navigation bar. After going in the writing page you can read and annotate the writing,
To annotate a text you can write your annotation to the text box and select the text you want to annotate. You can delete the yellow annotations by clicking on them once. After editing, send you annotations by pressing submit.
To annotate an image, click and drag until the box covers the area you want to annotate. Release the mouse and write you annotation to the textbox. When you are ready, submit by clicking on the submit button. You can see the existing annotation by clicking on them.
To send writing, you can write you essay in the textbox, if you would like to upload a file, you should select upload essay option from the drop-down menu. After you select the language, the recommended users will appear and you can select by looking at their rating and language level.
To see and answer your messages go to messages page from navbar in the left you can see the list of the people you are chatting with and by clicking on the boxes on the left you can see the message history and send a message on the right
To search a user or an exercise click on the search button on the navigation bar. First select if you want to search a user or exercise, then write your keyword for the search. For exercise you can further specify language, language level, and exercise type. Click on the search button to search to proceed.
To make a comment and rate a user you should search them from user search and by clicking on the username from a list of users you can go to their profile. Here you can make a comment and rate the user and send a message. After sending a message you get redirected to the messages page.
- NodeJS 10
- PostgreSQL
- Clone the project from Github Repository.
- Change directory to the backend folder (bounswe2019group3/project/backend)
- Install dependencies using the following command:
npm install
- Start PostgreSQL database server
- Database Setup - Initialize the database from the dump using one of the following commands:
- SQL:
psql -U postgres bulingo < db_dump.sql
pg_restore -d bulingo db_dump.tar -c -U postgres
- Run the following command to start the backend server:
npm start
- Access the backend server on http://localhost:3000
- Android Studio
- Android SDK Tools
- Android 6.0 and above (API Level 23)
- Clone the project from Github Repository.
- Open the source code in Android Studio.
- Install a virtual device on Android Studio or connect an Android phone.
- Select a virtual device or connected Android phone in Android Studio.
- Build and run the project on the selected device.
- Android 6.0+
- Internet Connection
- User permissions
- Setup APK file on your Android device.
- Open the app.
- Register or login with your existing account.
- Never stop learning!
- Requirements
- Requirement Questions
- User Scenarios
- Mock-Ups
- Use Case Diagram
- Class Diagram
- Sequence Diagrams
- 352 - Milestone 1
- Project Plan
- 352 - Milestone 2
- 451 - Milestone 1
- 451 - Milestone 1 (PDF)
- 451 - Milestone 2
- 451 - Milestone 2 (PDF)
- 451 - Final Milestone
- 451 - Final Milestone (PDF)
- System and User Manuals
- Web User Manual with images (PDF)