Update to FastAPI 0.87 and Starlette 0.21 (b429f5c)
This release will update/upgrade to FastAPI 0.87 and Starlette 0.21.
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI and Starlette versioning.
BREAKING CHANGE: Starlette 0.21 updated the test client to run on HTTPX
instead of Requests. Please verify compatibility with your test suite
after updating. Also note that, while Requests is no longer a dependency
of Starlette, it recently became a dependency of mkdocs-material, so it
will still be included when installing mkdocs-material. mkdocs-material
(aka "Material for MkDocs") is used to build the documentation. They
recently achieved their $8000 "Scotch Bonnet" funding goal, and released
a collection of previously insiders-only features to the public. One of
these features is a new built-in social plugin that uses Requests.
- Bump version from 0.35.0 to 0.36.0 (c74d77c)
- Update to FastAPI 0.87 and Starlette 0.21 (b429f5c)