### Changes
**Update to FastAPI 0.103** (b6aef8b)
This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.103](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/release-notes/).
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning
FastAPI 0.103 adds support for an `openapi_examples` keyword argument
as described in the
and sets a temporary upper bound on AnyIO of `anyio>=3.7.1,<4.0.0`,
separately from Starlette, to help with the update to Starlette 0.31.
### Commits
- Bump version from 0.54.0 to 0.55.0 (f2acd2c)
- Update to FastAPI 0.103 (b6aef8b)
- Update changelog for version 0.54.0 (#84) (b348793)