### Changes
**Update to FastAPI 0.110 and Starlette 0.36** (dfa4822)
This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.110](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/release-notes/)
[Starlette 0.36](https://www.starlette.io/release-notes/).
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI and Starlette versioning.
FastAPI 0.110 makes a change to dependencies with `yield` and `except`.
Dependencies must now raise exceptions after `except`, like this:
def my_dep():
except SomeException:
This change addresses memory leak issues and may be a breaking change in
some projects if dependencies with `yield` and `except` used `pass`
instead of `raise`. See the
[FastAPI docs](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-with-yield/)
for further info.
Changes to Starlette between 0.35 and 0.36 include exception handling
updates and AnyIO compatibility updates. Note that FastAPI updated the
Starlette minor version from 0.35 to 0.36 in the 0.109.2 patch release.
### Commits
- Bump version from 0.65.0 to 0.66.0 (ae160a0)
- Update to FastAPI 0.110 and Starlette 0.36 (dfa4822)
- Update to `peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5` (2f9b88f)
- Update to `actions/checkout@v4` (8d888d0)
- Update changelog for version 0.65.0 (#100) (8725661)