### Changes
**Update to FastAPI 0.112 and Starlette 0.38**
This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.112](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/release-notes/)
[Starlette 0.38](https://www.starlette.io/release-notes/).
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI and Starlette versioning.
FastAPI 0.112 moves dependencies for the FastAPI CLI introduced in 0.111
to an optional extra, `fastapi[standard]`. Although the FastAPI release
notes consider this a breaking change, the FastAPI CLI was not used by
inboard, so FastAPI 0.112 will likely not be breaking for inboard users.
Starlette 0.38 makes various small changes, including removal of support
for an ASGI extension called
[path send](https://asgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extensions.html#path-send)
(aka "path-send" or `pathsend`) that was introduced in Starlette 0.36.
Support was removed because of issues with `BaseHTTPMiddleware`, though
note that `BaseHTTPMiddleware` may eventually be deprecated
The Starlette release notes do not list this as a breaking change, but
it could be breaking for users who have started working with path send.
Note that FastAPI updated the Starlette minor version to allow 0.38 in
the 0.112.1 patch release.
**Use dedicated GitHub Actions job for PyPI**
This project uses pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish to publish Python packages
to PyPI with an
[OIDC trusted publisher](https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/)
pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish is set up as a
[Docker action](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/creating-a-docker-container-action)
referencing its Dockerfile. The downside to using the Dockerfile for
the action is that the Docker image must be built every time the action
is used. This will hopefully change in the near future if Docker images
are built and pushed to a registry (pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish#230).
In the meantime, PyPI steps steps will be moved to a dedicated GitHub
Actions job so that the Docker image is not built every time GitHub
Actions jobs run.
### Commits
- Bump version from 0.69.0 to 0.70.0 (01835ec)
- Update to FastAPI 0.112 and Starlette 0.38 (b4cf65d)
- Don't hard-code repo name in GitHub Actions jobs (180d353)
- Use dedicated GitHub Actions job for PyPI (08044c6)
- Update to `hatch==1.12.0` (f950d28)
- Update to `pipx==1.6.0` (8066be3)
- Update to `mypy==1.10.1` (08ba81a)
- Update to Ruff 0.5 (101fdb3)
- Update to Prettier 3 (67ee89d)
- Add `--platform` to Docker CLI examples in docs (dd3a53c)
- Fix Docker `FromAsCasing` warning (49914dd)
- Update changelog for version 0.69.0 (#110) (294e8c8)