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πŸ’» β€’ NewASM is an interpreted language written in C++ that mimics assembly language, which somehow makes it a portable version of assembly.

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Welcome to the New-ASM Wiki

Interpreted Low-Level Language that Mimics Assembly


Below is the simple Hello World program written in New-Assembly.

_ : data
    txt $ string = "Hello world"
_ : start
    mov . tlr , string
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    retn . 0 , 0

Table of contents

Documentation about newasm which includes following topics:


This project is written purely in C++ using its standard libraries, so compiling it should be easy. To download C++ compiler, please follow instructions on the link below:

Click me...


  • There are some arguments you can use when executing the interpreter.
Argument Parameters Description
-ver - Displays version information only, and doesn't start the interpreter at all.
-help - Displays help information.
-input <filename> Sets the input file; if -input was not provided, interpreter sets it to input.asm.
-repl - Enter the read-evaluate-print mode.
-newproj - Create a new project file if one doesn't already exist.
-tests - Start the test function.
-log - Toggle the logging system.


Sections are built-in "tags" used to classify code. Each section uses different syntax in terms of instructions. General syntax is:

_ : section_name

config section

In this section, you can setup some settings for your program. It is thus recommended to keep this section on top of the code. General syntax is:

_ : config
    configuration ~ value_in_specific_datatype
_ : data
    ; some stuff
_ : start
    mov . fdx , 100
    retn . fdx

A simple example would be:

_ : config
    memsize ~ 256 ; can be any integer from 1 to 512

List of available settings

Setting name Data type Description
memsize num Reallocates the number of addresses for the heap and the stack of the program.

data section

In this section, you can declare variables to avoid repeated code. General syntax is:

data_type $ variable_name = variable_value

You can use variable_name as an operand in instructions documented below.

There are 3 data types:

  • num for integers;
  • decm for floats;
  • txt for strings;
  • ref for references to data symbols (basically a kind of a pointer);
  • char for characters.

start section

In this section, you can perform instructions, and cannot create variables, or else program will end with exit code 1.

Built-in references

This language brings some built-in references, or rather operands, with itself - list:

  • %ios - used as an operand in syscall, represents a module of system calls responsible for input and output streaming;
  • %fs - used as an operand in syscall, represents a module of system calls responsible for input and output streaming;
  • %exf - used as an operand in syscall, represents a module of system calls responsible for execution flow (starting child processes);
  • %cmanip - used as an operand in syscall, represents a module of system calls responsible for container and data structure manipulation;
  • %endl - line ending, used in stl;
  • &%null - used to leave references/pointers unassigned/uninitialized.
  • %nl - used as a null operand in some instructions.

WARNING: Syntax such as % ios is invalid.


Below is a list of available instructions. General syntax is:

instruction . suffix , operand

This is also valid:


retn and ret instructions

Ends your program with specific exit code.

Syntax for retn

  • instruction - retn
  • suffix - no suffix, use retn . 0 , ...
  • operand - exit code

Syntax for ret

  • instruction - ret
  • suffix - register name
  • operand - no operand (0)

Example for retn

_ : start
    retn . 0 , 23


[newasm] PROGRAM THREAD @ System info: Program finished with exit code : 23

Example for ret

_ : start
    mov . tlr , 8
    ret . tlr


[newasm] PROGRAM THREAD @ System info: Program finished with exit code : 8

mov and stor instructions

Set value of a specific register.

Syntax for mov

  • instruction - mov
  • suffix - register name
  • operand - new register value

Syntax for stor

  • instruction - stor
  • suffix - register name
  • operand - variable name

Example #1

In this example, we basically do fdx=1:

_ : start
    mov . fdx , 1
    retn . 0 , 23

Example #2

In this example, we basically do fdx=1, myvar=fdx, exit 1:

_ : data
    num $ myvar = 0
_ : start
    mov . fdx , 1
    stor . fdx , myvar
    retn . 0 , myvar

Available register list

  • There are input and output registers. Input registers are used to get the input from the user, and output registers are used to store data which will be used as an argument in a syscall or an operand in an instruction.
Register name Full name Description
fdx function index Holds an index of a function syscall will call.
tlr typeless register Typeless register (can hold any value, even code literals). Used as an output argument in some syscalls.
stl secondary typeless register Typeless register; however used to hold built-in operands for syscalls.
stk stack pointer Points at the top of the stack.
hea heap pointer Points at an address in the heap.
psx procedure scope exit value Holds value returned inside a procedure using halt.
prp procedure pointer Points at the procedure that was called using call.
cpr comparsion result register Holds a value of the comparsion (cmp) result; 1 for equal, 2 for less and 3 for greater (although there are 6 logical variants of jmp, only these 3 cases are required and detected by cmp).
cr0 primary calculation register Register in which all the calculation results are stored. Read this for more information...
cr1 alternate calculation register Register which is used as a second operand in calculations. Read this for more information...
br0 primary bit operation register Register in which all the bitwise calculation results are stored. Read this for more information...
br1 alternate bit operation register Register which is used as a second operand in bitwise calculations. Read this for more information...
cpt container pointer Register holding an address specifically of a container or a data structure. Read this for more information...

syscall instruction

Set value of a specific register.


  • instruction - syscall
  • suffix - no suffix
  • operand - no operand


_ : start
    mov . fdx , 1
    mov . tlr , "Hello World"
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    retn . 0 , 23

syscall list

Module ID Arguments Description
%ios 1 tlr, stl Prints exclusively text. Uses stl as a help argument.
%ios 2 tlr, stl Prints integers and floating point numbers. Uses stl as a help argument.
%ios 3 - Requests textual user input and stores the value in tlr.
%ios 4 - Requests numeric (including floats) user input and stores the value in tlr.
%ios 5 tlr Prints the textual value of a built-in operand.
%ios 6 tlr, stl Prints the name of a symbol a reference is pointing to.
%ios 7 tlr, stl Prints a single character.
%ios 8 - Requests a single character input from the user and stores the value in tlr.
%fs 1 tlr Create a directory; with tlr being a string containing the directory name.
%fs 2 tlr Remove a directory; with tlr being a string containing the directory name.
%fs 3 tlr Create a file; with tlr being a string containing the file name.
%fs 4 tlr Remove a file; with tlr being a string containing the file name.
%fs 5 tlr, stl Overwrite file content; with tlr being a string containing the file name, and stl being a string containing the new content.
%fs 6 tlr, stl Append content to file; with tlr being a string containing the file name, and stl being a string containing the content to append.
%fs 7 tlr Remove all file content; with tlr being a string containing the file name.
%fs 8 tlr, stl Read a file line; with tlr being a string containing the file name, and stl being the line number. Read content is subsequently stored in tlr.
%exf 1 tlr Start a new child process; with tlr being a string containing the file name.
%cmanip 1 cpt Clear the bit array, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your bit array.
%cmanip 2 cpt Flip the bit array, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your bit array.
%cmanip 3 cpt Reverse the bit array, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your bit array.
%cmanip 4 cpt, tlr, stl Set a value at a specific index, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your bit array, tlr an index and stl either 0 or 1 as a value.
%cmanip 5 cpt, tlr Get value stored at the bit array, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your bit array and tlr being the index. After the syscall, the function will store the value in tlr.
%cmanip 6 cpt, tlr, stl Set-at-parent-of function, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your binary tree, tlr being the index and stl the value.
%cmanip 7 cpt, tlr, stl Set-at-right child-of function, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your binary tree, tlr being the index and stl the value.
%cmanip 8 cpt, tlr, stl Set-at-left child-of function, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your binary tree, tlr being the index and stl the value.
%cmanip 9 cpt, tlr, stl Get-at function, with cpt being a pointer holding the address of your binary tree and tlr being the index. After the syscall, the function will store the value in tlr.

nop instruction

Do nothing.


  • instruction - nop
  • suffix - no suffix
  • operand - no operand


_ : start
    retn . 0 , 23

rem instruction



  • instruction - rem
  • suffix - no suffix
  • operand - your comment


_ : start
    rem . 0 , "my comment"
    retn . 0 , 23

sysreq instruction

Ensure that a symbol is available for further use.


  • instruction - sysreq
  • suffix - proc, data
  • operand - procedure return value


_ : data
_ : start
    ; Notice how we haven't declared anything in _:data
    sysreq . data , variable
    ; Program will be terminated with exit code 4
    ; Same happens when we try to access a procedure:
    sysreq . proc , some_random_proc

halt instruction

Return a value inside a function.


  • instruction - halt
  • suffix - proc
  • operand - procedure return value


_ : data
    num $ variable = 0
_ : start
    proc . 0 , testprocedure
        halt . proc , 364
    call . 0 , testprocedure
    stor . psx , variable
    mov . tlr , variable
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    retn . 0 , 1

push and pop instruction

  • Push and pop values to and from the stack, respectively.

Syntax for push

  • instruction - push
  • suffix - no suffix
  • operand - constant value or a value of a variable

Syntax for pop

  • instruction - pop
  • suffix - no suffix
  • operand - variable to pop the value to


_ : data
    num $ myvar2 = 0
_ : start
    push . 0 , 273

    ; change myvar2 to something dumb:
    stor . fdx , myvar2

    pop . 0 , myvar2

    mov . tlr , myvar2
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    retn . 0 , 0
  • TIP: If you just want to pop the value off the stack, and not store it anywhere, just do:
_ : start
    pop . 0 , %nl

zero instruction

Resets the register to an invalid value that cannot be used.


  • instruction - zero
  • suffix - register name
  • operand - no operand


_ : start
    zero . stl
    ; something ?

heap instruction

Move down and up the heap.


  • instruction - heap
  • suffix - no suffix
  • operand - number of addresses to move up to


_ : data
    num $ mynum = 0
_ : start
    heap . 0 , 3
    stor . hea , mynum
    mov . tlr , mynum
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

load instruction

  • Load data and store data from the heap and into the heap, respectively.


  • instruction - load
  • suffix - adr, ref
  • operand - literal value or a reference


_ : data
    decm $ testdecimal = 0.0
_ : start
    ; If the suffix of the LOAD instruction is `adr`,
    ; then we will update the value in the address heap pointer
    ; is pointing to - HOWEVER, if the suffix is `ref`, then we will 
    ; store the value in the address heap pointer is pointing to
    ; into some variable in `_:data`. 
    load . adr , 736.38 ; hea = something
    load . ref , testdecimal ; myvar = hea

    mov . tlr , testdecimal
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    retn . 0 , 0



Example #3

  • If we expand our code, and manually assign addresses before cleaning up the heap, we can do this:
_ : data
    decm $ testdecimal = 0.0
    decm $ testdecm2 = 0.0
_ : start
    load . adr , 736.38 ; hea = something
    load . ref , testdecimal ; myvar = hea

    mov . tlr , testdecimal
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    ; Allocate more space:
    heap . 0 , 1
    load . adr , 9821.38 ; hea = 63
    load . ref , testdecm2 ; myvar = hea
    mov . tlr , testdecm2
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    mov . hea , 0 ; manually access the first address
    load . ref , testdecm2 ; myvar = hea
    mov . tlr , testdecm2
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . hea , 1 ; manually access the second address
    load . ref , testdecm2 ; myvar = hea
    mov . tlr , testdecm2
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    heap . 0 , -1 ; let all the memory go to avoid getting the memory leak


  • NOTE: Procedures and variables you create in New-Assembly are not located in the stack and the heap of your program, so you have both the stack and the heap for yourself, which means that addresses in the heap start from 0 and go up by 1. You may ask, why is that - well New-Assembly mimics the assembly language and doesn't need to go by the rules set by the standards.


  • You can create labels inside _:start and then jump to them using the jmp instruction. General syntax is:
_ : start
    _ ! label_name

    ; somewhere
    jmp . 0 , label_name

Example #1

_ : start
    _ ! labelname
        mov . fdx , 4
        syscall . 0 , %ios
    jmp . 0 , labelname

Example #2

A little too complex example.

_ : start
    jmp . 0 , label2
    _ ! label
        mov . tlr , "label called"
        mov . fdx , 1
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        mov . fdx , 72
        jmp . 0 , label3
        ret . fdx
    _ ! label2
        mov . tlr , "label2 called"
        mov . fdx , 1
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , label
    _ ! label3
        mov . tlr , "label3 called"
        mov . fdx , 1
        syscall . 0 , %ios

    retn . 0 , 3873


label2 called
label called
label3 called
[newasm] PROGRAM THREAD @ System info: Program finished with exit code : 3873

cmp instruction and jmp variants

Compare values of registers with values stored in the operands.

cmp . fdx , 3 ; check if fdx is 3

According to the result cmp stores in its own "hidden" register, you can use the following variants of the jmp instruction in order to perform jumps to labels according to the value of the cpr (comparsion result register):

Instruction Processed if...
je comparsion returned equal.
jne comparsion returned not equal.
jl comparsion returned less.
jg comparsion returned greater.
jle comparsion returned less or equal.
jge comparsion returned greater or equal.


_ : start
    mov . tlr , 5.8
    cmp . tlr , 1
    je . 0 , equal
    ;jne . 0, notequal
    jl . 0 , less
    jg . 0 , greater
    ;jle . 0 , lesseq
    ;jge . 0 , greatereq

    ; We just want to check if they are either equal, less or greater.

    _ ! equal
        mov . tlr , "EQUAL"
        mov . fdx , 1
        mov . stl , %endl
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , endtheprogram

    _ ! notequal
        mov . tlr , "NOT EQUAL"
        mov . fdx , 1
        mov . stl , %endl
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , endtheprogram

    _ ! less
        mov . tlr , "LESS"
        mov . fdx , 1
        mov . stl , %endl
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , endtheprogram

    _ ! greater
        mov . tlr , "GREATER"
        mov . fdx , 1
        mov . stl , %endl
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , endtheprogram

    _ ! lesseq
        mov . tlr , "LESS OR EQUAL"
        mov . fdx , 1
        mov . stl , %endl
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , endtheprogram

    _ ! greatereq
        mov . tlr , "GREATER OR EQUAL"
        mov . fdx , 1
        mov . stl , %endl
        syscall . 0 , %ios
        jmp . 0 , endtheprogram

    _ ! endtheprogram
    retn . 0 , 0



Calculation instructions

There are 6 mathematical instructions you can use:

  • add - addition,
  • sub - subtraction,
  • mul - multiplication,
  • div - division,
  • exp - exponentiation,
  • log - logarithm.


All of these operations use cr0 and cr1 registers. The result is stored in cr0; so:

_ : start
    mov . cr0 , 3.0 ; can be either a float or a whole number
    mov . cr1 , 9 ; same

    add ; cr0 = cr0 + cr1
    sub ; cr0 = cr0 - cr1
    mul ; cr0 = cr0 * cr1
    div ; cr0 = cr0 / cr1
    exp ; cr0 = power(cr0,cr1)
    log ; cr0 = log_c1(cr0)

Bit operations

There are 6 bitwise operations you can use:

  • and - and,
  • or - or,
  • not - not,
  • xor - exclusive or,
  • shl - shift left,
  • shr - shift right.


All of these operations use br0 and br1 registers. The result is stored in br0; so:

_ : start
    mov . br0 , 1 ; must be a number
    mov . br1 , 1 ; same

    and ; br0 = br0 & br1
    or ; br0 = br0 | br1
    not ; br0 = ~br1
    xor ; br0 = br0 ^ br1
    shl ; br0 = br0 << br1
    shr ; br0 = br0 >> br1

inc and dec instructions

These instructions are used to increment or decrement register values. Since registers can be of various types, these 2 instructions perform differently.



Example #1

If you operate on a whole number or rational number register, then it may not be so interesting, it just increments it by 1.

inc.br0 ; br0++
dec.cr1 ; cr1--

If you are operating on a typeless register, these operations will check if the register is holding a whole number, and then apply changes to it. Namely, if you try to increment tlr while tlr is holding a string, you will get a data type mismatch exception.

However, what if you try to decrement a symbol reference, well - this gets interesting. For instance, if you tried to decrement the prp register (which is a reference to a last used procedure), you can't just decrement it by 1 since it is internally pointing to a pair in the procedure map, so the interpreter does the work for you and updates it to the pair before the pair prp is pointing at.


_ : data
    ref $ temporary = &%null
_ : start
    proc . 0 , procedure_1
        halt . proc , 0
    proc . 0 , procedure_2
        halt . proc , 0
    proc . 0 , procedure_3
        halt . proc , 0

    mov . prp , &procedure_1
    inc . prp

    stor . prp , temporary
    mov . tlr , temporary
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 6
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . prp , &procedure_3
    dec . prp

    stor . prp , temporary
    mov . tlr , temporary
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 6
    syscall . 0 , %ios



db instruction

  • A little instruction used to debug register values. Example:
_ : start
    ; ... some code
    db . tlr


[NewASM]   PROGRAM THREAD @ Debug | tlr = `"string"`


Procedures allow you to use the same piece of code without having to actually repeat it. General syntax is:

proc . 0 , procedure_name
    ; code

To call the procedure, use:

call . 0 , procedure_name
  • Here is an example:
_ : start
    proc . 0 , test
        halt . proc , 1
    call . 0 , test
    retn . 0 , 0

Basically, these are just functions, but in assembly.

Exit codes

When a fatal error happens, program will shut down, returning a specific exit code, below is a list of exit codes.

Exit code Description
0 No termination point (standard exit code if you have no ret or retn in your script).
1 Invalid section (for example, tried to enter a section named _:lol).
2 Attempted to call a procedure which does not exist.
3 Invalid non-numeric value was passed to retn.
4 sysreq failed, pretty self-explanatory.
5 Stack/heap collision; pretty self-explanatory.
6 Data overflow - tried to pop a value into unallocated address.
7 Data type mismatch.
8 Tried to redefine a label.
9 Bus error; tried to access an invalid label with jmp.
10 Invalid instruction; pretty self-explanatory, also happens if you use . or , (instruction parsing delimiters) in your rem comments.
11 Memory overflow.
12 Memory underflow.
13 Procedure redefinition.
14 Invalid memory access; tried to access an address using mov.hea,... that isn't allocated for the heap.
15 Invalid syntax.
16 Memory leak: neither retn, ret or heap were used at the end of the program while the hea register wasn't at 0.
17 Invalid configuration.
18 You tried to call a procedure within a procedure.
19 Unknown system call index (invalid value moved into fdx).
20 Tried to create a child process in a child process.
21 Tried to jump to a label in a child process.
22 Attempted to use an unassigned pointer/reference variable.
23 Tried to redefine a variable.
24 Tried to redefine a structure.
25 Unexpected closing brace.
26 Tried to access a structure that hasn't been declared.
27 Tried to access an undefined structure member.
28 Tried to create a struct inside a struct.
29 Expected closing brace.
30 Tried to create an empty procedure.
31 Tried to redefine a data structure.
32 Unexpected usage of the end instruction.
33 Tried to use an improperly loaded dynamic library instruction.


Comments are also available:

_ : start
    ; comment
    mov . fdx , 1
    mov . tlr , "hello" ; comment
    syscall . 0 , %ios ; comment again

Interesting examples

Below is a list of interesting examples of using the language.

Writing to a file, and printing its content

_ : start
    mov . fdx, 3
    mov . tlr, "filename"
    syscall . 0, %fs
    mov . stl, "TEXTeee"
    mov . fdx, 6
    syscall . 0, %fs
    mov . stl, 1
    mov . fdx, 8
    syscall . 0, %fs
    mov . stl, %endl
    mov . fdx, 1
    syscall . 0, %ios
    retn . 0 , 0



Creating a child process


_ : start
    mov .tlr, "child.nax" ; another nax file containing stuff such as config modifications, variables and procedures
    mov .fdx, 1
    syscall . 0 , %exf ; create a process and execute it

    mov . tlr , "Hi after the process" ; this line will be processed AFTER child.nax finishes executing
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    retn . 0 , 0


_ : data
    num $ mynum = 0
_ : start
    heap . 0 , 36
    stor . hea , mynum
    mov . tlr , mynum
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios ; prints heap size (36)
    heap . 0 , -36 ; free up memory we occupied for the sake of the example


Hi after the process

Notes regarding child processes

  1. You cannot create labels and jump to them in child processes.
  2. If you use ret or retn inside a child process, it will terminate the whole program with that exit code and not just the child process.
  3. Procedures and variables created inside the child process can be used in the parent process (in our case index.nax) after the child process finishes executing.

Unassigned pointers or references

    ref $ unassigned_pointer = &%null

This reference is left unassigned and an attempt to use it will result in an exception.


In this quite frankly low-level language, there are also structs! General syntax is:

    struct $ structure_name = {
        ; members
        data_type $ member_name = member_value


_ : data
    struct $ mystruct = {
        num $ lol = 98
        decm $ decimal = 2.3
        txt $ text = "hi from struct"
    struct $ mystruct2 = {
        num $ lol = 45
        decm $ decimal = 833.4
        txt $ text = "hi from struct again"
        ref $ reference = &prptest
_ : start
    mov . tlr , text @ mystruct
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . tlr , decimal @ mystruct
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . tlr , lol @ mystruct
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . tlr , text @ mystruct2
    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . tlr , decimal @ mystruct2
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . tlr , lol @ mystruct2
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . tlr , reference @ mystruct2
    mov . fdx , 6
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . stl , 45657

    stor . stl , lol @ mystruct2
    mov . tlr , lol @ mystruct2
    mov . fdx , 2
    mov . stl , %endl
    syscall . 0 , %ios

    mov . psx , "HIII243"

    stor . psx , text @ mystruct
    mov . tlr , text @ mystruct
    mov . fdx , 1
    mov . stl , %endl
    syscall . 0 , %ios


hi from struct
hi from struct again


  1. Currently, if you want to store a value into a struct member, only the stor instruction will work - note that instructions such as load and pop will not work regarding this.
  2. This syntax is a must:
struct $ name = { ; brace must be HERE
; and not here
    num $ number = 384

Project files

Project files (.newasm_proj file) are files that define information about your New-ASM project. General name format for them is:

<entry file name>.newasm_proj

For example, if my -input file is input.asm, project file for that would be input.asm.newasm_proj. This is basically an INI file.

Keys and values available

Key name Description
name Name for your project.
version Version of your project.
dlibs Dynamic libraries your project is using.

Example index.asm.newasm_proj file:

name = Unnamed project
version = 0.0.1
dlibs = testlib, sayhi

Dynamic libraries

Dynamic libraries (.newasm_dl file) are files that provide user-made instructions. For example, let's say this is a NewASM dynamic library you wrote:


mov . tlr , "hi from my dynamic library"
mov . fdx , 1
syscall . 0 , %ios

In your entry file - index.asm, you can do this:

_ : start
    mov . tlr , "some stuff"
    inc . prp ; bunch of operations
    ; more stuff...

    sayhi ; your very own custom instruction

This is literally a fancy way of making procedures, making them reusable across files, however there are limits:

  1. You cannot create labels.
  2. You thus cannot use jump instructions such as jmp, je, jne and more.

Runtime errors

If you make an error inside a dynamic library, you will get a runtime error while the library was getting implemented. Below is a list of runtime errors that may occur:

Runtime error code Description
1 Tried to create a label.
2 Tried to use an unsupported instruction.

Environment variables

Environment variables are typeless variables that are defined within the .newasm/env_vars.ini file. Let's take a look:


testenv = "hello from env var"


_ : start
    mov . tlr , * / testenv
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios
  • NOTE: You must use */ before the environment variable name so the program knows you are using an environment variable and not a standard variable, which means this wouldn't work:
_ : start
    mov . tlr , testenv
    mov . fdx , 1
    syscall . 0 , %ios

Containers and data structures

  • There are following data structures and containers available:
  1. Bit arrays
  2. Binary trees

Bit arrays

  • Arrays of bits. Internally, they are just integers, but you are provided syscalls to manipulate them as if they were really just arrays of bits, an example:


_ : data
    bit_arr $ testbitarr = 0
_ : start
    mov . cpt , &testbitarr
    mov . tlr , 2
    mov . stl , 1
    mov . fdx , 4
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip
    mov . tlr , 1
    mov . fdx , 5
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip
    mov . fdx , 2
    mov . stl , %endl
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    mov . tlr , 2
    mov . fdx , 5
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios


  • NOTE: To really understand what's going on, check out the list of available system calls.

Binary trees

  • Binary trees are specific arrays containing the parent nodes which have their right and their left child. Example:


    bin_tree $ testbintree = 0
    mov . cpt , &testbintree

    mov . tlr , 0
    mov . stl , 33
    mov . fdx , 7
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip
    mov . tlr , 0
    mov . fdx , 9
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip

    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    mov . tlr , 1
    mov . fdx , 9
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip

    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    mov . tlr , 2
    mov . fdx , 9
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip

    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios
    mov . tlr , 3
    mov . fdx , 9
    syscall . 0 , %cmanip

    mov . stl , %endl
    mov . fdx , 2
    syscall . 0 , %ios




πŸ’» β€’ NewASM is an interpreted language written in C++ that mimics assembly language, which somehow makes it a portable version of assembly.




