This is documenting a window.postMessage
communication mechanism
that is available in the Tool Consumers Canvas and Sakai, and is
used by many tool providers to improve the user experience of LTI
How it works: The Tool Provider (TP) is embedded in an Iframe inside
the Tool Consumer (TC). Using Javascript's window.postMessage
TP can send a message to the TC via the browser. This allows the
systems to communicate about practical UI things like the size the
Iframe should be, and various navigation conveniences.
In current usage messages are only sent from TP to TC, but the same mechanism can be used to send messages from TC to TP.
This message is sent to let the TC know the desired Iframe size of the TP. This is useful to get rid of double scrollbar situations.
There is no guarantee that the TC will honor the desired size. The TC is likely to have a max size it allows, or make other decisions it deems best.
The TP may want to debounce or throttle how many of these events it sends if the content tends to change height frequently.
subject: "lti.frameResize",
height: 100,
width: 300, // not currently in use
iframe_resize_id: "", // in lumen usage
element_id: "", // in sakai/tsugi usage
Height or width can also receive max
which means the TC should
try to set the Iframe to use all the available space in the window.
Some TPs have internal navigation that can be confused with the navigation available in the TC. This message lets the TC know it should hide its module navigation if it can.
This might not make sense in some TCs and "module navigation" may be ambiguous for some. The intent is to hide navigation UI items that might cause confusion. So it's up to the TC to decide what that means.
An example usage is a quiz tool that has buttons to go to the next and previous questions. Those buttons may easily be confused with the buttons to go to the next/previous module item in an LMS. So the TP may ask the LMS to hide its navigation buttons during the quiz, but send a message to show them again once the quiz is over.
subject: "lti.showModuleNavigation",
show: false
subject: "lti.showModuleNavigation",
show: true
If the TP has expanded the height of its Iframe and the user is scrolled down in the content and links to a new page, the default browser behavior is to keep the display scrolled down where it currently is instead of jumping to the top like the user expects when they click a link.
This message allows the TP to let the TC know to scroll up in those situations.
The TP may want to debounce or throttle how many of these events it sends.
subject: "lti.scrollToTop"
If the TC is OK hiding its navigation items, it may want to allow the TP to still control the TC's navigation a bit.
The TC can decide what locations it want to allow the TP to choose. The simple examples are for going to next/previous module items in an LMS.
subject: "lti.navigation",
location: "next"
location can be: previous
, next
, home
An Iframe can't prevent a user from navigating away in the outer window. In some cases, like while taking a quiz or editing some content, the TP can let the TC know to not let the user navigate away without seeing the provided message.
subject: "lti.setUnloadMessage",
message: "Please don't leave me"
Use in conjunction with lti.sentUnloadMessage
. When the TP
is done with it activity it should let the TC know to remove
the unload message.
subject: "lti.removeUnloadMessage'"
Screen readers have the ability to receive an alert from Javascript but they sometimes can't handle such an event happening within an Iframe. This message can be used to allow a TP to send a message to the screen reader via the TC.
subject: "lti.setUnloadMessage",
body: "Polite screen reader message"
Ask the TC to refresh the page. The intent is a re-launch of the LTI tool.
subject: "lti.pageRefresh"
With jquery selectors it could look something like:
window.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
try {
// IE 8 & 9 only support string data, so parse the string.
var message = JSON.parse(;
switch (message.subject) {
case 'lti.frameResize':
var height = message.height;
var $iframe = jQuery('#' + message.iframe_resize_id);
if ($iframe.length == 1 && $iframe.hasClass('resizable')) {
var height = message.height;
if (height <= 0) height = 1;
$iframe.css('height', height + 'px');
case 'lti.showModuleNavigation':
if( === true || === false){
case 'lti.scrollToTop':
scrollTop: $('.tool_content_wrapper').offset().top
}, 'fast');
case 'lti.setUnloadMessage':
case 'lti.removeUnloadMessage':
case 'lti.screenReaderAlert':
case 'lti.pageRefresh':
} catch(err) {
(console.error || console.log).call(console, 'invalid message received from');
var IframeHelper = {
inIframe: function(){
return self != top;
// get rid of double iframe scrollbars
setHeight: function () {
var default_height = $(document).height();
default_height = default_height > 500 ? default_height : 500;
// IE 8 & 9 only support string data, so send objects as string
subject: "lti.frameResize",
height: default_height
}), "*");
// get rid of lms module navigation
hideLMSNavigation: function () {
subject: "lti.showModuleNavigation",
show: false
}), "*");
// show lms module navigation
showLMSNavigation: function () {
subject: "lti.showModuleNavigation",
show: true
}), "*");
// tell the parent iframe to scroll to top
scrollParentToTop: function () {
subject: "lti.scrollToTop"
}), "*");
// tell the parent to reload
reloadParent: function () {
subject: "lti.pageRefresh"
}), "*");
module.exports = IframeHelper;
tsugi sends this as a launch paremeter:
ext_lti_element_id = tsugi_element_id_47195733i
and sends it up in the post message as element_id
lumen sends this as a query parameter to some non-lti tools:
iframe_resize_id = asdfasdf
and this is sent up in the post message as iframe_resize_id