The Bora marketplace DApp provides a direct connection between property developers and investors of any size.
Drastically diminishing the barriers of entry into the property market
Trusted developers or property owners may mint a fixed number of 'Property Tokens' to represent the real world value of a property. This is a one shot policy locked via the consumption of a eUTXO to ensure no additional tokens can ever enter the market. These Tokens may then be listed on the Bora marketplace and sold to investors.
Users categories
Bora Marketplace - Run by the BoraMarket smart contract
Property developer/owner - Trusted party that is given the permision to mint and list property tokens
Investor - Party that purchases property tokens
Bora Market currently receives a fee from:
Fixed fee for listing a Property
Fixed fee for the sale of any Property Tokens - This will ultimately be changed to a percentage
Disclaimer: This purely an MVP and proof of concept that has not been audited and is not to be used as production code. Fringe cases may well exist.
Clone the The Plutus repository:
git clone
check out the correct commit as specified in cabal.project:
git checkout 2f11c28bd8f6d630daab582255e16d8408075bd7
Enter a nix-shell inside the Plutus directory:
Clone this repository and navigate to its root:
git clone
You may need to update Cabal:
cabal update
Build the project:
cabal build
Run the executable:
cabal run PAB
Start the repl
cabal repl
Load Proprty Sale Test
:l PropertySaleTest
Run the trace
Ensure you have go installed and the executable is available
Ensure the DApp is running as per above
Open a new terminal and change directory to bora-finance-svc
Run the main executable:
go run main.go
Open a browser and navigate to localhost:9000
Within the browser you can interact with the Marketplace
- Automated monthly dividend payouts to all addresses holding relevant 'Property Tokens'
- NFT proof of ownership
- Property Price Oracle that references realworld property price data for secondary token market
A special thank you to Lars Brunjes as large amount of the Plutus code in this repository draws inspiration from and is heavely influenced by the Plutus Pioneer Program