A framework for building web apps with React Native compatible API.
在 [email protected] 的基础上编写.
Febs React Web 项目兼容react-native, 能够以react-native方式编写项目, 并且最终导出html/js方式. 基于reactjs, 构建单页/多页webapp.
npm install react-native-cli -g
npm install febs-react-web-cli -g
febs-react-web init <ProjectDir>
. -
febs-react-web start
that starts the web dev server -
febs-react-web bundle
that builds the output.( In Linux system maybe use
- Native events without direct pageX/pageY on web platform
if (Platform.OS == 'web') {
var touch = event.nativeEvent.changedTouches[0];
pageX = touch.pageX;
pageY = touch.pageY;
} else {
startX = event.nativeEvent.pageX;
startY = event.nativeEvent.pageY;
- Should run application on web platform
AppRegistry.registerComponent('app', () => app);
if(Platform.OS == 'web'){
var app = document.createElement('div');
AppRegistry.runApplication('app', {
rootTag: app
- Should care about fetch domain on web platform
import {
} from 'react-native'
Jsonp 只支持jsonp格式: callback({json}), 且只能是get方式. Fetch 使用XMLHttpRequest, 需处理跨域问题.
- Without some APIs like
on web platform
var LayoutAnimation = require('ReactLayoutAnimation')
if(Platform.OS !== 'web'){
- Should manually specify the height of ScrollView
<ScrollView style={{height: 235}} horizontal={true} />
- ActivityIndicatorIOS - ReactActivityIndicator
- ActivityIndicator - ReactActivityIndicator
- DatePickerIOS - ReactDatePicker TODO
- DrawerLayoutAndroid - ReactDrawerLayout
- Image - ReactImage
- ListView - ReactListView
- Modal - ReactModal
- Navigator - ReactNavigator
- PickerIOS ReactPicker
- ProgressViewIOS - ReactProgressView
- ScrollView - ReactScrollView
- SegmentedControlIOS - ReactSegmentedControl
- SliderIOS - ReactSlider
- Switch - ReactSwitch
- SwitchAndroid - ReactSwitch
- SwitchIOS - ReactSwitch
- RefreshControl - ReactRefreshControl
- TabBarIOS - ReactTabBar
- Text - ReactText
- TextInput - ReactTextInput
- ToastAndroid - ReactToast
- Touchable - ReactTouchable
- TouchableHighlight - ReactTouchableHighlight
- TouchableOpacity - ReactTouchableOpacity
- TouchableWithoutFeedback - ReactTouchableWithoutFeedback
- View - ReactView
- ViewPagerAndroid - ReactViewPager
- Alert - ReactAlert
- AlertIOS - ReactAlert
- Animated - ReactAnimated
- AppRegistry - ReactAppRegistry
- AsyncStorage - ReactAsyncStorage
- Dimensions - ReactDimensions
- Easing - ReactEasing
- InteractionManager - ReactInteractionManager
- LayoutAnimation - ReactLayoutAnimation
- PanResponder - ReactPanResponder
- PixelRatio - ReactPixelRatio
- StyleSheet - ReactStyleSheet
- ActivityIndicator
- ViewPagerAndroid
- add method: setPageWithoutAnimation
- WebView
- 对于跨站访问需对应服务器添加 meta http-equiv="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" content="*"; 或者添加至headers中
- goBack/等函数无效.
- Picker
- 增加一个isRenderSelect:bool属性, 表明是否按照web select方式渲染.
- Fetch
- 增加timeout选项.
- Navigator
- 增加 pushRouteToFront(route, cb) 方法, 允许添加一个route到顶层, 且不刷新页面, 添加完成后调用cb()
- 为导航方法如pop,push等添加一个cb参数, 当导航完成时调用.
- ScrollView
- 增加scrollTo动画.
- Platform
- add method: select
- window.requestAnimationFrame
- window.cancelAnimationFrame