Pull requests (for example to support more API endpoints, bug fixes) are welcome!
TheTVDB.com REST API wrapper written in Java using retrofit.
Last tested to work with API version: 3.0.0
Get via Gradle:
implementation 'com.uwetrottmann.thetvdb-java:thetvdb-java:2.2.0'
Or Maven:
Use like any other retrofit based service. Automatically gets a JSON web token so you only need to supply your API key. For example:
TheTvdb theTvdb = new TheTvdb(API_KEY);
try {
Response<SeriesResponse> response = theTvdb.series()
.series(83462, "en")
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
Series series = response.body().data;
System.out.println(series.seriesName + " is awesome!");
} catch (Exception e) {
// see execute() javadoc
This library ships Java 8 bytecode. This requires Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.x or newer.
You likely will not use every method in this library, so it is probably useful to strip unused ones with Proguard. Just apply the Proguard rules for retrofit.
Created by Uwe Trottmann.
See full list of contributors.
Except where noted otherwise, released into the public domain. Do not just copy, make it better.