Implements a wrapper around the node.js amqp module to provide more fluent and easy to use RabbitMQ support
Install via NPM
$ npm install easy-amqp
In amqp the example given to subscribe to a queue on the default topic exchange is:
var amqp = require('amqp');
var connection = amqp.createConnection({ host: '' });
// Wait for connection to become established.
connection.on('ready', function () {
// Use the default 'amq.topic' exchange
connection.queue('my-queue', function(q){
// Catch all messages
// Receive messages
q.subscribe(function (message) {
// Print messages to stdout
With easy-amq, the same code can be written as:
.subscribe(function(message) {
To create a connection use the createConnection method on the module similar to amqp
var easyamqp = require('easy-amqp');
// Connections using an amqp URI are supported
// Connections using options and implOptions like the amqp driver are supported
easyamqp.createConnection({ host: 'localhost', port: 5672, login: 'guest', password: 'guest', vhost: '/' }, { defaultExchangeName: "amq.topic" })
Create one or more exchanges on the connection object
.exchange('another-exchange', { type : 'fanout', durable : true }) // options from the amqp driver are supported
// You must call publish or subscribe after this for the exchange(s) to be created
Create one or more queues on the connection object
.queue('another-queue', { durable : true }); // options from the amqp driver are supported
// You must call subscribe after this for the queue(s) to be created
Calling bind will create a binding from the last referenced queue or exchange
.bind('my-exchange', '#'); // Create binding from my-queue to my-exchange
// You must call subscribe after this for the bindings to be created
Calling this method will subscribe to the last referenced queue
.bind('my-exchange', '#')
.subscribe(function(message, headers, deliveryInfo, rawMessage, queue) {
Calling this method will publish a message to the last referenced exchange
.publish('routing-key', 'message')
To run the tests use
$ make test