By Brightbit.
Make new developers like you.
Bin Setup aims to easily setup your Rails 4.2 app on a new machine. It also helps reset your app back to a clean state. It will reset redis, memcache and your postgres database.
Create a bin/setup (or script/setup) file in your Rails project. From the root of your project run:
echo 'bash -c "$(curl -sL"' > bin/setup
chmod +x bin/setup
Which should look something like this:
$ bin/setup
Installing libraries...
Flushing Memcache...
Flushing Redis...
Reloading the database...
All done!
10.477s total, 5.11s user, 1.28s system, 61% cpu
This will run bundle install
(and install bundler if it doesn't exist) and many other commands to bootstrap your app. Documentation is currently lacking so please browse the source to get an idea of what's going on.
Note: If you have any problems tail the log: tail -f log/setup.log
Note: Since Rails 3 uses a script
directory instead of bin
, you will need to run script/setup
instead of bin/setup
. You could create a bin
directory and pretend you're using Rails 4 if you'd like.
WITH_DEP=true bin/setup
KEEP_DB=true bin/setup
You'll probably want to make note of how to get started on your project. Here's a simple README to get started:
Welcome to the team
To get started run:
cd ~/Code
git clone # First time you'll need user/pass (then add it to keychain)
cd project_abc
heroku config -s # Set the variables in .env from here
rails s # And open http://localhost:3000
We are entertaining the idea of using something like heroku config -s > .env
. If you do let us know how it works out.
Bin setup assumes you are using:
- Mac OS X (Probably Mountain Lion+) (Debian/Ubuntu pull requests are welcomed)
- Homebrew for installing packages (e.g. postgres, redis, memcache)
- Bundler with binstubs at vendor/bundle/bin. It installs and runs bundle install (setting your binstubs up for you).
- Brewdler - It installs and runs brewdle.
in your$PATH
; See- Dotenv - It copies .env.example to .env and compares the two. Alerts devs if they are missing .env vars.
- Heroku - And that you have your apps named the same as the current directory with -staging, -qa and -production on then end (e.g. bin_setup-production). If you don't it should fail silently.
It also assumes you:
- Have more than 512MB of RAM (alluding to the next point)
- Don't mind auto running homebrew's lightweight configs of postgres, memcache and redis
- Have a Gemfile, Brewfile, .env.example and .envrc checked into your repo
- Don't have a .env file checked in
- Have a working db/seeds.rb that will be ran via
rake db:seed
- You like snickers.
- Document .env.example and how to set it up (gitignore, Dotenv)
- Add databases.rake override files (4.x) for resetting the DB while rails is running
- Add a .envrc to the project if one doesn't exist
- Add a .env.example to the project if one doesn't exist
- Make it happy with pow (it already is but I think you have to symlink .powenv to .env)
- Allow for customized Heroku app names
If you discover any bugs, feel free to create an issue on GitHub. Please add as much information as possible to help us fixing the possible bug. We also encourage you to help even more by forking and sending us a pull request.
- Eric Boehs (
MIT License. Copyright 2013 Brightbit.
You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of Brightbit.