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A modular redux middleware for using fetch

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Documentation
  3. Best Practices

Getting Started

  • Download redux-modular-fetch-middleware using npm i redux-modular-fetch-middleware or yarn add redux-modular-fetch-middleware
  • Apply the middleware using the redux-modular-fetch-middleware default export, like so...
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import fetchMiddleware from 'redux-modular-fetch-middleware';
  • Define a fetch object with a url property on the dispatch you want to call fetch
const actionCreatorMethod = () => ({
    fetch: {
        url: ''

That's it! A fetch object with a url property is all you need to call fetch on an action.

  • fetch The required object on a dispatch call to call fetch
  • url The url that will be called by fetch

You can define what the request method, body, and header look like. In fact, any options that you can define in fetch natively will be passed on just as if you were calling fetch yourself.

  • options Fetch options with properties like method, header, and body. By default, GET will be used as the request method
const setUserActionCreator = () => ({
    fetch: {
        options: {
            body: {
                user: {
                    name: 'First Last',
                    address: '123 Main St.' 
            method: 'POST'
        url: ''

If you're retrieving data, you can define what response method will be used to retrieve that data.

  • responseMethod The response method used to retrieve data. By default, json will be used as the response method if the header content-type is 'application/json'. Warning: If a responseMethod is provided and your fetch call returns a response that is not resolvable by the responseMethod provided, the Promise will be rejected.
const getProfilePicActionCreator = (userId) => ({
    fetch: {
        responseMethod: 'blob',
        url: `${userId}/profilePic`

Being able to call fetch without being able to access the data or error isn't very useful. Those options are provided through the properties shown below.

  • onFailure The function that will be called if the fetch request fails. Called with dispatch, getState, and error
  • onSuccess The function that will be called if the fetch request succeeds. Called with dispatch, getState, and data

You are also given the store's current getState and dispatch function to notify your reducers your request was successful or unsuccessful.

const getProfilePicActionCreator = (userId) => ({
    fetch: {
        onFailure: (dispatch, getState, error) => {
                error: error,
                type: GET_PROFILE_PIC_FAILURE
        onSuccess: (dispatch, getState, data) => {
                data: data,
                type: GET_PROFILE_PIC_SUCCESS
        responseMethod: 'blob',
        url: `${userId}/profilePic`

You can even define what fetch implementation you would like the middleware to use when applying the middleware.

import crossFetch from 'cross-fetch';
import fetchMiddleware from 'redux-modular-fetch-middleware';

This can be especially useful when wanting to set global options in your fetch request like header and credentials. By default, window.fetch will be used as the fetch implementation.


Required Object

  • fetch The required object on a dispatch call to call fetch

Required Properties on fetch Object

  • url The url that will be called by fetch

Optional Properties on fetch Object

  • onFailure The function that will be called if the fetch request fails. Called with dispatch, getState, and error
  • onSuccess The function that will be called if the fetch request succeeds. Called with dispatch, getState, and data
  • options Fetch options with properties like method, header, and body. By default, GET will be used as the request method
  • responseMethod The response method used to retrieve data. By default, json will be used as the response method if the header content-type is 'application/json'. Warning: If a responseMethod is provided and your fetch call returns a response that is not resolvable by the responseMethod provided, the Promise will be rejected.
    • 'arrayBuffer'
    • 'blob'
    • 'formData'
    • 'json'
    • 'text'

Fetch Implementation

The fetch implementation can be defined by passing it in as the parameter when applying the middleware. By default, window.fetch will be used as the fetch implementation.

Best Practices

Async Actions

Redux docs suggest using three actions for an asynchronous request: an action indicating your request began, an action indicating your request succeeded, and an action indicating your request failed. Below is an example of how to heed this suggestion using redux-modular-fetch-middleware.

const getUserActionCreator = (userId) => ({
    fetch: {
        onFailure: (dispatch, getState, error) => {
                error: error,
                type: GET_USER_FAILURE
        onSuccess: (dispatch, getState, data) => {
                data: data,
                type: GET_USER_SUCCESS
        url: `${userId}`