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Version 1.1.4
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- Fixed an issue with the one-sample and two-sample T-test. Previously, in the rare case where a protein was not detected in all samples in a certain group, any test comparisons involving that group would be erroneously discarded, which would cause an error when attempting to export the signed log-transformed p-values. Now, all test results are reported for all proteins: NAs are reported when a protein was excluded from a particular test. 
- Fixed an issue where exporting the RMarkdown report would fail when attempting to export the heatmap.
- Fixed an issue where a GCT file with only one cdesc column could not be imported correctly.
- Fixed some column descriptors in output GCT files.
- Updated various help text within the app.
  • Loading branch information
nmclark2 authored Mar 8, 2023
1 parent 9db26ec commit 1b155da
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 6 changed files with 60 additions and 38 deletions.
Binary file added description-column-headers.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions global.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ options(repos = BiocManager::repositories())
## set to FALSE if deployed to RStudio Connect
## version number
VER <- "1.1.3"
VER <- "1.1.4"
## maximal file size for upload
MAXSIZEMB <<- 1024
## list of strings indicating missing data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ calculate_fc <- function(tab, grp.vec, groups.comp, test,

## for one-sample and none, it is average, not FC
if(test %in% c("One-sample mod T", "none")){
colnames(group_fc) <- paste0('avg.raw.', colnames(group_fc))
colnames(group_fc) <- paste0('AveExpr.raw.', colnames(group_fc))
colnames(group_fc) <- paste0('logFC.raw.', colnames(group_fc))
Expand Down
79 changes: 46 additions & 33 deletions server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ shinyServer(

## PCA
pca.x='PC 1',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ shinyServer(
#updateCheckboxInput(session, 'export.pca.loadings', 'PCA loadings (xls)', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, '', 'Multiscatter', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, 'export.excel', 'Excel sheet', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, 'export.gct.file', 'GCT files: 1) original data and 2) signed log p-values', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, 'export.gct.file', 'GCT files: 1) normalized data and 2) signed log p-values', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, '', 'Correlation matrix', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, 'export.cb', 'Correlation boxplot', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
updateCheckboxInput(session, 'export.profile', 'Profile plot', value=!input$export.toggle.all)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ shinyServer(
#checkboxInput('export.pca.loadings', "PCA loadings (xls)", value = T),
checkboxInput('', 'Multiscatter',value=T),
checkboxInput('export.excel', 'Excel sheet',value=T),
checkboxInput('export.gct.file', 'GCT files: 1) original data and 2) signed log p-values',value=T),
checkboxInput('export.gct.file', 'GCT files: 1) normalized data and 2) signed log p-values',value=T),
checkboxInput('', 'Correlation matrix',value=T),
checkboxInput('export.cb', 'Correlation boxplot',value=T),
checkboxInput('export.profile', 'Profile plot',value=T),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1439,7 +1440,7 @@ shinyServer(
if(!input$grp.norm.check & "Group"%in%colnames(cdesc)){
cdesc$Group <- rep("None",dim(cdesc)[1])
global.param$cdesc.all <- global.param$cdesc.selection <- cdesc[rownames(cdesc)%in%grp.file$Column.Name,colSums(<nrow(cdesc)]
global.param$cdesc.all <- global.param$cdesc.selection <- cdesc[rownames(cdesc)%in%grp.file$Column.Name,colSums(<nrow(cdesc),drop=F]
cdesc <- global.param$cdesc.all

#if an annotation only appears once, throw an error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2608,6 +2609,8 @@ shinyServer(

## ids to show in heatmap
hm.rownames <- res[, 'id.concat']
## data for heatmap
hm.res <- res

## groups to compare
grp.comp <- unique( global.param$grp.comp )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2800,15 +2803,11 @@ shinyServer(
rmd <- paste(rmd, "
\n```{r heatmap, echo=F, fig.width=8, fig.height=8}
\nwithProgress(message='Exporting', detail='heatmap',{
\n# heatmap title
\nhm.title <- paste('filter:', global.param$filter.type, ' / cutoff:', global.param$filter.value, sep='')
\nhm.title <- paste(hm.title, '\nsig / total: ', nrow(res), ' / ', nrow( global.results$data$output ), sep='')
\n# column annotation
\n hm.cdesc <- global.input$cdesc[global.param$cdesc.selection, ]
\n} else {
\n hm.cdesc <- NULL
\n anno.col=global.param$anno.col
\n anno.col.color=global.param$anno.col.color
Expand All @@ -2817,9 +2816,9 @@ shinyServer(
\n anno.col.color=list(Group=global.param$grp.colors.legend)
\n plotHM(res=res, hm.rownames=hm.rownames, grp=global.param$grp, grp.col=global.param$grp.colors, grp.col.legend=global.param$grp.colors.legend, hm.clust=global.plotparam$hm.clust, hm.title=hm.title, hm.scale=global.plotparam$hm.scale , fontsize_row= global.plotparam$cexRow, fontsize_col= global.plotparam$cexCol, max.val=global.plotparam$hm.max.val, style=global.param$which.test, anno.col=anno.col, anno.col.color=anno.col.color, show.rownames=global.plotparam$, show.colnames=global.plotparam$
\n plotHM(res=hm.res, hm.rownames=hm.rownames, grp=global.param$grp, grp.col=global.param$grp.colors, grp.col.legend=global.param$grp.colors.legend, hm.clust=global.plotparam$hm.clust, hm.title=hm.title, hm.scale=global.plotparam$hm.scale , fontsize_row= global.plotparam$hm.cexRow, fontsize_col= global.plotparam$hm.cexCol, max.val=global.plotparam$hm.max.val, style=global.param$which.test, anno.col=anno.col, anno.col.color=anno.col.color, show.rownames=global.plotparam$, show.colnames=global.plotparam$
\n} else {
\n plotHM(res=res, hm.rownames=hm.rownames, grp=global.param$grp, grp.col=global.param$grp.colors, grp.col.legend=global.param$grp.colors.legend, hm.clust=global.plotparam$hm.clust, hm.title=hm.title, hm.scale=global.plotparam$hm.scale , fontsize_row= global.plotparam$cexRow, fontsize_col= global.plotparam$cexCol, style=global.param$which.test, anno.col=anno.col, anno.col.color=anno.col.color, show.rownames=global.plotparam$, show.colnames=global.plotparam$
\n plotHM(res=hm.res, hm.rownames=hm.rownames, grp=global.param$grp, grp.col=global.param$grp.colors, grp.col.legend=global.param$grp.colors.legend, hm.clust=global.plotparam$hm.clust, hm.title=hm.title, hm.scale=global.plotparam$hm.scale , fontsize_row= global.plotparam$hm.cexRow, fontsize_col= global.plotparam$hm.cexCol, style=global.param$which.test, anno.col=anno.col, anno.col.color=anno.col.color, show.rownames=global.plotparam$, show.colnames=global.plotparam$
\n}) # end withProgress
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3027,7 +3026,7 @@ shinyServer(
\n```{r boxplot, echo=F, warning=F, message=F, fig.width=10}
\nwithProgress(message="Exporting", detail="boxplots",{
\n tab <- data.frame(global.results$
\n tab <- data.frame(global.input$table)
\n} else{
\n tab <- data.frame(global.results$table.log)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3886,7 +3885,6 @@ shinyServer(
global.param.list <- reactiveValuesToList(global.param)

#save(rdesc, logp.colnames, logfc.colnames, file='debug.RData')

logp <- rdesc[, logp.colnames] %>% data.matrix
fc <- rdesc[, logfc.colnames ] %>% data.matrix

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4489,6 +4487,7 @@ shinyServer(
withProgress(message='Two-sample test', value=0, {

res.comb <- tab
## loop over groups
for(g in unique(groups.comp)){

Expand All @@ -4504,16 +4503,24 @@ shinyServer(
## the actual test
res.tmp <- modT.test.2class(, groups=groups.tmp, id.col=id.col, label=g , intensity=intensity)$output

if(count == 0){
res.comb <- res.tmp
} else {
## make sure the order is correct
if(nrow(res.tmp ) != nrow(res.comb)) stop( "number of rows don't match!\n" )
res.tmp <- res.tmp[rownames(res.comb), ]
##res.comb <- cbind(res.comb, res.tmp)
res.comb <- data.frame(res.comb, res.tmp, stringsAsFactors=F)
#previous code would incorrectly throw away a test result if a feature was missing
# if(count == 0){
# res.comb <- res.tmp
# } else {
# ## make sure the order is correct
# if(nrow(res.tmp ) != nrow(res.comb)) stop( "number of rows don't match!\n" )
# #res.tmp <- res.tmp[rownames(res.comb), ]
# ##res.comb <- cbind(res.comb, res.tmp)
# res.comb <- data.frame(res.comb, res.tmp, stringsAsFactors=F)
# }

#create data frame of expression values and test results
res.test <- res.tmp[, !colnames(res.tmp)%in%colnames(res.comb)]
res.comb <- merge(res.comb,res.test,by="row.names",all=T)
rownames(res.comb) <- res.comb[,1]
res.comb <- res.comb[,-1]

## progress bar
incProgress(count/length(unique(groups.comp)), detail=g)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4546,7 +4553,7 @@ shinyServer(
withProgress(message='One-sample T test', value=0, {


res.comb <- tab
## loop over groups
for(g in unique(groups.comp)){

Expand All @@ -4555,14 +4562,20 @@ shinyServer(
colnames([1] <- id.col

res.tmp <- modT.test(, id.col=id.col, plot=F, nastrings=NASTRINGS, label=g, na.rm=FALSE)$output

if(count == 0){
res.comb <- res.tmp
} else {
if(nrow(res.tmp ) != nrow(res.comb)) stop( "number of rows don't match!\n" )
res.tmp <- res.tmp[rownames(res.comb), ]
res.comb <- cbind(res.comb, res.tmp)
#previous code would incorrectly throw away a test result if a feature was missing
# if(count == 0){
# res.comb <- res.tmp
# } else {
# if(nrow(res.tmp ) != nrow(res.comb)) stop( "number of rows don't match!\n" )
# res.tmp <- res.tmp[rownames(res.comb), ]
# res.comb <- cbind(res.comb, res.tmp)
# }

#create data frame of expression values and test results
res.test <- res.tmp[, !colnames(res.tmp)%in%colnames(res.comb)]
res.comb <- merge(res.comb,res.test,by="row.names",all=T)
rownames(res.comb) <- res.comb[,1]
res.comb <- res.comb[,-1]

## update progress bar
Expand All @@ -4585,6 +4598,7 @@ shinyServer(
res.comb <- data.frame(, res.test, res.exprs, stringsAsFactors=F)
##res.comb <- res.comb[tab[, id.col], ]
res.comb <- res.comb[rownames(tab),]


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7073,7 +7087,6 @@ shinyServer(
plotHM(res=res, hm.rownames=hm.rownames,, grp.col=global.param$grp.colors, grp.col.legend=global.param$grp.colors.legend, hm.clust=input$hm.clust, hm.title=hm.title, hm.scale=input$hm.scale, cellwidth=cw, fontsize_row=input$cexRow, fontsize_col=input$cexCol, style=global.param$which.test, anno.col=anno.col, anno.col.color=anno.col.color, show.rownames=input$, show.colnames=input$,
height=min( dynamicHeightHM( nrow(global.results$filtered)), 1200 ),

Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/helptext.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ printHTML <- function(input, output, session, what, error=NULL, global.input=NUL
if(what == 'cl'){
txt <- '<h4><font color="red">What\'s new?</font></h4>
<font size=\"3\">
<b>v1.1.4 March 7, 2023</b>\
<li>Fixed an issue with the one-sample and two-sample T-test. Previously, in the rare case where a protein was not detected in all samples in a certain group, any test comparisons involving that group would be erroneously discarded, which would cause an error when attempting to export the signed log-transformed p-values. Now, all test results are reported for all proteins: NAs are reported when a protein was excluded from a particular test.
<li> Fixed an issue where exporting the RMarkdown report would fail when attempting to export the heatmap.
<li> Fixed an issue where a GCT file with only one cdesc column could not be imported correctly.
<li> Fixed some column descriptors in output GCT files.
<li> Updated various help text within the app.
<b>v1.1.3 February 8, 2023</b>\
<li>Occasionally, eBayes(trend=TRUE) fails for intensity-based data, particularly when the distribution of quantified features is not uniform across samples. In these cases, eBayes(trend=FALSE) is run instead, and a warning message is printed. We highly encourage users who encounter this warning to carefully examine their data, and re-perform statistical analysis as needed. Typically, setting a stricter missing value filter will fix the issue.
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/modT.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ modT.test <- function (d, output.prefix, id.col=NULL, data.col=NULL,
##colnames (mod.t)[1] <- id.col # retain id.col (if provided)
##rownames(mod.t) <- make.unique( as.character(mod.t[,1]), sep='_' )
rownames(mod.t) <- id

final.results <- mod.t
cat('\n-- modT.test exit --/n')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ moderated.t <- function (data, design=NULL, intensity=FALSE) {
m <- lmFit (data.matrix, method='robust')
##cat('here3 ')
#one-sample t-test is only run for ratio data
m <- eBayes (m, robust=TRUE)
m <- eBayes (m, trend=FALSE, robust=TRUE)
##at('here4 ')
sig <- topTable (m, number=nrow(data),'none')
##cat('here5 ')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/plots.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -741,9 +741,9 @@ makeBoxplotly <- function(tab, id.col, grp, grp.col, verbose=T, title='boxplot')

## plot
p <- plot_ly(tab, x=tab[, 1], type='box', name=colnames(tab)[1], marker = list(color = grp.col[1]), line=list( color=grp.col[1]), hoverinfo='name+x', hoverlabel=list(namelength=STRLENGTH) )
p <- plot_ly(tab, x=tab[, 1], type='box', name=colnames(tab)[1], color=list(color = grp.col[1]), marker = list(color = grp.col[1]), line=list( color=grp.col[1]), hoverinfo='name+x', hoverlabel=list(namelength=STRLENGTH) )
for(i in 2:ncol(tab))
p <- p %>% add_trace(x=tab[, i], name=colnames(tab)[i], marker=list(color = grp.col[i] ), line=list( color=grp.col[i]))
p <- p %>% add_trace(x=tab[, i], name=colnames(tab)[i], color=list(color = grp.col[i]), marker=list(color = grp.col[i] ), line=list( color=grp.col[i]))
p <- p %>% layout(showlegend = FALSE, title=title, yaxis=list(visible=T) )# %>% yaxis(visible=F)
Expand Down

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